We have books going back to 1910. Some publications may be used.

Classic Cars in Profile Vol.#1 Antique Classic & Contemporary Autos of the World presented in detailed Color drawings and photographs with expert descriptive text. Editor: Anthony Harding. Includes Profile Nos. 1-24

Classic Cars in Profile Vol.#1 Antique Classic & Contemporary Autos of the World presented in detailed Color drawings and photographs with expert descriptive text. Editor: Anthony Harding. Includes Profile Nos. 1-24

Manufacturer:  ford invicta delage bentley jaguar fiat
Partial list of Models Covered: 
Years:  1908 - 1964
ID:  36_ClassicProfi
Price: $39.95

Description: Classic Cars in Profile Vol.#1 Antique Classic & Contemporary Autos of the World presented in detailed Color drawings and photographs with expert descriptive text. Editor: Anthony Harding. Includes Profile Nos. 1-24