We have books going back to 1910. Some publications may be used.

Dodge Pickups 1939-1978 Photo Album comprehensive history beginning with the Job Rated trucks to the Lil' Red Express includes archival shots of interiors, exteriors, and components & many photos never seen outside of sales literature & ads by D. Bunn 105 illustrations

Dodge Pickups 1939-1978 Photo Album comprehensive history beginning with the Job Rated trucks to the Lil' Red Express includes archival shots of interiors, exteriors, and components & many photos never seen outside of sales literature & ads by D. Bunn 105 illustrations

Manufacturer:  Chrysler Dodge Mopar
Partial list of Models Covered:  Pickup Pick-up C D Series Club Crew Cab Ram Exner Hemi Fargo D 100 Dude Sport Sweptside power hemi A-Type Sweptline
Years:  1939 - 1978
ID:  59_10075
Price: $34.95

Description: Dodge Pickups 1939-1978 Photo Album comprehensive history beginning with the Job Rated trucks to the Lil' Red Express includes archival shots of interiors, exteriors, and components & many photos never seen outside of sales literature & ads by D. Bunn 105 illustrations