We have books going back to 1910. Some publications may be used.

The Hemi in the Barn; More Great Stories of Automotive Archaeolology by Tom Cotter Foreword by Jay Leno Avid collectors recall stories of their hunts or chance findings of old classics rediscovered. 125 color photos 126 pages

The Hemi in the Barn; More Great Stories of Automotive Archaeolology by Tom Cotter Foreword by Jay Leno Avid collectors recall stories of their hunts or chance findings of old classics rediscovered. 125 color photos 126 pages

Manufacturer:  general
Partial list of Models Covered:  hemi
Years:  1900 - 2010
ID:  60_144141AP
Price: $25.95

Description: The Hemi in the Barn; More Great Stories of Automotive Archaeolology by Tom Cotter Foreword by Jay Leno Avid collectors recall stories of their hunts or chance findings of old classics rediscovered. 125 color photos 126 pages