We have books going back to 1910. Some publications may be used.

78 Automobil Revue Cataolog Number 1978 annual publication Text in German & English. Photos & descriptions of all cars built in 1978

78 Automobil Revue Cataolog Number 1978 annual publication Text in German & English. Photos & descriptions of all cars built in 1978

Manufacturer:  Daimler Daihatsu Bristol Ferrari Alfa
Partial list of Models Covered:  Dacia Felber Fiat Ligier Lancia Maserati Lotus Monteverdi Panther Peugeot Pilcar Skoda Stutz
Years:  1978 - 1978
ID:  78_AutomRevue
Price: $29.95

Description: 78 Automobil Revue Cataolog Number 1978 annual publication Text in German & English. Photos & descriptions of all cars built in 1978