We have books going back to 1910. Some publications may be used.

The Mighty MG Magnettes of 33 The Cars, The Drivers, The Mystery by Graeme Cocks Detailed history of the MG K3 Supercharged and it's racing success. Hardback 462 pgs, hundreds of illustrations. Pub by Motoring Past Vintage Publishing 2014

The Mighty MG Magnettes of 33 The Cars, The Drivers, The Mystery by Graeme Cocks Detailed history of the MG K3 Supercharged and it's racing success. Hardback 462 pgs, hundreds of illustrations. Pub by Motoring Past Vintage Publishing 2014

Manufacturer:  MG
Partial list of Models Covered:  Magnette Magnette K3
Years:  1933 - 1933
ID:  9780987280800
Price: $110.00

Description: The Mighty MG Magnettes of 33 The Cars, The Drivers, The Mystery by Graeme Cocks Detailed history of the MG K3 Supercharged and it's racing success. Hardback 462 pgs, hundreds of illustrations. Pub by Motoring Past Vintage Publishing 2014