We have books going back to 1910. Some publications may be used.

placeholder cover image for Hershey Worlds Greatest Antique Car Event by R Taylor and J Constantine 160 page hard cover with many color photos detailing the many charms of one of America's premier antique car shows

Hershey Worlds Greatest Antique Car Event by R Taylor and J Constantine 160 page hard cover with many color photos detailing the many charms of one of America's premier antique car shows

Manufacturer:  Chevrolet Desenberg Oldsmobile Ford Cord
Partial list of Models Covered:  Alfa Romeo Lincoln Mercury Hudson Cadillac Packard Plymouth Stanley Austin Buick
Years:  1900 - 2005
ID:  97_Hershey
Price: $34.95

Description: Hershey Worlds Greatest Antique Car Event by R Taylor and J Constantine 160 page hard cover with many color photos detailing the many charms of one of America's premier antique car shows