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55 Shop Service Repair Manual supplement by Cadillac for 1955 to be used in conjuction with 54 manual: 107 pages (55_7133)
$19.95 |
55 shop service repair manual by Pontiac 404 pages for Cheiftain, Star Cheif, Safari (55_8231)
$56.95 |
55 air conditioning Service shop manual by Pontiac (55_AC)
$24.95 |
55 Pontiac Body service manual supplement by Fisher Body 90 pages (55_FB_Pont)
$29.95 |
55 hydramatic Service shop manual by Pontiac (55_hydramatic)
$29.95 |
55 Owners manual by Cadillac (55_81138 - Not a shop manual)
$32.95 |
55 Owners Manual by Pontiac (55_9174 - Not a shop manual)
$24.95 |
55 Clipper Owners Manual by Packard (55_Clipper_OM - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
Motor Year Book 1955 by Laurence Pomeroy an illustrated hard cover history compilation gathering model diagrams racing results and more (55_MotorYear)
$39.95 |
55 Senior Owners Manual by Packard "The New Packard" (55_Packard_OM - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
55 Convertible Top Owners Manual for Chevrolet Pontiac Oldsmobile GM (55_TOP - Not a shop manual)
$8.95 |
55 Cadillac Range Color Sales brochure for all models in 12 pages (55_CADSB)
$23.95 |
55 Pontiac All-New Strato-Streak V8 Color Sales Brochure - 12 pages (55_PontiacV8_CF)
$14.95 |
55 Range Sales Brochure by Pontiac (55_Pontiac_Bro)
$29.95 |
55 Pontiac Safari Wagon Sales Brochure (55_POSB)
$12.95 |
54-55 Shop Service Repair Manual by Cadillac over 400 pages (54_CADSM)
$46.95 |
55-56 Shop service repair manual 500 pgs by Packard (555_801297)
$64.95 |
55-56 Twin Ultramatic Transmission shop service repair 120 pages by Packard (55_801298)
$29.95 |
54-55 Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix W196 & Silver Arrows photo history by Karl Ludvigsen (54_10341)
$29.95 |
55-56 Master Parts and Illustrations manual for all models, 450 pgs by Packard (55_801311)
$54.95 |
53-55 NAA Owners Manual for Ford Tractor (53_NAAOM)
$16.95 |
53-56 Porsche Spyders Type 550 by Karl Ludvigsen The history of the early Porsche 550 Spyder racing automobiles 122 photos 125pages (545_10185)
$32.95 |
55-58 Chassis Parts and Illustrations guide 570 pgs by Studebaker also covers 57-8 Packard (56_800431)
$54.95 |
51-55 Mercedes Benz Motor Racing in Camera - A Photographic portrait of the Silver Arrows of the Fifties by Anthony Pritchard (53_196341AE)
$94.95 |
51-55 Cunningham, 100 page portfolio of articles about early American sports cars, compiled by Brooklands (53_A_CUN)
$39.95 |
55-60 600 601 700 701 800 801 900 901 1801 Shop Manual for Ford Tractor (55_FTSM)
$19.95 |
55-60 Shop Manual Supplement on Speedomatic Transmission for Ford Tractor (55_FTSMS)
$19.95 |
51-55 Cunningham Sports Cars American Racing Legends history of the Cunningham sports including Chrysler & Cadillac powered C2 - C6R incl Le Mans & US races 122 illustrations many never before published from Ludvigsen archive (53_10192)
$24.95 |
Ferrari by Mailander 386 hardbound pages 500 quality black & white photos detalied history of Ferrari 1950-1955 Karl Ludvigsen (58_1854432133)
$1,495.95 |
55-60 Parts & illustrations manual by Pontiac for all models. (58_27453)
$89.95 |
46-55 Cadillac Master Parts Manual by Cadillac over 1,000 pgs (49_27396_PL)
$99.95 |
46-55 Illustrated Wholesale Parts Manual by Cadillac 107 pgs (50_B42955GMP20M)
$49.95 |
46-55 Motor's Flat Rate & Parts Manual for all Domestic Cars & Trucks (50_Mtr_Lab4655)
$34.95 |
Porsche & Mille Miglia 1952-1957 by Andrea Curami 144 pages Hardcover many color & B&W illustrations (53_137693)
$79.95 |
Porsche Carrera and the early years Porsche Motorsport 832 pages by Sprenger & Heinrichs 500 illustrations of which 250 in color (47_31458A)
$389.95 |
55-70 Big Pontiacs A Source Book ed by Thomas Bonsall Scrapbook of historical aritcles, sales brochures, and reviews 144 pgs pub by MBI 1983 Source Book Series #18 (83_BigPontiacs)
$24.95 |
55-73 Targa Florio 20th Century Epic Race 400 page hardcover book by E. Heuvink (649783927458666)
$149.95 |
1955-1974 Glenn's Pontiac repair manual (Glenn_pontiac)
$44.95 |
55-74 High-Performance Pontiacs Information Book by John Smith 160 pages (65_SA96)
$49.95 |
Sporterfolge 640pg Porsche Racing Hardcover in Slipcase by Adriaensens (57_40154A)
$324.95 |
55-79 Cooling Pontiac V8's 55-79 How to Run Cool by J. Van Becay (67_Cool)
$29.95 |
55-79 How to Build Max Performance Pontiac V8s by J. Rotella incl 326 389 400 421 455 V-8 Tri-Power Ram Air Engines bottom end cooling oiling ignition carburetors porting exhaust & more 352 color photos 144 pgs (76_SA233_P)
$34.95 |
55-79 Pontiac MuscleCar Performance GTO Firebird super duty ram air by McCarthy (67_McCarthy)
$119.95 |
65-81 TVR the early years large heavy hardcover book 255 pages hardcover in slipcase by Filby (59780954572914)
$129.95 |
Bugatti Portfolio covering Type 57 - Type 251 models including 57C G S & SC Atalantic Atalante 59 Grand Prix 73C 101C 251 and more 156 pages 294 illustration (37_19954)
$21.95 |
55-79 How to Build Max Performance Pontiac V8s by J. Hand incl 326 389 400 421 455 V-8 Tri-Power Ram Air Engines bottom end cooling oiling ignition carburetors porting exhaust & more 180 photos 144 pgs (75_SA78)
$159.95 |
Massey Ferguson Tractor Shop Service Repair manual by I&T for Models MF65 MF85 MF88 MF Super 90 MF Super 90WR MF1100 MF1130 MF1150, MF1105 MF1135 MF1155 MF2775 MF2805 in 104 pages (90_MF_201)
$34.95 |
Foghieri on Ferrari 1947 to present by D. Buzzonetti 304 pages hardcover (809788879115650)
$89.95 |
1909-1955 Bugatti Portfolio incl types 10 13 Brescia 22 23 30 35A B C & T 37A 38 39 40 41 Royale 43A 44 46 49 50S & T 51A 53 54 55 57C G S & SC Atalantic Atalante 59 73C 101C 251 & more 480 pags 1000 photos (40_Bugati_Port)
$74.95 |
Porsche by A. Noakes Illustrated hardcover history covering the 356 550 911 917 936 956 964 997 & racing models (75_PorscheHist)
$24.95 |