Description |
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54 Humber hawk Workshop Manual, covers Mk III, IV & V (54_HumHawkSrv)
$56.95 |
56 Minx Workshop Manual includes Husky and Commer COB (56_MinxServc)
$49.95 |
Imp Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (67_Imp_Hayn)
$47.95 |
69 HILLMAN Commer / Perkins 4108D Shop - 1969. (69_COMMPERKDS)
$37.95 |
57 Series II Minx owners Manual by Hillman 75 pgs original (57_Minx_OM - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
58 Series III Minx owners Manual by Hillman 79 pgs original (58_Minx_OM - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
60 Sunbeam Minx Owners Manual Deluxe for Series VI by Sunbeam, 76 pages. (60_Series_VI_OM - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
Imp Owners Manual by Hillman (67_IMP_OM - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
49 Minx Mk III Parts Manual by Hillman covering Chassis 1900001 onwards (49_Minx_Parts)
$35.95 |
56 Minx Parts manual, covers chassis # A1600001 onwards (56_MinxParts)
$35.95 |
56 Rapier Parts manual by Sunbeam (56_RapierParts)
$44.95 |
53-55 Mark III Alpine Marks I & II Talbot 90 II & IIA Shop Service Repair Manual by Sunbeam (54_SUN90S)
$62.95 |
52 Minx Mark IV Owners Manual by Hillman (52_Minx_OM - Not a shop manual)
$59.95 |
53-55 Alpine Talbot 90 Parts incl. Mark 2, 2A, & 3 by Sunbeam (54_SUN90P)
$59.95 |
Hillman Minx Saloon & Convertible & Estate Car series 1, 2 & 3 Parts List Catalogue (59_Hill_PrtSp)
$34.95 |
Performance Tuning the Sunbeam Tiger by G. Chittenden Detailed mods incl induction clutch trans differential suspension camshaft carburetors special part numbers, torque specs, wiring diagram flat rate 100+ photos 140 pages (67_PERF_TIGER)
$34.95 |
54-57 Husky Parts List Commer COB Mark 1 by Hillman Rootes (58_HuskyParts)
$35.95 |
60 Minx, Husky, & Commer, Shop Service Repair Workshop Manual, by Hillman covers Series I, II, III & IIIa and Husky & Commer COB Series I & II (60_MinxServc)
$69.95 |
61-65 HillmanSuper Minx series 1-3 Shop Service Repair Manual by Autobooks (63_SuperMinxAB)
$34.95 |
64-68 Tiger 260 289 Shop Service Repair Manual 324 pages by Sunbeam (66_SUN160S)
$74.95 |
64-68 Tiger Parts Manual supplement by Sunbeam. Cover all parts different on Tiger from Alpine. For other parts use the Alpine parts manual we also offer. (66_SUN260P)
$36.95 |
63-68 An Exceptional Car Sunbeam Tiger by William Carroll (68_TIGEREXCEPT)
$179.95 |
63-69 Imp Singer Chamois Sunbeam & Commer Vans including Super Delux MkII Rally and Sport Workshop service repair Manual 80 pages by CJ Beddall-Smith (65_IMPpearson)
$29.95 |
63-69 Imp Singer Chamois Sunbeam & Commer Vans including Super Delux MkII Rally and Sport Workshop service repair Manual by Autopress (65_IMP_Svc)
$29.95 |
Hillman Minx Guide '7.5'x'5.' (subject matter) (57_Minx_Guide)
$19.95 |
HILLMAN Commer PB Van 1500 / 2500 Ser. Shop Service Repair Manual (68_COMMPBVANS)
$59.95 |
Tiger Alpine & Rapier a history of the sporting cars by Sunbeam and the Rootes group by Richard Langworth: 175 hardbound pages (65_SunbmLang)
$59.95 |
58 Husky Parts List Commer COB Series I by Hillman Rootes (59_HuskyParts)
$35.95 |
Arrow Service Manual; factory manual for all Arrow Gazelle Hunter Minx Vogue (65_ArrowServc)
$23.95 |
Sunbeam Alpine & Tiger 208 page complete history of the cars by G. Robson (53_136605AE)
$59.95 |
59-67 Alpine & Tiger Gold Portfolio, 180 pgs of articles about 60's Sunbeam sports cars, compiled by Brooklands (63_114115)
$49.95 |
SUNBEAM Talbot Pre -War Parts - 1938 (38_SUNPREWARP)
$44.95 |
56-65 Minx 1-5 & Hillman Husky Commer Cob Series 1-3 Workshop Manual by Autopress (59_Minx_Svc)
$34.95 |
59-68 Alpine Shop Manual: Series I-V by Sunbeam also used for Rapier & Tiger (65_SUNI_VS)
$69.95 |
67-76 Alpine & Rapier Coupe Shop Service Repair Manual for Sunbeam by haynes (71_0051)
$44.95 |
Sunbeam Alpine Essential Buyers Guide by C. Barker (59781845849252)
$24.95 |
59-68 Alpine Parts Manual: Series I-V by Sunbeam also used for Tiger (65_SUNI_VP)
$62.95 |
56-66 Sunbeam & Hillman all Models Repair & Tune up Manual by Chiltons (60_5497)
$29.95 |
55-65 Sunbeam Alpine & Rapier Shop Service Repair Manual by Autobooks also applicable to Tiger except for V8 engine (60_B_SUN55WE)
$34.95 |
Rootes Easidrive Automatic Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual Sunbeam Hillman (60_WSM125)
$29.95 |
Minx I II III IIIA IIIB Shop Service Repair Manual by Hillman (63_HILLMINXS)
$66.95 |
Alpine the Classic Sunbeam 256 hardcove pages by Chris McGovern covering the history and development of the Alpine sprotscar which spawned the Tiger (65_McGovern)
$69.95 |
66-77 Hillman Humber Singer Sunbeam Shop Service Repair Manual by Autobooks for Hunter GLS Vogue Rapier Rapier H120 Alpine GT Arrow (69_840_)
$19.95 |
Imp Shop Service Repair Manual by Hillman (67_HILLIMPS)
$47.95 |
63-76 Hillman Imp Sunbeam Singer Commer Essential Buyers Guide by T. Morgan (67_Impbuyer)
$19.95 |
Dream for Linwood Rootes Imp Factory built the Hillman & Sumbean in Scotland by R. Allen 106 pages (70_33000A)
$34.95 |
Imp Parts Manual by Hillman (67_HILLIMPP)
$77.95 |
How Rootes Marketed the Imp 54 page training manual for Hillman Salespeople (67_33013A)
$14.95 |
Sunbeam Hillman Imp Shop Service Repair Manual by Autobooks (67_Imp_Svc)
$29.95 |
Sceptre Shop Manual by Humber (74_HUMBERSCEPTS)
$62.95 |