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50 Owners Manual by Pontiac 64 pages (50_POOM - Not a shop manual)
$24.95 |
50 Cadillac Range Color Sales brochure for all models in 16 pages (50_Cad_Sales)
$39.95 |
46-50 Shop Manual by Packard; 448 pages (48_801294)
$49.95 |
49 A Style Fisher body service & constrruction manual covering Chevrolet Pontiac and small Oldsmobile 153 pages this covers cars to 1954 (49_FBA)
$19.95 |
Ferrari by Mailander 386 hardbound pages 500 quality black & white photos detalied history of Ferrari 1950-1955 Karl Ludvigsen (58_1854432133)
$1,495.95 |
48-54 Master Parts and Illustrations book for all Packard models 916 pgs (51_801309)
$74.95 |
Fifities American Cars by Mike Mueller General history with color pictures 96 pages pub by MBI 1994 (94_AmericanCars)
$24.95 |
46-55 Cadillac Master Parts Manual by Cadillac over 1,000 pgs (49_27396_PL)
$99.95 |
46-55 Illustrated Wholesale Parts Manual by Cadillac 107 pgs (50_B42955GMP20M)
$49.95 |
46-55 Motor's Flat Rate & Parts Manual for all Domestic Cars & Trucks (50_Mtr_Lab4655)
$34.95 |
46-56 Ferrari Road Cars portfolio of articles about earliest road-going Ferrari book compiled by Brooklands (519781588500847)
$29.95 |
46-56 The Motor Car by Michael Sedgwick (51_MotorCarSedg)
$19.95 |
47-57 Ferrari, portfolio of articles about earliest road-going Ferrari, 92 pgs, book compiled by Brooklands (52_A_FA47_X1)
$39.95 |
48-58 Performance Portfolio by Brooklands covers Cadillac Series 60 Special 61 62 70 Eldorado Brougham Convertible 128 pgs 200+ Photos (53_CAD4PP_HI)
$29.95 |
Fifties Fins Book looks back at the greates auto styling craze, features dozens of modern color photos depicting tail fins and the cars the adorn. 96 pages by Dennis David (55_133264AP)
$14.95 |
50-60 Liebe Zu Ihm Love or Porsche 220 pgs (57_196329AE)
$1,495.95 |
46-56 British Racing Green by Frostick & Klemantaski (B03_01410156818)
$59.95 |
49-60 electrical Thoro-Check Engine Diagnosis shop Manual by Cadillac (54_Cad_ThoroChe)
$19.95 |
World Sports Car Championship by C Posthumus Hardcover 194 pgs Includes Sebring Mille Miglia Le Mans & Nurburg until 1961 (55_SportsChamp)
$39.95 |
Long Straights and Hairpin Turns by M. Rudow history of racing in the Pacific Northwest of the United States volume 1 from 1950-1961 (56_PNW_Racing)
$129.95 |
Packard Motor Cars 46-58 1946-1958 Photo Archive Edited by Mark A Patrick 126 pages of 115 period photos (52_10043)
$39.95 |
46-58 Packard Gold Portfolio, 180 pages of articles about Packard, compiled by Brooklands (52_A_PAGP)
$59.95 |
Porsche & Mille Miglia 1952-1957 by Andrea Curami 144 pages Hardcover many color & B&W illustrations (53_137693)
$79.95 |
36-50 Parts Manual including illustrations and part numbers of all parts for all models by Pontiac (43_6682)
$84.95 |
Porsche Carrera and the early years Porsche Motorsport 832 pages by Sprenger & Heinrichs 500 illustrations of which 250 in color (47_31458A)
$389.95 |
49-64 Independent Hardtops 157 pages over 200 B&W photos featuring Packard Studebaker Hudson Nash Kaiser Frazer Willys by Don Narus (55_independent)
$39.95 |
Sports Prototype & Competition Cars compilation 50's 60's by Unique 94 pg Aston Martin DBR1 Brabham BT8 Ferrari 500 860 206 Dino BRM HWM Cooper Formula 2 Chaparral McLaren Alta Maserati A6GCS 2000 Genie Elva Bobsy Keift H.R.G. Gordini & more... (57_SprtPrototyp)
$192.95 |
50-65 GM Interchange parts manual for all General Motors car models 230 pages Chevrolet Pontiac Oldsmobile Buick Cadillac (575_100955C)
$59.95 |
48-64 Cadillac - The Tailfin Years by Robert J Headrick Jr (55_10303)
$49.95 |
48-64 Cadillac Photo Album 112 pgs by M. Patrick featuring Series 60 Special 61 62 70 Eldorado Brougham Convertible & more (56_10074)
$34.95 |
46-63 Pontiac Limited Edition Premier compilation articles compiled into portfolio book by Brooklands covering all models including Catalina Chieftain Bonneville Star Chief Super Chief Safari and more 160 pages (55_PN46X3)
$39.95 |
Carroll Shelby collection of favorite racing photos in 256 page hardcover book with Art Evans (60_CT650)
$34.95 |
35-53 Motor's 16th Shop Service Repair Manual Domestic American cars by Motors (44_3553)
$79.95 |
Cobra: the truth behind the Anglo American legend by AC & Shelby: 160 hardcover pages by R. Mills (60_H849)
$39.95 |
American Racing of the 50's & 60's by Burnside; oversized 320 pgs. open wheel & sportscar racing. (60_123548AE)
$39.95 |
Owners Handbook for AC Car: PVT models: 60 pgs. (40_PVT_AC_Hdbk - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
Sixteen Cylinder Motorcars: An Illustrated History by Roy A. Schneider 240 hardbound pages covers cars like Cadillac V16 Marmon & Peerless (40_SixteenCylin)
$159.95 |
42-62 The Packard by Nathaniel T Dawes - A definitive history of the Packard company, covering the years from the early WWII era until the company's demise (52_PackardDawes)
$59.95 |
49-69 Cadillac Convertibles by D. Narus including DeVille Eldorado Biarritz Series 62 130 pages (59_Caddy_Conv)
$29.95 |
BRM V16 How Britains auto maker built a Grand Prix car to beat the world hardcover by K. Ludvigsen (60_145113)
$34.95 |
Formula Junior by J. Blunsden 160 pages hardcover history book for Jr. including such makes as Lotus Ford Stanguellini Fiat Foglietti Halson Gemini Cooper Jr. Elva Lola and more... (60_JuniorFormul)
$89.95 |
More Bubblecars & Microcars Colour Family Album by AD Sparrow Incl Messerschmitt Tiger Velam Peel P50 Spatz Belcar Frisky Fuldamobil Nobel Bambino BMW 600 Goggomobil Scootacar & more (60_Z_BubbleMicr)
$39.95 |
Novi The Legendary Indianapolis Race Car. The Welch Years (41-60) Indy 500 by George Peters and Henri Greuter (50_Novi500)
$89.95 |
Parts Price List issued 1951 for every parts number from 3865 to PA-437350 with dealer cost and list price at the time. Issued by Packard (51_DP_03)
$39.95 |
Sporterfolge 640pg Porsche Racing Hardcover in Slipcase by Adriaensens (57_40154A)
$324.95 |
British Racing Green by A Pritchard 263pgs all about famous racing cars. (57_BritishRace)
$31.95 |
49-71 Abarth Gran Turismo da Corsa Racing GT's 280 pages by R. Donati in Italian language (59788879116596)
$79.95 |
Buriki Japanese Tin Toys From the Golden Age of the American Automobile the Yoku Tanaka Collection by J. Earle 96pgs with color photos of Classic 61 62 Windsor Roadmaster Champion Chieftain Bel Air Capri Thunderbird Belvedere Continental Medalist Citation and many other models (B99780300151572)
$19.95 |
39-62 How to Restore Ford Tractors by Tharran E Gaines - The ultimate guide to restoring and Rebuilding N Series and Later Tractors 1939-1962 (50_143340)
$29.95 |
27-50 Auto Racing Memories Stories & Pictures of Racing in the 1930s & 1940s by U Stair 166 page hard cover racing history with numerous photographs detailing the racing scene in Los Angles in the 30s & 40s (38_RacingStair)
$99.95 |