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40-80 Complete Book of Collectible Cars by R. Langworth, G. Robson & the Editors of Consumer Guide 383 hardbound pages (60_CollectibleC)
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40-80 Car Spotters Encyclopedia by the Editors of Consumer Guide (60_SpotterEncyc)
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The Untold Story of Detroit's Secret Concept Car Builder Creative Industries of Detroit by L. Dixon 192 pgs with over 400 b/w and color photos (70_CT544_P)
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Mighty Midgets & Special Sprites by J. Baggott 208 page hard cover with numerous photos detailing the development and successes of the Midget and Sprite from the British club racing to endurance events in Europe and the US (78_mightymidget)
$99.95 |
46-87 Illustrated Buyer's Guide for all models of Pontiac by John Gunnell (66_IllustBuyers)
$34.95 |
Drag Racing Legends by T. Sakkis 128 pages Short bios of 30 of the sport's greatest drivers (96_DragLegends)
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Foghieri on Ferrari 1947 to present by D. Buzzonetti 304 pages hardcover (809788879115650)
$89.95 |
40-84 Cadillac Identification Guide by E Lehwald history with numerous photographs (62_CadIdent)
$29.95 |
45-89 Pontiac history of the models since 1945 by Riachrd L Busenkell 235 pages hardcover (70_PontiacSince)
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35-80 Decades of Daring Midget Racing in the Rocky Mountains by B Hill 364 page oversized hard cover racing history including RMMRA CARC CMRA AAA & USAC (57_DecadesMidge)
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37-82 BMW Ultimate Drives Volume 1 by J. Walton 205 pages (65_Ult_Drive)
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Racing Milestones by Porsche 356 to 962 by H. Thoms 224 pages (70_0963172638)
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Time & Two Seats: 2,250 pages in two volumes in slip case The definitive work on all the FIA World Championship Races from 1953 through 1998 by Janos Wimpffen A rare & treasured collectors item Weighs 20 lbs (70_Winfren)
$945.95 |
Jaguar at LeMans: every race car & driver 1950-1995 208 hardcover pages by P. Park including C-type D-type XJR-5 XJR-9LM XJ220 and more. (725_H632)
$159.95 |
World Endurance Motorcylcle Racing, by Mark Wernham, 128 pages of Bol d'Or, Suzuka, etc. (73_120528AE)
$15.95 |
Honda the UK Story by E. Dymock history of Honda in England both cars and motorcycles through 1995 hardcover 112 page (94_ChryLabor)
$24.95 |
1945-1993 Cadillac by D Fetherson 128 page history book (69_CadillacFeth)
$19.95 |
50-98 Concise Encyclopedia of Formula One F1 by D Tremayne & M Hughes hardcover 256 pages (72_Formula1Ency)
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Giannini history by E. Altorio 370 pgs Hardcover (68_10218)
$399.95 |
Porsche by A. Noakes Illustrated hardcover history covering the 356 550 911 917 936 956 964 997 & racing models (75_PorscheHist)
$24.95 |
The Mazda RX-7: Mazda's Legendary Sports Car by Jack K Yamaguchi and John Dinkel Plus: Racing and winning-Le Mans and IMSA GTO Championship, 1991 (91_40065A)
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The Supercharged Mercedes large Hardcover History in 100 pages by Schrader & Demand covering all models including 28/95 38/250 SS SSK SSKL 380 380K 400 500 500 K 540K 600 600K 620 680 680K 710 710SS 770 770K W154 W165 and more... (30_Supercharged)
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No Excuses by Sheila Van Damm, on racign cars, 238 pages with illustrations about factory Rootes Sunbeam & Hillman Rally Driver. (45_NoExcusesSVD)
$124.95 |
Encyclopedia of American Cars 1930-1980 by Richard Langworth hardcover 672 pgs (55_AmCars_30_80)
$24.95 |
1930-80 50 Years of the American Automobile Design by Dick Nesbitt 64 hardbound pages (55_AmericanDsgn)
$14.95 |
Steve McQueen Full-Throttle Cool by D Zimmerman Art by Greg Scott Bioography of Steve McQueen in graphic novel form 87 pages (55_McQueen)
$19.95 |
30-80 Complete Book of Collectible Cars by R Langworth 383 page hard cover History (60_CollCarsLang)
$24.95 |
30-80 50 Years of American Automobile Design 1930-1980 by D Nesbitt oversized hard cover history with numerous photographs (65_50YRAutoDesi)
$14.95 |
37-87 Cadillac Fleetwood Seventy-Five Series Limousines Photo Archive 126 pages with color & B&W photos by Tom McPherson & Walter McCall (67_10339)
$32.95 |
48-97 Ferrari Monoposto Catalogue Raisonne Single Seaters hardcover (70MonopostRaiso)
$99.95 |
Dan Gurney's Eagle Racing Cars 208 pages Hardcover by J. Zimmerman (84_Camaro_OM)
$74.95 |
Nascar models 128 pages 150 photos of model race cars (76_133375)
$19.95 |
I Remember the Day James Dean Died by Albert Drake 189 pgs Hot rod short stores pub by White Ewe Press 1983 (83_JamesDean)
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Ferrari by Godfrey Eaton large hardcover 63 pages (56_FerrariEaton)
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Road and Racing History of Ferrari 1947-2000 136 hardcover pages by A. Curami. (99_N235X)
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1906-60 Classic Grand Prix Cars: The Glorious Prehistory of Formula 1 by K Ludvigsen Hardcover 248pgs with over 250 photographs (33_H634)
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Ferrari Road & Racing with excellent model by model coverage by Goodfellow with forward by Piero Ferrari 320 pages hardcover (75_FerrariGoodf)
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Mille Miglia 1957 the minor classes 208 pages hardcover by Dolcini (579788879115520)
$79.95 |
Antique & Classic Cars by J Wherry published by Motor Trend 128 page history covering Cord Mercedes Lincoln Packard & more (25_AntWherry)
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Of Men and Cars; John Christy. History of racing and speed record trials. 208 pgs ill published 1960 (30_OfMenAndCars)
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60 Sportscar Specials by B Rolofson 128 page racing history featuring Mercedes Lotus Panhard Saab & more (30_SportSpecial)
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26-86 Pontiac: The Complete History, Thomas E. Bonsall. Includes Tempest, GTO, Gran Prix, and Firebird models. 352 pg illust (52_5_0934780021)
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Phil Hill Yankee Champion by W.F.Nolan 280 pages from his childhood through his world championship drives for Ferrar Shelby Chaparral and more... (60_30412)
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30-90 Encyclopedia of American Cars by Auto Editors of Consumer Guide hardcover 816 pgs (60_EncyclAmCars)
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Cadillac Story The Postwar Years by Thomas Bonsall History & photos of the company following World War II trough 2004 180 photos 240 pages HARDCOVER (65_33298)
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Abarth il mito dello Scorpione dalle origini alla rinascita 255 page hardcover book compilation of all Abarth Road Test from Quattroroute magazine thru 2010 in Italian (70_10271)
$49.95 |
Automobile Connoisseur Volume 2 Edited by A. Harding with articles on Bristol Monteverdi Mercedes Delage Scuderia Lancia Sunbeam & more published 1970 (70_AutoConnois2)
$26.95 |
30-90 Complete Book of Collectible Cars by R Langworth 383 hard cover pages (70_CollCarsLang)
$19.95 |
Ferrari Granturismo Sport Prototipi Pininfarina 562 pages hardcover by Cornil Etienne in Italian (80_32634)
$129.95 |
Physics of NASCAR How to Make Steel Gas Rubber Equal Speed by D Leslie Pelecky 286 page hard cover history detailing the science behind NASCAR racing (78_NasPhy)
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