We have books going back to 1910. Some publications may be used.

We have 518 1911 AC Books & Manuals

Select AC Model: → 102122-Litre303000ME34135335537037042742845245251535557575966060006161626263656770707275880859096A.C.EAcadianAccoladeAceaceAcecaacecaAffinityAHAllanteAllegianceAllureAMTVAnthemAnthemAriaArrivaAspireAstoriaAstreATSAvantiAxisAztekBeaumontBLSBonnevilleBroughamCalaisCamelotCaribbeanCatalinaCateraCaymanCFCHChallengerChateauChieftainCimarronCitationCLCLClipperCMCNGCNG 28CoachCobraCobraColemanCompassConceptCornerstoneCovinaCruiserCSCSXCTCT4CT5CT6CTSCVCXD4005D4505DaybreakDelanoDeVilleDiplomatDMDreamDTSDynastyE10XEagleEchelonEightEJELEldoradoELREmblemEscaladeESEIEsquireEsteemEthosExecutiveExecutiveFF3500Facel IIFacel IIIFalcon 45FDMFieroFirebirdFireflyFleetwoodFleetwood BroughamFour WindsFreedomFrisonG3G4G5G6G8GeminiGrand AmGrand PrixGrandvilleGraniteGreyhoundGreyhoundGTOGUHeritageHK500 HurricaneILXInceptionInsigniaInspireIntegraIntrigueIslanderJ2000J3500J4J4500J7KnightL6L8La PalmaLaunchLaurentianLCLELegendLeMansLexaLRLTCLYRIQM2M3MagnaMagnitudeMarquisMatizMCMCMDMDXMHMid-LinerMiramarModel AModel BModel CModel DModel GModel HModel KModel LModel MModel SModel TMonarchMontanaMontclairMotorhomeMRMSMVMX2MX3NSXOdysseyOmniOptimaOutlawPalazzoParisiennePasadenaPathfinderPatricianPatriotPetitePhettPhoenixPinnaclePlatinumPowerProvostPursuitQuantumQwestRRBRDRDXReattaRevolutionRevolutionRiptideRizeRLRLRLXRMRSRSXRTRWSabre 5SafariSafariSanctuarySchool BusScopeSEISequenceSerranoSevilleShelbySiestaSignatureSilver StreakSixSixSLXSolsticeSRXStreet CarSTSSunbirdSunburstSunfireSunlinerSunraySunrunnerSuper 8Super EightSynergyT1000TD700TellaroTempestTerraProTiburonTJ5000TJ6500TJ7000TJ9000TLTLXTorpedoTorrentTraditionTramTranquilityTrans SportTransSportTributeTSXTuscanyTwelveTwo LitreTwo-LitreUUltramaticV16V63VegasVenetianVenturaVerandaVestaVibeVigorVisionVisionWaveWindsorWindsportWLWSX200X250X350XLRXT4XT5XT6XTSZDX

AC Year: 1911   Clear Year

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80 Years of Cadillac LaSalle History Book by Water M.P. McCall 447 hardbound pages Eighty Yrs Cadillac La Salle (80YearsLasalle) $64.95
Classic Cars Cadillac by LeRoi Smith & Tony Hossain Color photographs and detailed info of the Cadillacs of 1903-1983 (Cadillac_class) $49.95
Grand Prix the Cars the Drivers the Circuits Hardcover 224 pages Hodges Nye Roebuck (81_GrandPrix) $19.95
Series 850 950 1050 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 44 pages by Clymer for John Deere published in 1982 (82_JD_47) $34.95
Driving to Win by A Holbert 128 page racing history with tips & advice for the would be race car driver from father & son champions Bob & Al Holbert (50_DrivingWin) $19.95
Mack Bulldog of American Highways by Henry Rasmussen Photo book 128 pgs MBI 1987 (87_Bulldog) $59.95
International Harvester (Farmall) Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual by I&T for Models Cub 145 Lo Boy, Cub 184 Lo Boy, Cub 185 Lo Boy, Farmall Cub, 48 pages published in 1983 (83_IH_50) $34.95
Series 4030, 4230, 4430, 4630 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 112 pages by I&T for John Deere published in 1983 (83_JD_50) $29.95
Cadillac Picture History - Pictures by Stephen and Sydnie Michele Salmieri and Text by Owen Edwards (50_CadilSalmier) $39.95
Anatomy & Development of the Indy Car the Technical History & Evolution of Indy Cars & a Dissection of a Modern Race Car by T Sakkis 160 page history (53_IndyCar) $19.95
A History of the Worlds Classic Cars by Richard Hough and Michael Frostick (63_HistoryClass) $14.95
Master of Precision - Henry M Leland - A Biography of the creator of both the Cadillac and Lincoln cars, as written by his daughter-in-law Wilfred C Leland (66_MasterPrecis) $44.95
01-85 Great American Cars by J Wood 96 Color pgs of photos & descriptions. (43_3983) $9.95
Engine Power the How to Encyclopedia of High Performance Engine Building for Road & Track by M Schorr 82 page shop service repair manual for Chevy Ford Mopar Pontiac Buick & Olds (50_EnginePower) $19.95
Ford New Holland Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, by I&T for Models 5000, 5600, 6600, 6610, 6700, 6710, 7000, 7610, 7700, 7710, 176 pages published in 1985 (85_FO_42) $34.95
view cover of Ultimate Auto Album 504 pages by Tad Burness starting in 1900 thru 1985 Ultimate Auto Album 504 pages by Tad Burness starting in 1900 thru 1985 (40_139576) $49.95
02-85 Cadillac Toute Lhistoire by W Robinson history book with text in French (40_CadHistFr) $49.95
Japanese Automobile Industry Technology & Managment at Nissan & Toyota by M Cusumano 487 page history detailing the rise of Japans foremost auto manufacturers (60_JapanInd) $29.95
The American Automobile Industry by John B Rae (85_AmAutoIndust) $9.95
The Ultimate Racers by Alan Cathcart Pictures and analysis of 44 classic racing motorcycles 240 pages pub by MBI in 1990 (90_UltimateRace) $39.95
Ford New Holland Shop Service Repair Manual, by I&T for Models 2310, 2600, 2610, 3600, 3610, 4100, (after 1974), 4110, 4600, 4610, (prior to 1984) 4600SU, 4600 SU, 4610SU, 4610 SU (prior to 1984), 99 pages published in 1986 (86_FO_41) $34.95
Models 3088, 3288, 3488 Hydra, 3688, International Harvester (Farmall) Shop Service Repair Manual, 104 pages by I&T published in 1986 (86_IH_54) $34.95
Models 234, 234 Hydro, 244, 254 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 56 pages by I&T for International Harvester, published in 1986 (86_IH_55) $34.95
Models MF670, MF690, MF698 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 72 pages by I&T for Massey Ferguson published in 1986 (86_MF_41) $34.95
Ferrarissima History Book vol4 127 pgs Hardbound w/color incl 328 GTB GTS Mondial 3.2 275 GTB 195 Inter Aurelio Lampredi Jody Scheckter F1 & Auto Avio Construzioni (67_Ferrarissim4) $79.95
Cadillac History thru 1986 Great Marques by Whyte & Blunsden 80 pages oversized hardcover (82_JagXJ6XJ12) $19.95
Race Car Graphics the Professional Touch by G Smith racing restoration manual (50_RaceGraphic) $24.95
Stalking the Motorsports Sponser by P Bentley racing guide to attaining sponsership (50_StalkSponser) $19.95
History of the Racing Vehicle by G Lurani 319pgs hardcover (87_racingcar) $19.95
Build to Win Composite Material Technology for Cars & Motorcycles by K Noakes 127 page Racing Shop Manual (50_BuildWin) $19.95
Models 6060, 6070, 6080 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 72 pages by Clymer for Allis Chalmers published in 1988 (88_AC_35) $34.95
Models 8010, 8030, 8050, 8070, Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 88 pages by Clymer for Allis Chalmers published in 1988 (88_AC_36) $34.95
Models 1190, 1290, 1390, 1490, 1690, 1194, 1294, 1394, 1494, 1594 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 112 pages by Clymer for Case & International published in 1988 (88_C_36) $34.95
Models MF230 MF235 MF240 MF245 MF250 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual 96 pages by I&T Massey Ferguson published in 1988 (88_MF_42) $34.95
At the Limit Twenty One Classic Cars That Shaped a Century of Motor Sport Racing by N Mason 176 page hard cover book featuring Panhard Ferrari Porsche Alfa Romeo Jaguar & more classic racing cars (44_LimitRacing) $49.95
view cover of Alfazioso by G. Salvetti Alfa Romeo Curiosities in both English & Italian 120 pages hardcover Alfazioso by G. Salvetti Alfa Romeo Curiosities in both English & Italian 120 pages hardcover (65_36756) $169.95
Cadillac - Americas Luxury Car by Robert C Ackerson (88_CadillacLuxu) $39.95
Models 2090, 2094, 2290, 2294, 2390, 2394, 2590, 2594, Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 120 pages by I&T for Case & International published in 1989 (89_C_37) $34.95
Models 2810, 2910, 3910 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 80 pages by I&T for Ford New Holland published in 1989 (89_FO_43) $34.95
Ford New Holland Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual by I&T for Models 1100 1110 1200 1210 1300 1310 1500 1510 1700 1900 2110, 120 pages published in 1989 (89_FO_44) $49.95
Shop Service Repair Manual for Models 6030, 3020, 4000, 4020, 4320, 4520, 4620, 3010, 3020, 4010, 4020, 5010, 5020, 224 pages for John Deere published in 1989 by I & T (89_JD_203) $34.95
Massey Ferguson Tractor Shop Service Repair manual by I&T for Models MF175, MF180, MF205, MF210, MF220, MF2675, MF2705, MF2745, MF2775, MF2805, 272 pages published in 1989 (89_MF_202) $34.95
Models MF255, MF265, MF270, MF275, MF290 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 96 pages by I&T for Massey Ferguson published in 1989 for MF 255, MF 265, MF 270, MF 275, MF 290 (89_MF_43) $34.95
Classic Racing Cars Grand Prix & Indy by D Hodges 78 page hard cover with numerous photographs featuring such makes as Ferrari Honda Ford BMW Renault Lotus and more (50_ClassRac) $14.95
Monte Carlo Rally the Worlds Greatest Motor Competitions by G Robson 200 hard cover racing history (50_MonteCarRob) $39.95
Secrets of Solo Racing Expert Techniques for Autocross & Time Trials by H Watts 173 page performance guide with chapters on Driving Basics Turns & Shifting Preparing & Modifying Cars & more (50_SoloRacing) $14.95
A Technical History of the Motor Car by Newcomb and Spurr (89_TechnicalHis) $99.95
Packards at Speed by Robert Neal 342 hardbound pages detailed history of Race cars Boats Airplanes using Packard engines many high quality B&W and color photos and illustrations this is a large incredible book (27_Packspeed) $199.95
The Racer's Complete Reference Guide, B. Landis, 5th edition source book for all racing equipment. 141 pg (45_0936834080) $19.95
Auto Service and Repair - A Book on the basics of Auto Repair applicable to all vehicles by Martin W Stockel (70_SotckelAutoS) $9.95
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