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30-65 Allure of the Automobile Labaco & Gross (48_39376)
$39.95 |
The Monaco Grand Prix, D. Hodges, Illustrated history from 1929 thru 1964. (56_Hodges)
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1899-1935 Packard Motor Car Company Pictorial History Book by Evan Ide 128 pg (28_37805)
$89.95 |
21-57 Aston Martin - The Story of a Sports Car - by Inman Hunter , F E Ellis and Dudley Coram (39_AstonMartinC)
$69.95 |
Speed was my Life by Alfred Neubauer - an Autobiography (50_SpeedLife)
$89.95 |
A Racing Car Driver's World by Rudolf Caracciola Autobiography translated from German by Sigrid Rock 232 pgs Pub by Farrar, Straus and Cudahy 1961 (61_Caracciola)
$29.95 |
20-58 Packard Brooklands Portfolio 123 articles incl Six Eight 8-33 Speedster Super Eight 120 Twelve Convertible Sedan Patrician Cavalier Constellation 400 Clipper Hawk & more 196 pages over 500 photos (39_199716AE)
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Alfa Romeo & Mille Miglia by A. Curami Hardcover 160 pages (57_Alfa_MilleMi)
$44.95 |
My Years With General Motors by ex CEO Alfred P Sloan (27_MYWGM_Sloan)
$19.95 |
Volume 39 Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly '30 Packard 745 '64 Comet Caliente Delahaye 135M Chrysler 300C Momo Mirage and more (B20_AQVol39Iss2)
$39.95 |
1892-1932 Golden Wheels: The Story of the Automobiles Made in Cleveland and Northeastern Ohio (15_GoldenWheels)
$59.95 |
Vintage & Historic Indianapolis Race Cars by Dan Owen Enthusiasts Color Series 96 pages (20_Indianapolis)
$49.95 |
The Age Of Cars by Mike Twite (20_TheAgeOfCars)
$29.95 |
Karl Maybach His Engines and Automobiles by Harry Nieman 288 pages Hardcover (30_33881A)
$799.95 |
Hemmings book of Cadillac: 120 pages By Terry Ehrich (49_130770AE)
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AC Two-Litre Saloons & Buckland Sportscars: 128 pages by Leo Archibald (50_135480)
$59.95 |
Alfa Romeo Monza 8C 221130 Autobiography by M. Wash 320 pages hardcover (50_181013)
$89.95 |
BRM: portfolio of articles about BRM racing cars and races compiled into book form (50_BRMPortfolio)
$24.95 |
How to Build a Racing Car 86 pages by Floyd Clymer & Domark (50_Domarkrace)
$24.95 |
For Gold & Glory Charlie Wiggins and the African American Racing Car Circuit 212 pages many period B&W photos interesting racing story from 1920's to late 1930's (50_Goldglory)
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Automobile Racing by Ray Kuns (85_36240A)
$59.95 |
Morandi OM & the first of the Mille Miglia by C. De Agostini & F. Rossi 120 pages hardcover with 129 photos in ITALIAN language about Giuseppe Morandi and the company OM and its racing (90_C9009_)
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Carrozzeria Touring Superleggera 2 volume set limited ed of only 999 over 750 pages and over 1,300 pictures 2016 edition by Carlo Felice Bianchi Anderloni incl Alfa Romeo Isotta Fraschini Lancia Fiat Ansaldo Citroen O.M. Bianchi BMW Stiegler Auto Avio Bristol Frazer-Nash Ferrari Pegaso Aston Martin Maserati O.S.C.A Lagonda Sunbeam Hillman & more (59788888269498)
$449.95 |
Volume 39 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Terraplane Goodwood 1916 Dodge Trident Ol Yellar and more (B20_AQVol39Iss1)
$29.95 |
06-51 - Power and Glory - The History of Grand Prix Motor Racing by William Court (29_GrandPrixRac)
$89.95 |
Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 4 (50_MotorScrap4)
$9.95 |
Starting Grid to Chequered Flag by P Frere 296 page racing history autobiography of the famous Formula One driver & jouranlist (50_StartingGrid)
$29.95 |
Rolling Sculpture - A Designer and his work by Gordon M Buehrig with William S Jackson (75_RollingSculp)
$69.95 |
Vanwall - The story of Tony Vanwall and his racing cars by Denis Jenkinson and Cyril Posthumus (75_vanwall)
$89.95 |
1909-1955 Bugatti Portfolio incl types 10 13 Brescia 22 23 30 35A B C & T 37A 38 39 40 41 Royale 43A 44 46 49 50S & T 51A 53 54 55 57C G S & SC Atalantic Atalante 59 73C 101C 251 & more 480 pags 1000 photos (40_Bugati_Port)
$74.95 |
Life at the Limit by Graham Hill 269 page racing history autobiography penned by the award winning motor racing world champion (52_GrahamHill)
$39.95 |
Roaring Races the true story of Enzo Ferrari race car driver by G. Schmidt (40_8876720065)
$29.95 |
The Hemmings Motor News Book of Pontiacs. A thorough examination of 17 of the great models that made Pontiac famous. 144 pages (45_A770)
$39.95 |
The Coachbuilt Packard by Hugo Pfau 224 pgs Detailed history of the era of custom design bodies from the Packard perspective. (30_CoachPackard)
$69.95 |
Motor Racing with Mercedes Benz by G Monkhouse 191 page hard cover history (30_MBRacing)
$49.95 |
04-53 Auto Racing Old & New by H Lozier 144 page racing history covering the vanderbilt cup french grand prix targa floria indianapolis races & more (25_RacingLozier)
$29.95 |
Saga of the Roaring Road a Story of Early Auto Racing in America 189 page racing history (25_SagaWagner)
$69.95 |
Giannini history by E. Altorio 370 pgs Hardcover (68_10218)
$399.95 |
Mercedes & Benz at Indy by Wingrad: Scholarly work, only 500 printed (25_MB_Indy)
$149.95 |
1903-1953 A Pictoral History of the Automobile - As seen in Motor Magazine - by Philip Van Doren Stern (28_PictoralHist)
$29.95 |
The Supercharged Mercedes large Hardcover History in 100 pages by Schrader & Demand covering all models including 28/95 38/250 SS SSK SSKL 380 380K 400 500 500 K 540K 600 600K 620 680 680K 710 710SS 770 770K W154 W165 and more... (30_Supercharged)
$39.95 |
The Definitive Development History of Coventry Climax Racing Engines; 192 pages by D. Hammill (45_136213AE)
$34.95 |
No Excuses by Sheila Van Damm, on racign cars, 238 pages with illustrations about factory Rootes Sunbeam & Hillman Rally Driver. (45_NoExcusesSVD)
$124.95 |
Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 7 (50_MotorScrap7)
$9.95 |
26-76 Pontiacs First 50 Years - Consists of a series of 50 automotive advertisements, one per page printed on heavy stock detailing Pontiac automobiles from 1926 to 1976 (51_Pontiac50Yea)
$105.95 |
Encyclopedia of American Cars 1930-1980 by Richard Langworth hardcover 672 pgs (55_AmCars_30_80)
$24.95 |
1930-80 50 Years of the American Automobile Design by Dick Nesbitt 64 hardbound pages (55_AmericanDsgn)
$14.95 |
Steve McQueen Full-Throttle Cool by D Zimmerman Art by Greg Scott Bioography of Steve McQueen in graphic novel form 87 pages (55_McQueen)
$19.95 |
They Call Me Mister 500 by Anthony Granatelli, hardcover and 341 pages. History of Car Racing (55_Mister500)
$36.95 |
30-80 Complete Book of Collectible Cars by R Langworth 383 page hard cover History (60_CollCarsLang)
$24.95 |