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62-69 AC Cobra 428 Fastback Portfolio book 100 pgs of road test articles compiled by Brooklands (66_acport)
$24.95 |
62-69 AC Cobra Gold Portfolio book 176 pgs of road test articles compiled by Brooklands (66_A_COBGP)
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Carlos Lepro's Giulia the First Winning GTA by B. Martinez 280 pages Hardcover about the famous Alfa Romeo Racing coupe by Bertone & Autodelta (67_36562)
$219.95 |
65-72 parts & Illustrations manual by Pontiac: 2,000 pages covering all GTO Tempest Bonneville Grand Prix Firebird & more... (70_132)
$259.95 |
61-69 Domestic Cars Shop Service Repair Manual by Chilton includes Volkswagen (645_Chilt_Svc)
$39.95 |
64-72 Pontiac GTO Restoration Guide by Paul Zazarine & Chuck Roberts 544 Pages (68_120627AP)
$44.95 |
64-72 How to Swap LS Engines into GM A-Bodies Chevelle Malibu ElCamino GTO Tempest LeMans Skylark GS350 GS400 GSX Cutlass Supreme 442 & more by J. Bryant 144pgs with over 400 color photos (68_SA383_P)
$32.95 |
64-72 Pontiac GTO Original Restorers guide to authenticity hardbound by T. DeMauro 128 pages (69_133384AP)
$99.95 |
Ferrari 250GT SWB Autobiogrpahy of #2119GT by Nye 320 pages hardcover (609781907085239)
$119.95 |
The Complete Story of AC Cobra: 208 pgs by B. Laban (64_124143AE)
$24.95 |
Lotus 49 The Story of a Legend 256 pages by Michael Oliver (65_1901295516)
$89.95 |
62-70 Ford Total Performance - The Road to World Racing Domination by Alex Gabbard (66_HP1327)
$49.95 |
Shelby Cobras & Mustangs: A Source Book by R Ackerson 143 illustrated pages (66_ShelbySource)
$59.95 |
Boxer The Ferrari flat 12 racing & GT cars by J Thompson Hardcover 184pgs (68_Boxer)
$59.95 |
Hust Shifter Sales Catalog (98_813708108A)
$17.95 |
64-72 Pontiac Tempest GTO LeMans Body Trim & Glass Manual Interchange Parts Buyers Guide complete reference guide to all the interchangeable exterior & interior parts, covers all body styles. by John R. Miller (68_SPGT158)
$49.95 |
64-72 Pontiac Muscle Cars Used parts Buyers Guide engine drive train & suspension Interchange Parts Manual includes casting numbers Inspection Tips, & Interchangeable Parts covers GTO LeMans Tempest Grand Prix Firebird Trans Am Catalina 2+2 by John Miller (68_SPPO172)
$39.95 |
Pontiacs of the 60's Performance Tuning for the Restorer Book (60sPontiac_Perf)
$74.95 |
1960-69 Automatic Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by MOTOR'S (645_AutoTranMtr)
$39.95 |
Guide to GM Muscle Cars, 1964-1973 Chevrolet, Buick, Pontiac and Oldsmobile muscle cars 193 page history by HPBooks (64_5)
$19.95 |
60-69 Cadillac Databook & Price Guide Shop Service Reapir Manual by Motorbooks (65_CadData)
$39.95 |
64-70 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford for 2000 3000 4000 & 5000 (70_fordtractor)
$49.95 |
Porsche 718 + 804 An Adventure into Formula One During the 1.5 Litre Era 240 pages hardcover by Fodisch Nesshover Behrndt & Rossbach (61_38638)
$69.95 |
Ferrari 250 GTO Definitive History of a Legend by A Pritchard 432 pages hardcover (63_192421)
$299.95 |
60-69 Sports Cars in Camera by P. Parker 240 pages hardcover (645_146012)
$54.95 |
Le Mans 1960-69 The Official History of the World's Greatest Motor Race 352 pages hardcover by Spurring (65_181054)
$69.95 |
60's Cadillacs of the Sixties 240 pages history by R. Schneider about Cadillac including Eldorado Sedan DeVille Fleetwood Coupe DeVille and more.... (65_30321B)
$229.95 |
Automobiles of the 60s by the Auto Editors of Consumers Guide (65_AutoOfThe60s)
$24.95 |
60-69 Cadillac Automobiles portfolio of articles in book form by Brooklands; 100 pages (65_A_CAD60)
$64.95 |
Drag Boats of the 60's Photo Archive by D. Edwards B. McCown B. Silva (65_Drag_Boats)
$39.95 |
Great Cars of the Sixties by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide (65_GreatCarsOfS)
$9.95 |
Great American Automobiles of the 60's by Langworth & Flammang & the editors of Consumer Guide (65_Great_Am)
$49.95 |
Sixties American Cars Enthusiat Color Series 128 pages (65_sixties_Amer)
$29.95 |
Cars of the SIZZLING 60s A Decade of Great Rides & Good Vibrations, Full color and articles about Domestic and Imports by Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 416 hardbound pages (65_Sizzling60s)
$39.95 |
GT40 Production & Racing History with individual chassis records parts manual chassis number histories racing records and more in 240 pages hardcover by Legate (68_134288AE)
$129.95 |
Mark Donohue Technical Excellence at Speed by M. Argetsinger Foreword by R. Penske hardcover 344 pages (70_Donohue)
$39.95 |
The 1960's Supercars A Repair & Restoration Guide by Tony Hossain 214pgs (60sSuperCars)
$39.95 |
Muscle Car Brake Upgrades How to Design Select & Install by B Kimbrough 144 pages with over 300 color photographs (60_SA371)
$32.95 |
65-75 2000 3000 4000 5000 all purpose & LCG Owners Manual by Ford Tractor 139 pages (65_FTOM)
$16.95 |
65-75 2000 7000 Shop Manual for Ford Tractor (65_FTSM)
$19.95 |
1960's Glenn's Auto Troubleshooting Guide (65_Glenns_Troub)
$39.95 |
64-74 Pontiac GTO Recognition Guide: Authenticity and Identification Manual by Paul Zazarine 112 Pages (68_GTORecognit)
$139.95 |
GTO Record Album on CD by Ronny and the Daytona's (69_1132)
$19.95 |
64-74 GTO id numbers catalog: 121 pages crammed with detailed number identification information for Pontiac GTO (69_119695AE)
$89.95 |
64-74 Collector's Originality Guide to Pontiac GTO by T. DeMauro in 128 pages with 250 color photos (69_145845)
$49.95 |
THM400 GM Automatic Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by ATSG for THM 400 (69_TMH400_ATSG)
$32.95 |
65-75 Ford Tractor Parts Manual 2000-7000 3000 4000 5000 6000 in 800 pages (70_Frd_Trac_Prt)
$124.95 |
64-74 How to restore your Pontiac GTO with step by step restoration procedures dissasembly & much more in 176 pages many color photos by D. Keefe (B04_SA218_P)
$34.95 |
60-70 Total Performers Ford Drag Racing in the 1960s by C Morris includes stories of Galaxies Thunderbolts Comets Cougars Mustangs & more (55_CT554)
$39.95 |
Great Moments in Auto Racing, Irwin Stambler, illustrated, Classic stories from Indy, Formula 1, Nascar and Le Mans (62_TV_969)
$12.95 |