Description |
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82 T-1000 shop Service repair manual by Pontiac T1000 (82_1000Servic)
$24.95 |
82 Camaro Assembly Manual by Chevrolet (also applicable to Firebird) (82_CAFA)
$32.95 |
82 Cimarron Shop Service Repair Manual by Cadillac (82_CimarnServ)
$28.95 |
82 Deville & Brougham body wiring diagrams by Cadillac (82_DevBodWire)
$14.95 |
82 Deville & Brougham Diesel chassis and body wiring diagrams by Cadillac (82_DevBodWireD)
$14.95 |
82 Deville & Brougham (DFI) body wiring diagrams by Cadillac (82_DevDFIWire)
$14.95 |
82 Deville & Brougham (v6) body wiring diagrams by Cadillac (82_DevWireV6)
$14.95 |
82 Dealer album by Cadillac of Interior color trim fabric & color samples and features for all models including DeVille Seville & Eldorado (82_Dlr_Alb)
$79.95 |
82 Eldorado & Seville (V6) Chassis Electrical Wiring Diagrams by Cadillac (82_EldoSev6_Wir)
$14.95 |
82 Eldorado & Seville (Diesel) Chassis and Body Electrical Wiring Diagrams by Cadillac (82_EldoSevD_Wir)
$14.95 |
82 Eldorado Body Electrical Wiring Diagrams Manual by Cadillac (82_Eldo_Bod_Wir)
$14.95 |
82 Electrical information & diagnosis manual by Cadillac for all 1982 Eldorado DeVille Brougham & Seville (82_ETM)
$34.95 |
82 Dealer album by Cadillac of Exterior color trim fabric & color samples and features for all models including DeVille Seville & Eldorado (82_Ext_Dlr_Alb)
$59.95 |
82 Fisher Body Shop Service Manual for all Cadillac Buick Oldsmobile Pontiac & Chevrolet 1982 models (82_FshBodServ)
$24.95 |
82 Electronic fuel injection diagnosis (Product service training) by General Motors (82_FuelDiag)
$24.95 |
82 GM Electronic Fuel Injection Training Manual by GM Product Service Training 26 pgs 16009.00-2A (82_FuelInj)
$19.95 |
82 Phoenix & 6000 Service Shop repair Manual by Pontiac (82_FWD_Servc)
$36.95 |
82 J-2000 Service manual by Pontiac (82_J2000Serv)
$24.95 |
82 Grand Prix & Bonneville Service Shop Repair Manual by Pontiac (82_RWD_Svc)
$24.95 |
82 Firebird service shop repair manual by Pontiac (82_S8210F)
$54.95 |
82 Seville body wiring diagrams by Cadillac (82_SevBodWire)
$14.95 |
82 Shop Service Repair Manual by Cadillac (82_Svc)
$39.95 |
81-83 Service Bulletins bound in book form by Cadillac for all models including Deville Eldorado Alllante Fleetwood Brougham (82_Svc_Bull)
$39.95 |
82-92 GM J-Car Repair and tune-up guide by Chiltons, covers Skyhawk, Cimarron, Cavalier, Firenza and Pontiac 2000 (87_7059)
$8.95 |
THM 125 Principles of Operation Second Edition by Hydramatic & General Motors (78_125_P_O)
$19.95 |
80-84 Pontiac Phoenix & Oldsmobile Omega by Haynes (82_344_)
$8.95 |
125 125C Automatic Transmission Principles of operation & troubleshooting: by Hydramatic & General Motors (82_AT125C_POC)
$19.95 |
82-86 AC Delco GM Computer Command Control Systems & Driveability Manual by GM (84_SD211)
$14.95 |
125 Automatic Transaxle Service Training Principles of Operation for THM125 Hydramatic Transmission (80_125)
$19.95 |
80-85 Citation, Skylark, Phoenix, Omega; Chilton's Manual for Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick, & Oldsmobile (825_7049U)
$21.95 |
80-85 shop service repair manual Chevrolet Citation Buick Skylark Pontiac Phoenix Oldsmobile Omega by Haynes (82_38020_Ch)
$12.95 |
82-87 GM A Cars Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer - Covers the Buick Century , Chevrolet Celebrity , Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera and Pontiac 6000 (845_A259)
$24.95 |
Varajet II Service Manual by General Motors for model Carburetor Model #E2SE (81_VarajetSvc)
$24.95 |
82-87 Chevrolet Camaro SUPER Shop Service Repair Manual By Clymer (845_F_Super_Cly)
$49.95 |
82-88 Chevrolet Camaro & Pontiac Firebird Shop Service Repair Manual By Clymer (85_CLYMERGM)
$29.95 |
78-85 International S Series S1700 S1800 Electrical Wiring Diagrams Shop Service Manual for Regular Cab as well as Flat Back Cowl & Bus (815_IH_EWD)
$39.95 |
82-89 Chiltons Auto Repair Manual covering US and Canadian models (85_7834)
$44.95 |
77-85 Oldsmobile / GM 5.7L Diesel Traing Manual by GM Product Service Training 400 pgs 16015.00-1A (83_5.7Diesel)
$19.95 |
Factory Wiring and Electrical Manual for the 1988 International Truck and Tractor 2000 4000 7000 8000 series and flat back cowl bus and stripped chassis 1000 3000 series (88_InternatElec)
$39.95 |
74-83 Large format repair manual for Pontiac by Chiltons covering Grand Prix Grand Am LeMans GTO Phoenix & Ventura (78PO_28740)
$29.95 |
74-83 Pontiac Mid-Size shop Service repair Manual by Chilton (includes models like Grand AM, Grand Le Mans, Grand Prix, GTO, Le Mans, Phoenix, Ventura) (78_7346)
$29.95 |
Rear Mounted Power Takeoff TRL107 series Shop Service Repair Manual by Mack Trucks (82_MackPowerTak)
$19.95 |
78-87 GM General Motors G-Body Performance Upgrades by Hinds 144 pgs G Body Buick Chevrolet Oldsmobile Pontiac (83_SA246_P)
$34.95 |
THM 200 Principles of Operation First Edition by Hydramatic & General Motors (75_THM200)
$22.95 |
GM Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter C-4 System Service Training Manual (80_Catalytic_GM)
$19.95 |
82-92 Pontiac Firebird shop service repair manual by Haynes (87_79019)
$34.95 |
82-92 Pontiac Firebird Large Format shop service repair manual by Chilton (88PO_28602)
$29.95 |
76-87 Chevette also Pontiac T1000 repair manual by haynes (81_24024_Ch)
$34.95 |
76-87 Chevette Pontiac T1000, haynes repair manual (81_449U)
$16.95 |
82-93 A-Car: Celebrity, Century, Ciera & 6000 Haynes repair manual for Chevrolet, Pontiac, & Oldsmobile (84_829U)
$19.95 |