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The Salmson Story - by Chris Draper - The History of the Societe des Moteurs Salmson, the history of the Salmson car company and racing history (30_SalmsonStory)
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History of the World's Sports Cars by Richard Hough Illustrated 223 page hard cover covering first race cars thru 60's GP cars (30_SportH)
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Super Champions of Auto Racing, by Ross Olney (35_SuperChampsA)
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Amedee Gordini - A True Racing Legend by Roy Smith - The story a man and a racing team as well as a complete record of all their achievements and failures (50_196254AE)
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Redline 7100 - A Novel of Championship Racing by W E Butterworth (50_Redline7100)
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The Technique of Motor Racing book by Piero Taruffi foreword by Juan Manuel Fangio 125 pages (60_TechniqueRac)
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27-97 70 Jahre Nurburgring - 70 Years of Nurburgring by Jorg-Thomas Fodisch and Robert Ostrovsky in German (62_Nurburgring7)
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65-73 Targa Florio the Porsche Years compliation book portfolio by Brooklands 172 pages (69_TFMR65)
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50 Ans de Competitions Automobiles chronicles the first fifty years of Peugeot's racing involvement with many photos and illustrations in FRENCH by Paul Yvelin (70_AnsDeCompeti)
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Modern Classics - The Great Cars of the Postwar Era - by Rich Taylor (88_ModernClassi)
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Andretti by B Libby 184 page history of the world champion racing driver (76_AndrettiLibb)
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Runabouts and Roadsters - Collecting and Restoring Antique Classic and Special Interest Sports Cars by Bob Stubenrauch (30_RunaboutRoad)
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The World of Automobiles vol 3 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models BR thru CH including British Leyland BRM Racing Bugatti Buick Cadillac Chaparral Chenard & Walcker Chevrolet Chevron & more (40_WOA_V03)
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The World of Automobiles vol 15 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models PE through RA including Peugeot Plymouth Pontiac Porsche Piccard Pictet Oierce Arrow Piper Pope Railton and more (40_WOA_V15)
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Color Treasury of Formula 1 Cars with Introduction by Michael Gibson (70_ColorTreaF1)
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Excellence was expected 1688 page history of Porsche thru 2008 by K. Ludvigsen covering all manners of 911 917 914 Carrera Turbo 356 912 928 924 944 968 906 907 Cayenne and more.3-volume set incl 1854 photos & illustrations (70_GPEX)
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From Brands Hatch to Indianapolis by T Hamlyn 239 pages reviewing ten of the world's leading racing circuits with maps, "driver's eye view" photographs and much more (74_circuit)
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Volume 40 Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Chyrsler Plymouth Dodge Muscle Cars Miller Packard and more (B20_AQVol40Iss3)
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Power in Motion the Automotive Design Career of Bill Mitchell (40_BillMitch)
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The Big Book of Barris Colorful coffee table book which highlights his most innovative & original works. 156 Hardbound pages with many B&W & color photos (80_135113AP)
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Automotive Tuneup by W Crouse & D Anglin - An introduction to Automotive mechanics (385_AutoTuneup)
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The Upper Crust The Aristocrats of Automobiles by John Bolster 200 hardbound pages includes Panhard 1890-1902 Mercedes 03-06 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost 07-14 & Camargue Hispano-Suiza 20-28 Packard 32-39 and much more (40_Crust)
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American Automobile Racing - An Illustrated History by Albert R Bochroch (77_AmAutoRacing)
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Daytona USA by Willam Neely - The Official history of Daytona and Ormond Beach Racing from 1902 to todays NASCAR Super Speedways - published 1980 (50_DaytonaUSA)
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Don The Snake Prudhomme My Life Beyond the 1320 by D Prudhomme & E Scherr 192 pg (79_CT662)
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The Encyclopedia of the World's Classic Cars A technical directory of the most magnificent cars from 1900 to late 1970's by Graham Robson 248 pages Hadbound color photos (30_EncyClasCars)
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Indy Seventy-Five Years of Racing's Greatest Spectacle by Rich Taylor 280 hardbound pages (51_Indy75Years)
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Fit for the Chase - Cars and the Movies by Raymond Lee (69_FitForChase)
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Driving to Win by A Holbert 128 page racing history with tips & advice for the would be race car driver from father & son champions Bob & Al Holbert (50_DrivingWin)
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Generation Porsche Pictorial History 420 pages in English German & French (9783832790318)
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Cadillac Picture History - Pictures by Stephen and Sydnie Michele Salmieri and Text by Owen Edwards (50_CadilSalmier)
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Anatomy & Development of the Indy Car the Technical History & Evolution of Indy Cars & a Dissection of a Modern Race Car by T Sakkis 160 page history (53_IndyCar)
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A History of the Worlds Classic Cars by Richard Hough and Michael Frostick (63_HistoryClass)
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Engine Power the How to Encyclopedia of High Performance Engine Building for Road & Track by M Schorr 82 page shop service repair manual for Chevy Ford Mopar Pontiac Buick & Olds (50_EnginePower)
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02-85 Cadillac Toute Lhistoire by W Robinson history book with text in French (40_CadHistFr)
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Japanese Automobile Industry Technology & Managment at Nissan & Toyota by M Cusumano 487 page history detailing the rise of Japans foremost auto manufacturers (60_JapanInd)
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Ferrarissima History Book vol4 127 pgs Hardbound w/color incl 328 GTB GTS Mondial 3.2 275 GTB 195 Inter Aurelio Lampredi Jody Scheckter F1 & Auto Avio Construzioni (67_Ferrarissim4)
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Ultimate American Cars by C Cheetham 320 page hard cover history (75_UltimateAmer)
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Ultimate Performance Cars by C Cheetham 320 page hard cover history (75_UltimatePer)
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Excellence was expected 2.836 page history of Porsche thru 2019 by K. Ludvigsen covering all manners of 911 917 914 Carrera Turbo 356 912 928 924 944 968 906 907 918 Spyder Carrera GT Cayenne Panamera Macan GT3RS and more 4-volume set incl 2,912 photos & illustrations (80_GPXS)
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Race Car Graphics the Professional Touch by G Smith racing restoration manual (50_RaceGraphic)
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Build to Win Composite Material Technology for Cars & Motorcycles by K Noakes 127 page Racing Shop Manual (50_BuildWin)
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Models 6060, 6070, 6080 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 72 pages by Clymer for Allis Chalmers published in 1988 (88_AC_35)
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Models 8010, 8030, 8050, 8070, Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 88 pages by Clymer for Allis Chalmers published in 1988 (88_AC_36)
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At the Limit Twenty One Classic Cars That Shaped a Century of Motor Sport Racing by N Mason 176 page hard cover book featuring Panhard Ferrari Porsche Alfa Romeo Jaguar & more classic racing cars (44_LimitRacing)
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Classic Racing Cars Grand Prix & Indy by D Hodges 78 page hard cover with numerous photographs featuring such makes as Ferrari Honda Ford BMW Renault Lotus and more (50_ClassRac)
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Secrets of Solo Racing Expert Techniques for Autocross & Time Trials by H Watts 173 page performance guide with chapters on Driving Basics Turns & Shifting Preparing & Modifying Cars & more (50_SoloRacing)
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A Technical History of the Motor Car by Newcomb and Spurr (89_TechnicalHis)
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