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The Checkered Flag by Peter Helck - A History of Road Racing from the first race in 1895 until 1916 when the last of the Vandebilt International Grand Prize Races were run (61_CheckeredFla)
$69.95 |
06-35 Delage Levallois Courbevoie Notes et Souvenirs by Paul Yvelin in FRENCH language 143 page history of Delage featuring racing with numerous photographs (20_DelageYvelin)
$99.95 |
32 Ford Book 2-volume set by The Early Ford V8 Club of America Authenticity Restoration Guide (32_V8_2_Vol)
$84.95 |
Auburn Cord Duesenberg Racers & Record Setters Photo Archive by J. Bill 128 page history book with 153 illustrations (14_10338)
$32.95 |
1892-1932 Golden Wheels: The Story of the Automobiles Made in Cleveland and Northeastern Ohio (15_GoldenWheels)
$59.95 |
view cover of 00-55 Mercedes Tre per una Stella history of style production & racing in English & Italian by F. Zagari
00-55 Mercedes Tre per una Stella history of style production & racing in English & Italian by F. Zagari (27_MB_Stella)
$69.95 |
Living Legend by Packard: historical facts book about the company from 1899 to 1956 published as a promotional item by Packard for the 1956 model year (50_SP_02)
$29.95 |
view cover of Packard the Complete Story by Michael G Scott 201 page hard cover history
Packard the Complete Story by Michael G Scott 201 page hard cover history (25_PackardScott)
$49.95 |
Packard Illustrated Quarterly Spring 1975 ed. F Taylor hardcover 62 pages (28_Packard_Hist)
$29.95 |
Crash Club by Henry Gregor Felsen Pulp novel about gangs and hotrods 202 pgs pub by Bantam 1958 (58_CrashClub)
$19.95 |
shipping international - envelope (SHIE)
$39.95 |
Racing Cars of the World published by Shell Oil history book with inserted cards of famous racing makes such as Panhard Renault Bugatti Peugeot Mercedes Duesenberg Fiat Alfa Romeo Wynn Ferrari Lancia Maserati Jaguar Aston Martin Lotus Saab and more (30_RacingShell)
$175.95 |
Adventure on Wheels - The Autobiography of a Road Racing Champion - John Fitch with William F Nolan (60_AdventureWhe)
$199.95 |
Barney Oldfield - The Life and Times of Americas Legendary Speed King - by William F Nolan (61_OldfieldNola)
$39.95 |
Birth of a Giant the Men & Incidents That Gave America the Motorcar by R Crabb 467 page hard cover history detailing ise of American auto industry incl: Dodge Leland Ford Oldsmobile Buick Nash Chevrolet Nash Chrysler & more (20_BOAG_Crabb)
$29.95 |
Racing Pocketbook by D Jenkinson 255 page hard cover history with alphabetical entries on such makes as Abarth Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Austin Citroen Lancia Maserati Mercedes Benz Opel Packard Peugeot Porsche Renault & more (33_RacingPocket)
$19.95 |
Shell Book of Epic Motor Races by Peter Roberts 128 pages hard cover with dust jacket pictures and stories of 10 historic races Gordon Bennett Grand Prix Mille Miglia Le Mans pans 02-62 (64_EpicRaces)
$49.95 |
Antique Car Wrecks From Old Cars Weekly "Wreck of the Week" Photo Album edited by J Gunnell 222 pages (31_Wrecks)
$24.95 |
Competitive Driving at the Wheel by P Roberts 142 page hard cover history with profiles of seven of Britains great early racers (40_CompDriv)
$59.95 |
The Racing Car: Development & Design by Clutton, Posthumus, & Jenkinson from 1895-1961, 247 pages (28_Racing_Car)
$17.95 |
Wheels of Fortune by William Campbell Gault - four racing stories by the author of Firt Track Summer (63_WheelsOfFort)
$49.95 |
Great Auto Races as Told and Painted by Peter Helck - 266 pages and hundreds of pictures and painted illustrations (75_GreatAutoRac)
$69.95 |
My Motoring Reminiscences by Selwyn Francis Edge (35_MotoringRemi)
$159.95 |
view cover of Amedee Gordini - A True Racing Legend by Roy Smith - The story a man and a racing team as well as a complete record of all their achievements and failures
Amedee Gordini - A True Racing Legend by Roy Smith - The story a man and a racing team as well as a complete record of all their achievements and failures (50_196254AE)
$89.95 |
Redline 7100 - A Novel of Championship Racing by W E Butterworth (50_Redline7100)
$14.95 |
The Technique of Motor Racing book by Piero Taruffi foreword by Juan Manuel Fangio 125 pages (60_TechniqueRac)
$21.95 |
50 Ans de Competitions Automobiles chronicles the first fifty years of Peugeot's racing involvement with many photos and illustrations in FRENCH by Paul Yvelin (70_AnsDeCompeti)
$119.95 |
view cover of Automotive Jewelry Mascots Badges by M. Furman
Automotive Jewelry Mascots Badges by M. Furman (B02_31S9A600)
$129.95 |
Volume 03, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Cadillac Vauxhall Campbell and more... (B20_AQVol03Iss3)
$8.95 |
Racing Car Design & Development by L Terry 237 page hard cover History (35_RacingDesign)
$19.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 1 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models AA thru AU including AC Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Audi Adler Allard Alpine Alvis Amilcar Auburn Austin Abarth and more (40_WOA_V01)
$29.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 3 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models BR thru CH including British Leyland BRM Racing Bugatti Buick Cadillac Chaparral Chenard & Walcker Chevrolet Chevron & more (40_WOA_V03)
$29.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 14 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models OI through PE including Oldsmobile OM Opel OSCA Owen Packard Panhard Panther Peerless Pegaso Pennington and more (40_WOA_V14)
$29.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 15 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models PE through RA including Peugeot Plymouth Pontiac Porsche Piccard Pictet Oierce Arrow Piper Pope Railton and more (40_WOA_V15)
$29.95 |
Color Treasury of Formula 1 Cars with Introduction by Michael Gibson (70_ColorTreaF1)
$39.95 |
Cars In Profile Collection 1 includes Facel Vega, McLaren M8, 4.5 litre Bentley, Formula 1 Matra MS80, Jaguar D-type and Rolls Royce Phantom II. editor: Anthony Harding (37_CarsInProfil)
$29.95 |
The Motorists Miscellany - by Anthony Harding (64_MotoristMisc)
$24.95 |
Daytona USA by Willam Neely - The Official history of Daytona and Ormond Beach Racing from 1902 to todays NASCAR Super Speedways - published 1980 (50_DaytonaUSA)
$29.95 |
Astonishing - and True - Stories of the Speedway by Al Powell (78_AstonAndTrue)
$4.95 |
Cadillac Classics is the story of this great American marque from the early elegance of the brass era through the vast Eldorado convertibles of the seventies 128 pages hardcover 500 illustrations by Consumer Guide Auto Editors (50_36768)
$17.95 |
Stanguellini Big Little Racing cars history of the man & his cars: 383 pages by Orsini & Zagari English language (40_137217)
$599.95 |
Cars In Profile Collection 2 includes Facel Vega McLaren M8 Series 4 1/2 Litre Bentley Formula 1 Matra Fords Jaguar D Rolls Royce Phantom II 2 editor: Anthony Harding (40_CarsInProfi2)
$29.95 |
Race Car Flashback - A Celebration of Americas Affair with Auto Racing from 1900-1980 - Edited by John A Gunnell (40_RaceCarFlash)
$24.95 |
Standard of Excellence Pictorial History of Cadillac thru 1980 by the editors of Cusumer Guide 96 pages in hardcover (40_StandardofEx)
$29.95 |
Autodrome 2 lost racing circuits of the world by Collins & Ireland (50_192337)
$69.95 |
Tune to Win - The Art and Science of race car development and tuning by Carroll Smith (60_107968B)
$19.95 |
British Leyland - The Truth About the Cars by Jeff Daniels (60_BritishLeyla)
$119.95 |
Cadillac Picture History - Pictures by Stephen and Sydnie Michele Salmieri and Text by Owen Edwards (50_CadilSalmier)
$39.95 |
A History of the Worlds Classic Cars by Richard Hough and Michael Frostick (63_HistoryClass)
$14.95 |
Master of Precision - Henry M Leland - A Biography of the creator of both the Cadillac and Lincoln cars, as written by his daughter-in-law Wilfred C Leland (66_MasterPrecis)
$44.95 |