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39 Service Shop manual by Pontiac 6-8cyl models, 230 pages (39_753911)
$44.95 |
39 Eight Owners manual by Packard: 48 pages includes models 1701, 1701A, & 1702 One Twenty 120 (39_801321 - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
37-38 Shop Service Repair Manual for all models 145 pages by Packard also covers 1939 V12 models (375_801297)
$36.95 |
37-38 Super Eight and Twelves (thru 39) Parts and Illustrations Manual 472 pgs by Packard models 1500 1501 1502 1506 1507 1508 1603 1604 1605 1607 1608 1707 1708 (38_801306)
$54.95 |
38-39 Shop service repair manual 6cyl 120 and Super 8/12 156 pgs (also helpful for 40-41) by Packard (385_801292)
$32.95 |
34-39 Quick Silver an Investigation into the development of German GP racing cars (365_QuickSilver)
$129.95 |
33-39 Shop Service Repair Manual by Pontiac 8cyl models (36_33_POSM)
$89.95 |
Cars od the 1930s by Michael Sedgwick (35_CarsOf30sSed)
$49.95 |
30-31 Alfa Romeo 2 Anni Di Corse publication of the Ferrari Racing team after 1930-1931 at the time that fielded Alfa Romeo racers 64 pages (P128)
$39.95 |
37-48 electrical Thoro-Check Engine Diagnosis shop Manual by Cadillac (42_Cad_ThoroChe)
$39.95 |
36-50 Parts Manual including illustrations and part numbers of all parts for all models by Pontiac (43_6682)
$84.95 |
LaSalle Cadillac's Companion Car History 424 large hardcover pages by Ron Van Gelderen & Matt Larson (34_32372)
$289.95 |
25-44 Caterpillar Gas Tractor Restoration & Interchange Manual by B LaVoie covering Models 10 to 70 (34_CaterGas)
$24.95 |
38-57 Front Drive 7cv Twelve 12 & 11cv Fifteen 15 models Shop Service Repair Manual by Citroen for Traction Avant 4 cyl. 238 pages (47_CIT12W)
$89.95 |
Owners Handbook for AC Car: PVT models: 60 pgs. (40_PVT_AC_Hdbk - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
The Classic ERA by Beverly Rae Kimes - A compendium of the greatest cars of the Classic Car Era, 1925-1948 720 pgs (35_ClassicEra)
$89.95 |
James Dean the untold story of a Passion for Speed by Philippe Defechereux 52 Hardbound with color graphic novel illustrations (56_JamesDean)
$34.95 |
Bugatti Portfolio covering Type 57 - Type 251 models including 57C G S & SC Atalantic Atalante 59 Grand Prix 73C 101C 251 and more 156 pages 294 illustration (37_19954)
$21.95 |
Best Wheel Forward by J A Gregoire 194 page hardcover history recounting development of front wheel drive and its effect on racing by the engineer inventor and racing drive Gregoire with such models as Citroen Bugatti Panhard Peugeot and more featured (46)
$34.95 |
American car dealerships by Robert Genat. covering architecture advertising & dealership business practices (54_137362AP)
$39.95 |
Umbrella Mike The true story of the Chicago Gangster behind the Indy 500 206 hardbound pages by Brock Yates 1920's to 1940's (40_Umbrella)
$14.95 |
28-58 Hemmings book of Packard: 120 pages about many different models (42_131682AE)
$29.95 |
Rudolf Uhlenhaut Engineer & Gentleman biography by Scheller& Pollak father of the Mercedes 300SL (50_Uhlenhaut)
$89.95 |
Piloti Che Gente by Enzo Ferrari Autobiographical history of his early racing career by the man himself (PilotiCheGente)
$249.95 |
Complete Catalog of Japanese Motor Vehicles by Clymer (60_JapaneseCata)
$24.95 |
Speed with Style by Peter Revson and Leon Mandel. 1974, 220 page hard cover racing history autobiography penned by the award winning motor racing world champion (52_Revson)
$39.95 |
21-57 Aston Martin - The Story of a Sports Car - by Inman Hunter , F E Ellis and Dudley Coram (39_AstonMartinC)
$69.95 |
Parts interchange #1 manual for Packard & other manufacturers; part 1 covering axles, bearings, belts, & brakes (38_PackPartInt1)
$14.95 |
20-58 Packard Brooklands Portfolio 123 articles incl Six Eight 8-33 Speedster Super Eight 120 Twelve Convertible Sedan Patrician Cavalier Constellation 400 Clipper Hawk & more 196 pages over 500 photos (39_199716AE)
$59.95 |
Volume 39 Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly '30 Packard 745 '64 Comet Caliente Delahaye 135M Chrysler 300C Momo Mirage and more (B20_AQVol39Iss2)
$39.95 |
Maserati Owners Handbook by Hans Tanner: 174 pages covering models from pre-war thru the 1950's (40_588500438 - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
Carrozzeria Touring Superleggera 2 volume set limited ed of only 999 over 750 pages and over 1,300 pictures 2016 edition by Carlo Felice Bianchi Anderloni incl Alfa Romeo Isotta Fraschini Lancia Fiat Ansaldo Citroen O.M. Bianchi BMW Stiegler Auto Avio Bristol Frazer-Nash Ferrari Pegaso Aston Martin Maserati O.S.C.A Lagonda Sunbeam Hillman & more (59788888269498)
$449.95 |
Volume 39 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Terraplane Goodwood 1916 Dodge Trident Ol Yellar and more (B20_AQVol39Iss1)
$29.95 |
The Hemmings Motor News Book of Pontiacs. A thorough examination of 17 of the great models that made Pontiac famous. 144 pages (45_A770)
$39.95 |
The Supercharged Mercedes large Hardcover History in 100 pages by Schrader & Demand covering all models including 28/95 38/250 SS SSK SSKL 380 380K 400 500 500 K 540K 600 600K 620 680 680K 710 710SS 770 770K W154 W165 and more... (30_Supercharged)
$39.95 |
The Definitive Development History of Coventry Climax Racing Engines; 192 pages by D. Hammill (45_136213AE)
$34.95 |
Steve McQueen Full-Throttle Cool by D Zimmerman Art by Greg Scott Bioography of Steve McQueen in graphic novel form 87 pages (55_McQueen)
$19.95 |
They Call Me Mister 500 by Anthony Granatelli, hardcover and 341 pages. History of Car Racing (55_Mister500)
$36.95 |
30-80 50 Years of American Automobile Design 1930-1980 by D Nesbitt oversized hard cover history with numerous photographs (65_50YRAutoDesi)
$14.95 |
How to Restore your Collector Car by Tom Brownell 288 pages (52_145823)
$29.95 |
00-55 Mercedes Tre per una Stella history of style production & racing in English & Italian by F. Zagari (27_MB_Stella)
$69.95 |
Living Legend by Packard: historical facts book about the company from 1899 to 1956 published as a promotional item by Packard for the 1956 model year (50_SP_02)
$29.95 |
Packard the Complete Story by Michael G Scott 201 page hard cover history (25_PackardScott)
$49.95 |
Packard Illustrated Quarterly Spring 1975 ed. F Taylor hardcover 62 pages (28_Packard_Hist)
$29.95 |
Crash Club by Henry Gregor Felsen Pulp novel about gangs and hotrods 202 pgs pub by Bantam 1958 (58_CrashClub)
$19.95 |
shipping international - envelope (SHIE)
$39.95 |
Racing Cars of the World published by Shell Oil history book with inserted cards of famous racing makes such as Panhard Renault Bugatti Peugeot Mercedes Duesenberg Fiat Alfa Romeo Wynn Ferrari Lancia Maserati Jaguar Aston Martin Lotus Saab and more (30_RacingShell)
$175.95 |
26-86 Pontiac: The Complete History, Thomas E. Bonsall. Includes Tempest, GTO, Gran Prix, and Firebird models. 352 pg illust (52_5_0934780021)
$24.95 |
Adventure on Wheels - The Autobiography of a Road Racing Champion - John Fitch with William F Nolan (60_AdventureWhe)
$199.95 |
Automobile Connoisseur Volume 2 Edited by A. Harding with articles on Bristol Monteverdi Mercedes Delage Scuderia Lancia Sunbeam & more published 1970 (70_AutoConnois2)
$26.95 |