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Foghieri on Ferrari 1947 to present by D. Buzzonetti 304 pages hardcover (809788879115650)
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40-84 Cadillac Identification Guide by E Lehwald history with numerous photographs (62_CadIdent)
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45-89 Pontiac history of the models since 1945 by Riachrd L Busenkell 235 pages hardcover (70_PontiacSince)
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Volume 39 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Terraplane Goodwood 1916 Dodge Trident Ol Yellar and more (B20_AQVol39Iss1)
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How to Start Rallying; Illustrated guide to car, driver and codriver preparation. 62 pgs by Russell Bulgin (72_Rallying)
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Honda the UK Story by E. Dymock history of Honda in England both cars and motorcycles through 1995 hardcover 112 page (94_ChryLabor)
$24.95 |
The Hemmings Motor News Book of Pontiacs. A thorough examination of 17 of the great models that made Pontiac famous. 144 pages (45_A770)
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1945-1993 Cadillac by D Fetherson 128 page history book (69_CadillacFeth)
$19.95 |
Porsche by A. Noakes Illustrated hardcover history covering the 356 550 911 917 936 956 964 997 & racing models (75_PorscheHist)
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The Mazda RX-7: Mazda's Legendary Sports Car by Jack K Yamaguchi and John Dinkel Plus: Racing and winning-Le Mans and IMSA GTO Championship, 1991 (91_40065A)
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The Supercharged Mercedes large Hardcover History in 100 pages by Schrader & Demand covering all models including 28/95 38/250 SS SSK SSKL 380 380K 400 500 500 K 540K 600 600K 620 680 680K 710 710SS 770 770K W154 W165 and more... (30_Supercharged)
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The Definitive Development History of Coventry Climax Racing Engines; 192 pages by D. Hammill (45_136213AE)
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Steve McQueen Full-Throttle Cool by D Zimmerman Art by Greg Scott Bioography of Steve McQueen in graphic novel form 87 pages (55_McQueen)
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They Call Me Mister 500 by Anthony Granatelli, hardcover and 341 pages. History of Car Racing (55_Mister500)
$36.95 |
30-80 50 Years of American Automobile Design 1930-1980 by D Nesbitt oversized hard cover history with numerous photographs (65_50YRAutoDesi)
$14.95 |
Nascar models 128 pages 150 photos of model race cars (76_133375)
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Citroen en Competition Hardcover racing history from 1949 to 2002 includes many rally successes with Loeb at the wheel 144 pgs 310 illustrations by D. Pagneux (76_34002)
$43.95 |
46-2000 Complete US Automobile Sales Literature Checklist for the collector By Kenneth Eisbrener 160 pages (74_10247)
$24.95 |
00-55 Mercedes Tre per una Stella history of style production & racing in English & Italian by F. Zagari (27_MB_Stella)
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NASCAR Confidential collection of stories from people intimately involved in stock car racing. by Peter Golenbock 416 Hardbound pages (52_137239AP)
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Ferrari The Red Dream 244 pgs by Nye & Carrieri featuring twenty of Ferraris greatest models featured in sumptuous, full-color photographs and detailed accounts of the histories, the people, and the victories that made each an icon. (60_144240)
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Ferrari Road & Racing with excellent model by model coverage by Goodfellow with forward by Piero Ferrari 320 pages hardcover (75_FerrariGoodf)
$39.95 |
Lotus Engineering Theories Design & Applications of Colin Chapman 190 pages with many B&W photos & illustrations by H. Haskell (75_Lotus_Engine)
$129.95 |
NASCAR Chronicles by G Fielden 504 page oversized hard cover history with numerous color photos (75_NascarChron)
$19.95 |
Living Legend by Packard: historical facts book about the company from 1899 to 1956 published as a promotional item by Packard for the 1956 model year (50_SP_02)
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Packard the Complete Story by Michael G Scott 201 page hard cover history (25_PackardScott)
$49.95 |
Packard Illustrated Quarterly Spring 1975 ed. F Taylor hardcover 62 pages (28_Packard_Hist)
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Crash Club by Henry Gregor Felsen Pulp novel about gangs and hotrods 202 pgs pub by Bantam 1958 (58_CrashClub)
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shipping international - envelope (SHIE)
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Racing Cars of the World published by Shell Oil history book with inserted cards of famous racing makes such as Panhard Renault Bugatti Peugeot Mercedes Duesenberg Fiat Alfa Romeo Wynn Ferrari Lancia Maserati Jaguar Aston Martin Lotus Saab and more (30_RacingShell)
$175.95 |
26-86 Pontiac: The Complete History, Thomas E. Bonsall. Includes Tempest, GTO, Gran Prix, and Firebird models. 352 pg illust (52_5_0934780021)
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Phil Hill Yankee Champion by W.F.Nolan 280 pages from his childhood through his world championship drives for Ferrar Shelby Chaparral and more... (60_30412)
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Adventure on Wheels - The Autobiography of a Road Racing Champion - John Fitch with William F Nolan (60_AdventureWhe)
$199.95 |
Around the Circuit 424 pages hardcover Racing Car Transporters & support vehilces at Work sequel to previous volume by D Cross & B Kjer (60_AroundCircut)
$88.95 |
Cadillac Story The Postwar Years by Thomas Bonsall History & photos of the company following World War II trough 2004 180 photos 240 pages HARDCOVER (65_33298)
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Abarth il mito dello Scorpione dalle origini alla rinascita 255 page hardcover book compilation of all Abarth Road Test from Quattroroute magazine thru 2010 in Italian (70_10271)
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Johnny Herbert: the Steel Behind the Smile, by Chris Hilton, 160 pg. biography (70_123481AE)
$21.95 |
Tales from the Toolbox a collection of behind the scenes tales from Grand Prix mechanics 176 pages by Michael Oliver foreword by Sir Jackie Stewart (70_150112)
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Automobile Connoisseur Volume 2 Edited by A. Harding with articles on Bristol Monteverdi Mercedes Delage Scuderia Lancia Sunbeam & more published 1970 (70_AutoConnois2)
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30-90 Complete Book of Collectible Cars by R Langworth 383 hard cover pages (70_CollCarsLang)
$19.95 |
Barney Oldfield - The Life and Times of Americas Legendary Speed King - by William F Nolan (61_OldfieldNola)
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Physics of NASCAR How to Make Steel Gas Rubber Equal Speed by D Leslie Pelecky 286 page hard cover history detailing the science behind NASCAR racing (78_NasPhy)
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Birth of a Giant the Men & Incidents That Gave America the Motorcar by R Crabb 467 page hard cover history detailing ise of American auto industry incl: Dodge Leland Ford Oldsmobile Buick Nash Chevrolet Nash Chrysler & more (20_BOAG_Crabb)
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Racing Pocketbook by D Jenkinson 255 page hard cover history with alphabetical entries on such makes as Abarth Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Austin Citroen Lancia Maserati Mercedes Benz Opel Packard Peugeot Porsche Renault & more (33_RacingPocket)
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Shell Book of Epic Motor Races by Peter Roberts 128 pages hard cover with dust jacket pictures and stories of 10 historic races Gordon Bennett Grand Prix Mille Miglia Le Mans pans 02-62 (64_EpicRaces)
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Colin Chapman - Wayward Genius - A Biography of this remarkable engineer recalling his achievements as well as delving into the dark side of his genius by M Lawrence (80_200870AE)
$69.95 |
Antique Car Wrecks From Old Cars Weekly "Wreck of the Week" Photo Album edited by J Gunnell 222 pages (31_Wrecks)
$24.95 |
Inspired to Design - Autobiography of Nigel Bennett - F1 Cars Indycars & Racing Tyres in 176 pages with 185 color photos (90_213049AE)
$54.95 |
Competitive Driving at the Wheel by P Roberts 142 page hard cover history with profiles of seven of Britains great early racers (40_CompDriv)
$59.95 |
Forghieri on Ferrari 304 pages hardcover by M Forghieri & D Buzzonetti all about the man from whos imagination was born many of the Ferrari Sport Racers as told by himself with many color photos (80_211096AE)
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