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The Motor Manual 20th Edition All About Motors In Simple Language. published in early 1900's (25_MotorRep20th)
$34.95 |
Morandi OM & the first of the Mille Miglia by C. De Agostini & F. Rossi 120 pages hardcover with 129 photos in ITALIAN language about Giuseppe Morandi and the company OM and its racing (90_C9009_)
$89.95 |
1899-58 Packard Buyer's Guide, Langworth. All Packard cars and commercial vehicles. 160 pg illustrated. (30_Pkrd_Buyer)
$39.95 |
Racing Cars of the World published by Shell Oil history book with inserted cards of famous racing makes such as Panhard Renault Bugatti Peugeot Mercedes Duesenberg Fiat Alfa Romeo Wynn Ferrari Lancia Maserati Jaguar Aston Martin Lotus Saab and more (30_RacingShell)
$175.95 |
Guide to Racing Cars - From Grand Prix Racing to Karting by Brock Yates (62_GuideRacingC)
$12.95 |
Antique Car Wrecks From Old Cars Weekly "Wreck of the Week" Photo Album edited by J Gunnell 222 pages (31_Wrecks)
$24.95 |
A Guide to American Sports Car Racing by William Stone 208 pages (63_GuideAmerRac)
$14.95 |
00-64 Autobiography by Red Book Blue Book published by National Market Reports buying guide (30_NationalRed)
$19.95 |
Golden Guide to Sports Cars by F Mortarini 160 page history with entries on such makes as Alfa Romeo Ferrari Fiat Lamborghini Lancia Maserati Austin Jaguar Lotus Triumph BMW Mercedes Porsche & more (33_GoldenSports)
$24.95 |
Models MF135, MF150, MF165 Tractor Shop Service Repair manual, 96 pages by I&T for Massey Ferguson published in 1969 (69_MF_27)
$34.95 |
Cars In Profile Collection 1 includes Facel Vega, McLaren M8, 4.5 litre Bentley, Formula 1 Matra MS80, Jaguar D-type and Rolls Royce Phantom II. editor: Anthony Harding (37_CarsInProfil)
$29.95 |
The Gordon Bennett Races by Lord Montagu of Beaulieu (65_GordonBennet)
$84.95 |
Models MF285 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 48 pages by I&T for Massey Ferguson for MF 285, published in 1977 (77_MF_36)
$34.95 |
The Upper Crust The Aristocrats of Automobiles by John Bolster 200 hardbound pages includes Panhard 1890-1902 Mercedes 03-06 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost 07-14 & Camargue Hispano-Suiza 20-28 Packard 32-39 and much more (40_Crust)
$24.95 |
Cadillac Classics is the story of this great American marque from the early elegance of the brass era through the vast Eldorado convertibles of the seventies 128 pages hardcover 500 illustrations by Consumer Guide Auto Editors (50_36768)
$17.95 |
Stanguellini Big Little Racing cars history of the man & his cars: 383 pages by Orsini & Zagari English language (40_137217)
$599.95 |
Cars In Profile Collection 2 includes Facel Vega McLaren M8 Series 4 1/2 Litre Bentley Formula 1 Matra Fords Jaguar D Rolls Royce Phantom II 2 editor: Anthony Harding (40_CarsInProfi2)
$29.95 |
Race Car Flashback - A Celebration of Americas Affair with Auto Racing from 1900-1980 - Edited by John A Gunnell (40_RaceCarFlash)
$24.95 |
Standard of Excellence Pictorial History of Cadillac thru 1980 by the editors of Cusumer Guide 96 pages in hardcover (40_StandardofEx)
$29.95 |
The Stropus Guide to Auto Race Timing & Scoring by Judith Stropus copyright 1975 (75_StropusRaceT)
$19.95 |
Jaguar - Motor Racing and the Manufacturer by Robert Berry (78_JaguarMotorR)
$19.95 |
Models MF670, MF690, MF698 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 72 pages by I&T for Massey Ferguson published in 1986 (86_MF_41)
$34.95 |
Stalking the Motorsports Sponser by P Bentley racing guide to attaining sponsership (50_StalkSponser)
$19.95 |
Models MF230 MF235 MF240 MF245 MF250 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual 96 pages by I&T Massey Ferguson published in 1988 (88_MF_42)
$34.95 |
At the Limit Twenty One Classic Cars That Shaped a Century of Motor Sport Racing by N Mason 176 page hard cover book featuring Panhard Ferrari Porsche Alfa Romeo Jaguar & more classic racing cars (44_LimitRacing)
$49.95 |
Massey Ferguson Tractor Shop Service Repair manual by I&T for Models MF175, MF180, MF205, MF210, MF220, MF2675, MF2705, MF2745, MF2775, MF2805, 272 pages published in 1989 (89_MF_202)
$34.95 |
Models MF255, MF265, MF270, MF275, MF290 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 96 pages by I&T for Massey Ferguson published in 1989 for MF 255, MF 265, MF 270, MF 275, MF 290 (89_MF_43)
$34.95 |
Secrets of Solo Racing Expert Techniques for Autocross & Time Trials by H Watts 173 page performance guide with chapters on Driving Basics Turns & Shifting Preparing & Modifying Cars & more (50_SoloRacing)
$14.95 |
The Racer's Complete Reference Guide, B. Landis, 5th edition source book for all racing equipment. 141 pg (45_0936834080)
$19.95 |
Models TE20, TO20, TO30 Tractor Shop Service Repair manual, 32 pages by I&T for Ferguson published in 1990 for TE 20, TO 20, TO 30 (90_FE_2)
$34.95 |
Massey Ferguson Tractor Shop Service Repair manual by I&T for Models T035 Diesel F40 MH50 MHF202 MF35 MF35 Diesel MF50 MF202 MF204 in 80 pages (90_MF_14_Svc)
$34.95 |
Models MF3505, MF3525, MF3545 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 112 pages by I&T for Massey Ferguson published in 1990 for MF 3505, MF 3525, MF 3545 (90_MF_44)
$49.95 |
Fifty Years of American Automobiles by the Auto Editors fo Consumer Guide (89_FiftyYearsAm)
$49.95 |
Great American Convertible by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 255 page hard cover history with numerous photographs (50_GreAmCon)
$19.95 |
The Do it yourself Guide to Sport Trucking by Michael Bargo - Build a Super Street Cruiser or Off Road 4 wheeler - published 1991 (91_SA296)
$14.95 |
The Race - by Bob Judd A thriller of money, power and intrigue at the Indianapolis 500 (91_TheRaceJudd)
$9.95 |
Racers Guide to Fabricating Shop Equipment by J Block racing shop service manual with scetions on building a engine stand hydraulic press engine hoist motorized flame cutter & more (45_RacerFab)
$39.95 |
00-92 How to Restore Your Ford Tractors by R Pripps 176 page restoration guide (46_RestorFarm)
$29.95 |
Massey Ferguson Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual by I&T for Models MF362 MF365 MF375 MF383 MF390 MF390T MF398 in 184 pages (93_MF_45)
$34.95 |
Models MF340, MF350, MF355, MF360, MF399 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 104 pages by I&T for Massey Ferguson published in 1994 for MF 340, MF 350, MF 355, MF 360, MF 399 (94_MF_46)
$34.95 |
Models MF1010, MF1020 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 104 pages by I&T for Massey Ferguson published in 1994 for MF 1010, MF 1020 (94_MF_47)
$39.95 |
Classic Convertables by J G Newbery 112 page hard cover book with numerous photographs (50_ClasConNew)
$19.95 |
Mechanic's Guide to Precision Measuring Tools by F. Aird 128 pages Powerpro Series (48_MeasurTools)
$29.95 |
Busted Tractors & Rusty Knuckles Norwegian Torque Wrench Techniques & Other Fine Points of Tractor Restoration by R Welsch 224 page history part memoir & part restoration guide (50_BustTrac)
$9.95 |
Road Rally Handbookthe Complete Guide to Competing in Time Speed Distance Road Rallies by C Goss 366 page volume with sections on Getting Started Running Novice Class Rally Equipment Navagation Driving Traps & more (50_RoadRally)
$59.95 |
Great Cars of the 20th Century by Brown & Langworth & the editors of Consumer Guide 420 pages large format hardcover (50_Great_Cars)
$49.95 |
Porsche 917 - Kimberlys Racing Sportscar Guide by Michael Cotton (60_917Cotton)
$124.95 |
Volume 06, Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring; Bugatti 8 articles Chrysler the early years Jaguar XK120 and 427 Cobra compared (B20_AQVol06Iss1)
$19.95 |
Volume 25, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly 25th Anniversary featuring '59 Eldorado Barritz, Ghia, BMW 2002, Jaguar XJ's, & others. (B20_AQVol25Iss3)
$29.95 |
Building the Hobby Stock Street Stock Car by Bob Emmons a Beginners Guide to Hobby Class Racing (56_BldStockCars)
$24.95 |