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ABC of American Cars by J Dudley history covering 1952 models by Cadillac Buick Ford Pontiac Hudson & more (52_ABCAmerCar)
$39.95 |
52 Range Color Sales brochure for all models in 12 pages by Cadillac (52_CADSB)
$23.95 |
1952 Cadillac Power Steering booklet sales brochure - 12 pages (52_CAD_PS_PCC)
$12.95 |
51 Pontiac Convertible Top Manual by Fisher Service News #17 Vol 10 12 pages ( Also Applicable to 52 ) Hydro lectric (51_PontTOP)
$29.95 |
Mercedes-Benz 300SL Racing Cars 1952-1953 by Ludvigsen Mailander history of the 300SL gullwing sports-racing cars achievements at Le Mans Carrera Panamericana Mille Miglia Bern Nurburgring (52_10163)
$34.95 |
51-55 Cunningham, 100 page portfolio of articles about early American sports cars, compiled by Brooklands (53_A_CUN)
$39.95 |
49 Station Wagon Fisher body service & constrruction manual covering Chevrolet Pontiac Buick & Oldsmobile (49_9753)
$19.95 |
49 A Style Fisher body service & constrruction manual covering Chevrolet Pontiac and small Oldsmobile 153 pages this covers cars to 1954 (49_FBA)
$19.95 |
49-54 Owners Manual Convertible Top by General Motors for A-Body Chevrolet Pontiac & Oldsmobile (49_TOPA - Not a shop manual)
$12.95 |
51-55 Cunningham Sports Cars American Racing Legends history of the Cunningham sports including Chrysler & Cadillac powered C2 - C6R incl Le Mans & US races 122 illustrations many never before published from Ludvigsen archive (53_10192)
$24.95 |
ABC of Lubrication by Clymer complete servicing data for the lubrication specialist (ABC_Lube)
$19.95 |
Ferrari Owners Manual for Use & Maintenance for Models 212 inter 250 Mille Miglia 340 Mexico & 342 America 40 pages (52_Ferrari_OM - Not a shop manual)
$69.95 |
50-59 Automobile Heritage's Illustrated Guide to Cadillac of the Fifties by R. Schneider 240 hardbound pages (545_CaddyGuide)
$189.95 |
Automobiles of the Fifties by W P Jennings (55_AutoFifties)
$18.95 |
Automobiles of the 50s by the Auto Editors of Consumers Guide (55_AutoOfThe50s)
$24.95 |
50-59 Classic Cars of the Fifties by the Franklin Mint hard cover portfolio of the 12 scale replicas produced including Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Edsel Ford Lincoln Mercury Packard & Studebaker (55_ClassFrankli)
$14.95 |
Cruse O Matic Automobile Advertising of the 1950s by Y. Ikuta 108pgs (55_CruiseOMatic)
$19.95 |
50-59 Cars of the Fabulous Fifties: A decade of High Style and Good Times by James M. Flammang and Consumer Guide illustrated (55_FabulousFift)
$29.95 |
Great American Automobiles of the 50's by Langworth & Poole & the editors of Consumer Guide (55_Great_Am)
$49.95 |
Fifities American Cars by Mike Mueller General history with color pictures 96 pages pub by MBI 1994 (94_AmericanCars)
$24.95 |
46-55 Cadillac Master Parts Manual by Cadillac over 1,000 pgs (49_27396_PL)
$99.95 |
46-55 Illustrated Wholesale Parts Manual by Cadillac 107 pgs (50_B42955GMP20M)
$49.95 |
46-56 Ferrari Road Cars portfolio of articles about earliest road-going Ferrari book compiled by Brooklands (519781588500847)
$29.95 |
47-57 Ferrari, portfolio of articles about earliest road-going Ferrari, 92 pgs, book compiled by Brooklands (52_A_FA47_X1)
$39.95 |
48-58 Performance Portfolio by Brooklands covers Cadillac Series 60 Special 61 62 70 Eldorado Brougham Convertible 128 pgs 200+ Photos (53_CAD4PP_HI)
$29.95 |
49-59 LeMans 24 Hours - The Official History of the Worlds Greatest Motor Race by Quentin Spurring (54_193958AE)
$69.95 |
49-59 portfolio of Cadillac articles in book form by Brooklands; 100 pgs. (54_A_CAD49)
$29.95 |
Le Mans 1949-59 The Official History of the World's Greatest Motor Race 352 pages hardcover by Spurring (55_193958)
$69.95 |
46-56 British Racing Green by Frostick & Klemantaski (B03_01410156818)
$59.95 |
49-60 electrical Thoro-Check Engine Diagnosis shop Manual by Cadillac (54_Cad_ThoroChe)
$19.95 |
World Sports Car Championship by C Posthumus Hardcover 194 pgs Includes Sebring Mille Miglia Le Mans & Nurburg until 1961 (55_SportsChamp)
$39.95 |
46-58 Packard Gold Portfolio, 180 pages of articles about Packard, compiled by Brooklands (52_A_PAGP)
$59.95 |
Porsche & Mille Miglia 1952-1957 by Andrea Curami 144 pages Hardcover many color & B&W illustrations (53_137693)
$79.95 |
Model NAA Jubilee Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 48 pages by I&T for Ford New Holland, published in 1992 (92_FO_19)
$34.95 |
40-54 Independent Convertibles 141 pages featuring Packard Studebaker Hudson Nash Kaiser Frazer & Crosley by Narus (58_14401958)
$39.95 |
'Limited edition extra' Portfolio of road test articles about Facel Vega & Facellia compiled into book form by Brooklands 136 pages (58_FVX2)
$29.95 |
39-54 GM Wagons by Don Narus with details and useful information for Buick Chevrolet Oldsmobile Pontiac and more in 128 pages with over 300 photos (48_GMWagons)
$32.95 |
Mercedes 300SL Art & Car edition history by J. Lewandowski 170 pages deluxe edition in jacket with sales brochure (55_300SL_Lewand)
$199.95 |
9 11 15 17 19 23: Portfolio of article about Lotus Sports Racer compiled into 90 page book form (55_Lotus_9_23)
$29.95 |
52-67 Big Healeys in Competiton 200 pages Hardcover by Baggott covering all versions of 100 & 3000 (60_144027)
$34.95 |
50-65 GM Interchange parts manual for all General Motors car models 230 pages Chevrolet Pontiac Oldsmobile Buick Cadillac (575_100955C)
$59.95 |
48-64 Cadillac Photo Album 112 pgs by M. Patrick featuring Series 60 Special 61 62 70 Eldorado Brougham Convertible & more (56_10074)
$34.95 |
Sports Racers Portfolio of articles about Maserati's compiled by Unique, 124 pages; including 8 CL, 8 CTF & 8 CTF/3000, 300S, Costin-Zagato, 450S, 200 SI, 5000GT, A6GCS 2000, Cooper-Maserati Type 81 & 4 CLT (58_SportsRacers)
$19.95 |
46-63 Pontiac Limited Edition Premier compilation articles compiled into portfolio book by Brooklands covering all models including Catalina Chieftain Bonneville Star Chief Super Chief Safari and more 160 pages (55_PN46X3)
$39.95 |
Challenge Me the Race Book by Mike Hawthorn (58_Challenge_Me)
$34.95 |
Carroll Shelby collection of favorite racing photos in 256 page hardcover book with Art Evans (60_CT650)
$34.95 |
Twenty Four Hours at Le Mans by J A Gregoire published 1958 (58_24atLeMans)
$39.95 |
Cunningham thePassion the Cars the Legacy by R. Harman over 800 pages in 2-volumes (52_Cunningham)
$349.95 |
Facel Vega Excellence HK 500 Facelia by J Daninos 135 pgs in FRENCH language (60_FacelHK)
$124.95 |
Cobra: the truth behind the Anglo American legend by AC & Shelby: 160 hardcover pages by R. Mills (60_H849)
$39.95 |