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85 Cimarron body wiring diagrams by Cadillac (85_CimBodWire)
$12.95 |
85 Cimarron chassis wiring diagrams for 4 cyl models by Cadillac (85_CimChsWir4)
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85 Eldorado Body Electrical Wiring Diagrams by Cadillac (85_EldoradoWire)
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85 Seville & Eldorado (DFI) Chassis Electrical Wiring Circuit Diagrams by Cadillac (85_EldoSev_Wire)
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85 Eldorado & Seville (Diesel) Chassis Electrical Wiring Diagrams Manual by Cadillac (85_EldSvDsl_Wir)
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85 Fleetwood Brougham (Diesel) Chassis Electrical Wiring Diagrams by Cadillac (85_FlBrDs_Wire)
$16.95 |
85 Fleetwood Brougham Body Electrical Wiring Diagrams by Cadillac (85_FltBroBodWir)
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85 Fleetwood Brougham (DFI) Chassis Electrical Wiring Diagrams Manual by Cadillac (85_FltBroChDFI)
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85 Seville Body Electrical Wiring Diagrams by Cadillac (85_Sev_Bod_Wire)
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85.5 Deville & Fleetwood (DFI) Chassis Electrical Wiring Diagrams Manual by Cadillac (855_DVFltChDFI)
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85.5 Deville & Fleetwood Diesel Electrical Wiring Diagrams by Cadillac (855_DvFtDsl_Wir)
$29.95 |
85.5 FWD Deville & Fleetwood Body Electrical Wiring Diagrams by Cadillac (855_FWD_Bod_Wir)
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82-86 AC Delco GM Computer Command Control Systems & Driveability Manual by GM (84_SD211)
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Corvette GTP by Alex Gabbard Detailed history of IMSA cars including the 1200 hp turbo car (96_GTP)
$39.95 |
78-85 International S Series S1700 S1800 Electrical Wiring Diagrams Shop Service Manual for Regular Cab as well as Flat Back Cowl & Bus (815_IH_EWD)
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Porsche Turbo Racing Cars by Ian Bamsey (89_PorcheTurboR)
$19.95 |
69-89 IMSA inside story by J. Bishop (80_IMSA)
$84.95 |
Small Engine Shop Service Repair Manual for Engines up to & Including 20HP Briggs Stratton, Clinton, Jacobsen, John Deere, Honda, Kohler, Onan, Tecumse-Lauson, Wisconsin Robin by Chiltons (84_7899)
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Williams 1969-1998 Photo Album by Peter Nygaard 30 years of Grand Prix Racing (835_F1_William)
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69-99 Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am Photo Album by George Scala & Wallace Wyss Foreward by Herb Adams 110 pages (84_128237)
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John Deere Combine Quik Tatch Platforms Operator's Manual Service Shop 8.5" x 11" 40 Pages For John Deere by John Deere (90_H82753)
$24.95 |
Williams Renault Formula 1 Motor Racing Book D Hill A Prost (94_Formula1)
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Racing Milestones by Porsche 356 to 962 by H. Thoms 224 pages (70_0963172638)
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The Mazda RX-7: Mazda's Legendary Sports Car by Jack K Yamaguchi and John Dinkel Plus: Racing and winning-Le Mans and IMSA GTO Championship, 1991 (91_40065A)
$159.95 |
Super Tuning Ignition Carburetors Cams Fuel Injection by Alex Walordy 66 pages (75_TuninWalordy)
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Gurney's Eagles: by K. Ludvigsen Hardcover 136 pages about Dan Gurney and his racing teams (75_133829AP)
$27.95 |
In Car Entertainment - Haynes Xtreme Customizing Manual with step by step instructions for adding sound systems or video entertainment centers to your vehicle (90_11110)
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Maserati Coupe: The History 1946-2003: 144 pages by J. Lewandowski covreing A6 A6GCS a6g/54 450S 3500GT 5000GT Sebring Mistral Mexico Ghibli Simun Indy Bora Khamsin BiTurbo Karif Shamal 3500 3200GT & Cambiocorsa (88_Coupe)
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Racing Cars Masterpieces of Engineering by John Tipler 176 hardbound pages many color photos and diagrams Formula 1 3000 3 Champ cars Touring cars Transam Nascar Sports racing cars Grand Touring (90_racingmaster)
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Forghieri on Ferrari 304 pages hardcover by M Forghieri & D Buzzonetti all about the man from whos imagination was born many of the Ferrari Sport Racers as told by himself with many color photos (80_211096AE)
$89.95 |
How to build High Performance Ignition Systems by Todd Ryden updated edition 144 pages (B08_SA79)
$34.95 |
34-06 BMW Racing Cars covering BMW's racing history from 1934-2006 by Karl Ludvigsen 125 illustrations (70_10292)
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Inside Track - A Photo Documentary of NASCAR Stock Car Racing by Benny Parsons with photos by George Bennett - The photo ducumentation of a year of NASCAR racing and following several drivers and their teams (96_InsideTrack)
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Volume 45 Issue 4 of Automotive Quarterly covering Packard Ferrari Armstrong Siddeley Chevrolet and more (B20_AQVol45Iss4)
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100 Years of Semi Trucks Book contains detailed captions about each featured vehicle by Ronald Adams 320 Hardbound pages (50_130098AP)
$59.95 |
Hot Rod Kings Top Traditional Rod & Custom Builders by K Thomson 160 page hard cover history (50_HotRodKings)
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Race Car Aerodynamics: 270 pages by Dr. Joseph Katz, a foremost authority in the field and consultant to many or the winningest racing teams. (55_GAER)
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How to Build & Power Tune Distributor-Type Ignition Systems by Des Hammill shows how to optimize the ignition timing and how to build an ignition system that delivers maximum power and reliablility without wasting money (75_147845AE)
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How to Install & Tune Nitrous Oxide NOX Systems 144 pages with 442 photos by R. McClurg (80_SA194P)
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