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66-76 Shop Service Repair Manual for Pontiac all models incl: Catalina Tempest GTO 2+2 Star Chief Bonneville LeMans Grand Prix Firebird Trans Am Ventura Phoenix & more (71_Pont_Svc)
$49.95 |
74 Chevy II Nova Factory Assembly Manual by Chevrolet (74_NFA)
$29.95 |
75 Chevy II Nova Factory Assembly Manual by Chevrolet (75_NFA)
$29.95 |
76 Chevy II Nova Factory Assembly Manual by Chevrolet (76_NFA)
$29.95 |
77 Shop Service Repair Manual 1,439 pages by Pontiac for TransAm Ventura Catalina Firebird TransAm Grand Prix Bonneville LeMans Astre Phoenix (77_Svc)
$64.95 |
79 Chevy II Nova Factory Assembly Manual by Chevrolet (79_NFA)
$29.95 |
79 Shop Service Repair Manual Supplement by Pontiac to be used in conjunction with 78 manual for all Firebird, Grand Prix, Bonneville, LeMans, Phoenix, and all other 1979 Pontiac models (79_S7910)
$34.95 |
80 Phoenix Shop Service Repair Manual by Pontiac (80_phoenix)
$29.95 |
80 Shop Service Repiar Manual supplement by Pontiac covering all models including Firebird Bonneville LeMans Grand Prix and more... supplement to 1978 manual (80_SVC_supp)
$28.95 |
81 Phoenix Service manual by Pontiac (81_Phenx_Serv)
$26.95 |
82 Phoenix & 6000 Service Shop repair Manual by Pontiac (82_FWD_Servc)
$36.95 |
83 A & X-J FWD Service shop repair manual in binder for 6000, Phoenix, 2000, Sunbird by Pontiac (83_AX_JSERVICE)
$24.95 |
83 Shop Service Repair Manual for all models by Pontiac including Firebird Bonneville Sunbird Phoenix Grand Prix & more (83_Gen_Carlin)
$44.95 |
84 Pontiac Shop Service Repair Manual, Vol #1 (84_Serv_Vol1)
$44.95 |
84 Pontiac Service Manual, Vol 2 Engine & Transmission (84_Serv_Vol2)
$28.95 |
84 Pontiac Service Manual, Vol 3 (Complete) (84_Serv_Vol3)
$28.95 |
84 Service shop repair Manual for 6000, Parisenne, Bonneville, Firebird, Grand Prix, 2000, Sunbird, 1000, Phoenix by Pontiac, 3 volume set (84_SvcMnV1_3)
$99.95 |
85 A X J N Fisher body service manual for Chevrolet Celebrity Cavalier Citation Cadillac Cimarron Buick Century Somerset Regal Skyhawk Pontiac Sunbird 6000 Phoenix Oldsmobile Firenza Ciera Cutlass Calais (85_FisherAXJN)
$14.95 |
85 Pontiac Product Service Publications Bulletins (85_ServPublct)
$19.95 |
86 Pontiac Product Service Publications Bulletins (86_PontProdct)
$17.95 |
87 Pontiac Product Service Publications (87_Publct)
$15.95 |
89 Pontiac Product Service Publications Bulletins (89_ServPublct)
$29.95 |
77 Phoenix Owners Manual by Pontiac. (77_Phoenix_OM - Not a shop manual)
$19.95 |
78 Phoenix Owners manual by Pontiac (78_Phoenix_OM - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
79 Phoenix Owners Manual by Pontiac (79_Phoenix_OM - Not a shop manual)
$24.95 |
80 Phoenix Owners manual by Pontiac. (80_Phoenix_OM - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
81 Phoenix Owners manual by Pontiac. (81_Phoenix_OM - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
82 Phoenix Owners Manual by Pontiac (82Phoenix_OM - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
83 Phoenix Owners manual by Pontiac (83_Phoen_Own - Not a shop manual)
$23.95 |
84 Phoenix Owners manual by Pontiac (84_Phoen_Own - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
79 Pontiac Buyer's Guide Sales Brochure by Pontiac for all 1979 models inclding Firebird Grand Prix LeMans Phoenix Bonneville Trans Am & more.. 12 pages (79_Pont_Buyer)
$8.95 |
79 Range Sales Brochure by Pontiac for all 1979 models inclding Firebird, Grand Prix, LeMans, Phoenix, Bonneville, Trans Am, and more.. over 30 pages (79_Range)
$12.95 |
78 Shop Service Repair Manual by Pontiac for Firebird Grand Prix Bonneville LeMans Phoenix Sunbird Safari Grand Am Catalina and Le Mans GrandAm all other 78 models Also used for 1979 & 1980 (78_3896R)
$69.95 |
78-80 Shop Service Repair Manuals Set by Pontiac on CD for Firebird Grand Prix Bonneville LeMans Phoenix Sunbird Safari Grand Am Catalina and Le Mans GrandAm all other 78 79 & 80 models (79_1400)
$34.95 |
80-84 Pontiac Phoenix & Oldsmobile Omega by Haynes (82_344_)
$8.95 |
80-85 Citation, Skylark, Phoenix, Omega; Chilton's Manual for Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick, & Oldsmobile (825_7049U)
$21.95 |
80-85 shop service repair manual Chevrolet Citation Buick Skylark Pontiac Phoenix Oldsmobile Omega by Haynes (82_38020_Ch)
$12.95 |
83-89 B-body Parts & Illustration Catalog Manual by Pontiac, also 82-84 G, T, & X-bodies and 85-87 G & T-bodies (89_BGTXparts)
$69.95 |
82-89 Parts Manual by Pontiac covering Grand Prix, Bonneville, Parisienne, 1000, Phoenix, and more... (85_BGTX_Parts)
$69.95 |
74-83 Large format repair manual for Pontiac by Chiltons covering Grand Prix Grand Am LeMans GTO Phoenix & Ventura (78PO_28740)
$29.95 |
74-83 Pontiac Mid-Size shop Service repair Manual by Chilton (includes models like Grand AM, Grand Le Mans, Grand Prix, GTO, Le Mans, Phoenix, Ventura) (78_7346)
$29.95 |
68-79 Chevrolet Nova Interchange parts manual by Hollander; 300 pgs. (72_HNOVA)
$42.95 |
88-03 Interchange Parts Manual for Electronic Modules By Hollander Covers all Cars & Trucks incl Cadillac Chevrolet Buick Chrysler Dodge Ford Lincoln Mercury GMC Jeep Olds Acura Alfa Audi BMW Daewoo Honda Hyundai Infiniti Isuzu Jag Kia Lexus Mazda Mercedes Mitsubishi Nissan Porsche Saab Subaru Suzuki Toyota VW Volvo & more... (95_HollanderID2)
$49.95 |