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the Auto in 1912 by the Editors of Auto Trade Journal compiling trade news advertisements prices specs & illutrations of models offered by all manufacturers for 1912 including Abbott Buick Cadillac Ford Hudson Pierce Arrow Packard & more (12_AutoHist)
$19.95 |
Floyd Clymers Historical Catalog of 1914 Cars (14_ClymerCatalo)
$21.95 |
American Car of 1921 as Pictured & Described by MotorCar edited by R Brigham history covering Ford Cadillac Buick Lincoln Nash & more (21_AmerCar)
$49.95 |
34 Magnificent Packard Twevle of Nineteen Thirty Fourby E Blend 183 page history with numerous photographs with articles on Style Numbers Production Bodies Custom Bodies Identification Steel Engine & more (34_MagPack12)
$399.95 |
48 Indianapolis Race Yearbook by Floyd Clymer indy 500 (48_Indy500YB)
$34.95 |
49 Indianapolis Race Yearbook by Floyd Clymer indy 500 (49_Indy500YB)
$34.95 |
50 Indianapolis Race Yearbook by Floyd Clymer indy 500 (50_Indy500YB)
$39.95 |
1951 CUSTOM CARS TREND BOOK 101 by the Editors of Motor Trend Magazine (51_CCTRNDBK_101)
$24.95 |
51 Indianapolis Race Yearbook by Floyd Clymer indy 500 (51_Indy500YB)
$29.95 |
ABC of American Cars by J Dudley history covering 1952 models by Cadillac Buick Ford Pontiac Hudson & more (52_ABCAmerCar)
$39.95 |
Motor Year Book 1953 by Laurence Pomeroy an illustrated hard cover history compilation gathering model diagrams racing results and more (53_MotorYear)
$39.95 |
Motor Year Book 1954 by Laurence Pomeroy an illustrated hard cover history compilation gathering model diagrams racing results and more (54_MotorYear)
$39.95 |
Motor Year Book 1955 by Laurence Pomeroy an illustrated hard cover history compilation gathering model diagrams racing results and more (55_MotorYear)
$39.95 |
Motor Year Book 1956 by Laurence Pomeroy an illustrated hard cover history compilation gathering model diagrams racing results and more (56_MotorYear)
$39.95 |
Mille Miglia 1957 the last act in a legendary race by Dolcini (579788879115322)
$69.95 |
57 Range Sales Brochure for Cadillac (57_CADSB)
$49.95 |
Cars of 1957 by the Auto Editors of Consumers Guide (57_CarsOf57)
$24.95 |
57 Indianapolis Race Yearbook by Floyd Clymer indy 500 (57_Indy500YB)
$49.95 |
Motor Year Book 1957 by Laurence Pomeroy an illustrated hard cover history compilation gathering model diagrams racing results and more (57_MotorYear)
$39.95 |
58 Automobile Year No. 5 Book on Racing history (58_Auto_Year5)
$54.95 |
58 Cadillac Range Sales Brochure 28 pages (58_CADSB)
$19.95 |
58 Indianapolis Race Yearbook by Floyd Clymer indy 500 (58_Indy500YB)
$139.95 |
59 Indianapolis Race Yearbook by Floyd Clymer indy 500 (59_Indy500YB)
$49.95 |
1959 Grand Prix World Championship, L. Stanley, over 250 illustration. Featuring Ferrari, BRM, Cooper and Lotus (59_WorldChamp)
$79.95 |
60 Range Sales Brochure by Cadillac in 16 pages (60_Cad_Sales)
$23.95 |
1949-2000 Ferrari Glory Monoposto Single Seaters Klemantaski photos limited edition of 200 books 168 pages bound in red leather by Gianni Cancellieri (60_Ferrari_Mono)
$199.95 |
1960 Grand Prix World Championship, L. Stanley, over 250 illustration. Featuring Ferrari, BRM, Cooper and Lotus (60_WorldChamp)
$79.95 |
61 Automobile Year, edited by G. Wilkins; 216 pg. review of international auto racing & European auto industry (61_AutoYear)
$99.95 |
61 Indianapolis Race Yearbook by Floyd Clymer indy 500 (61_Indy500YB)
$39.95 |
62 Indianapolis Race Yearbook by Floyd Clymer indy 500 (62_Indy500YB)
$39.95 |
63 Indianapolis Race Yearbook by Floyd Clymer indy 500 (63_Indy500YB)
$49.95 |
63 Factory Pontiac Accessories Manual by Pontiac (63_Pont_accesso)
$24.95 |
1964 Pontiac GTO Muscle Cars in Detail No. 8 by D. Bonaskiewich 96pgs with over 125 photos (64_CT590)
$29.95 |
1964 Grand Prix World Championship by L Stanley over 250 illustrations Featuring Ferrari BRM Cooper Lotus (64_WorldChamp)
$79.95 |
1965 Jim Clark & Team Lotus the UK races 208 pages hardcover (659781902351360)
$49.95 |
1965 - Jim Clark & Team Lotus The UK Races by W Taylorin 208 pages with 197 photos (65_210700AE)
$49.95 |
Motor Sport Yearbook 1966 by John Player (66_MotorYearboo)
$29.95 |
67 Motor Sport Magazine Volume 43 - Jan-Dec 1967 editions of MotorSport Magazine (67_MotorSportMa)
$29.95 |
Motor Sport Yearbook 1967 by John Player (67_MotorYearboo)
$29.95 |
Big Little Pontiac GTO by Albert Drake (69_Big_Ltl_GTO)
$24.95 |
1969 Motor Trend February Issue with Plymouth Road Runner as Car of the Year and more (69_MotorTrend)
$39.95 |
The Big Drive The Book of the World Cup Rally 1970 by Richard Hudson-Evans Graham Robson 72 pgs the story of the 1970 World Cup Rally from London to Mexico City by one of the drivers (70_BigDrive)
$29.95 |
1971 Automobile Almanac by David Ash - Specifications and Evaluations of 1971 Cars along with Racing Data and Record (71_AutoAlmanac)
$19.95 |
Ballot by Cabart & Sen 2 volume boxed set 920 pages 1,650 images covering Race & Road Cars & other engines (72_99_0947_Svc)
$1,249.95 |
73 FIA Yearbook Formula One Racing 1974 Yearbook (73_FiaYearbook)
$49.95 |
May 28, 1978 62nd Annual Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Fact Book compiled by Bob Laycock Indy 500 (78_Indy500FactB)
$29.95 |
May 25, 1980 64nd Annual Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Fact Book compiled by Bob Laycock and Bill Donaldson Indy 500 (80_Indy500FactB)
$29.95 |
1982 the inside story of the Sensational Grand Prix Season of Formula 1 272 pages by C. Hilton (82_145303)
$64.95 |
83 Alfa Romeo Kimberleys Grand Prix Team Guide 8 by Bob Constanduros 28 pages color & BW illustrations V12 V8 turbo ground effects Type 182 183 183T (83_AlfaF1Team)
$34.95 |
Cadillac Allante Design Evolution and Production history book by G. Bocca published in Italy (86_Allante)
$99.95 |