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view cover of The Definitive Development History of Coventry Climax Racing Engines; 192 pages by D. Hammill
The Definitive Development History of Coventry Climax Racing Engines; 192 pages by D. Hammill (45_136213AE)
$34.95 |
No Excuses by Sheila Van Damm, on racign cars, 238 pages with illustrations about factory Rootes Sunbeam & Hillman Rally Driver. (45_NoExcusesSVD)
$124.95 |
Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 7 (50_MotorScrap7)
$9.95 |
26-76 Pontiacs First 50 Years - Consists of a series of 50 automotive advertisements, one per page printed on heavy stock detailing Pontiac automobiles from 1926 to 1976 (51_Pontiac50Yea)
$105.95 |
Encyclopedia of American Cars 1930-1980 by Richard Langworth hardcover 672 pgs (55_AmCars_30_80)
$24.95 |
1930-80 50 Years of the American Automobile Design by Dick Nesbitt 64 hardbound pages (55_AmericanDsgn)
$14.95 |
view cover of Steve McQueen Full-Throttle Cool by D Zimmerman Art by Greg Scott Bioography of Steve McQueen in graphic novel form 87 pages
Steve McQueen Full-Throttle Cool by D Zimmerman Art by Greg Scott Bioography of Steve McQueen in graphic novel form 87 pages (55_McQueen)
$19.95 |
They Call Me Mister 500 by Anthony Granatelli, hardcover and 341 pages. History of Car Racing (55_Mister500)
$36.95 |
30-80 Complete Book of Collectible Cars by R Langworth 383 page hard cover History (60_CollCarsLang)
$24.95 |
500 Miles to Go - The Story of the Indianapolis Speedway by Al Bloemker (61_500MilesToGo)
$29.95 |
Cars Detroit Never Built Fifty Years of American Experimental Cars by Edward Janicki 224 hardbound pages (63_DetroitNever)
$9.95 |
The GRand Prix Car Volume 1 by Laurence Pomeroy (64_GrandPrixV1)
$349.95 |
30-80 50 Years of American Automobile Design 1930-1980 by D Nesbitt oversized hard cover history with numerous photographs (65_50YRAutoDesi)
$14.95 |
Lost Road Courses Racing Tracks by M. Rudow Riverside Ontario Bridgehampton & more 176 pages (65_CT549)
$29.95 |
view cover of 37-87 Cadillac Fleetwood Seventy-Five Series Limousines Photo Archive 126 pages with color & B&W photos by Tom McPherson & Walter McCall
37-87 Cadillac Fleetwood Seventy-Five Series Limousines Photo Archive 126 pages with color & B&W photos by Tom McPherson & Walter McCall (67_10339)
$32.95 |
48-97 Ferrari Monoposto Catalogue Raisonne Single Seaters hardcover (70MonopostRaiso)
$99.95 |
Pictoral History of Pleasure and Commercial Vehicles manufactured in York County Pennsylvania (77_PleasureComm)
$39.95 |
Salt of the earth by Ab Jenkins (88_1373_Svc)
$59.95 |
Volume 40 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Maserati 5000 Packard Caribbean and more (B20_AQVol40Iss1)
$29.95 |
23-75 Americans at Le Mans: An illustrated history of the 24 hour race from 1923 to 1975 with emphasis on American drivers and cars by Albert R Bochroch (50_AmericanLeMa)
$59.95 |
I Remember the Day James Dean Died by Albert Drake 189 pgs Hot rod short stores pub by White Ewe Press 1983 (83_JamesDean)
$39.95 |
Classic Cars & Antiques by H Bowman published by Motor Trend 144 page history covering Cord Mercedes Lincoln Packard & more (25_MotorClassAn)
$19.95 |
Ferrari by Godfrey Eaton large hardcover 63 pages (56_FerrariEaton)
$29.95 |
Road and Racing History of Ferrari 1947-2000 136 hardcover pages by A. Curami. (99_N235X)
$29.95 |
How to Restore your Collector Car by Tom Brownell 288 pages (52_145823)
$29.95 |
view cover of 1906-60 Classic Grand Prix Cars: The Glorious Prehistory of Formula 1 by K Ludvigsen Hardcover 248pgs with over 250 photographs
1906-60 Classic Grand Prix Cars: The Glorious Prehistory of Formula 1 by K Ludvigsen Hardcover 248pgs with over 250 photographs (33_H634)
$79.95 |
Formula One - The Ultimate in Racing Cars by Rich Taylor (50_FormulaOneTa)
$14.95 |
Hemmings Book of Postwar American Independents Drive Reports from Special Interest Autos Magazine 120 pages by the Magazine Editors that thoroughly explores the joys and trials of owning or collecting some of America's most sought-after cars (65_Hemmings)
$19.95 |
46-2000 Complete US Automobile Sales Literature Checklist for the collector By Kenneth Eisbrener 160 pages (74_10247)
$24.95 |
Best Damn Garage in Town the world accordig to Smokey Yunick 3-vol set: Li;l skinny rule book & eatin and elephant about indy racing & inventions, Walkin under a Snake's Belly; my so called life & All right you sons-a bitches, let's have a race; stock car racing years (995_VW_C70700)
$549.95 |
Automobile Racing a History of Motor Sport by R Walkerley 230 page hardcover racing history ranging from 1906 to 1961 (23_AutoRacing)
$49.95 |
view cover of 00-55 Mercedes Tre per una Stella history of style production & racing in English & Italian by F. Zagari
00-55 Mercedes Tre per una Stella history of style production & racing in English & Italian by F. Zagari (27_MB_Stella)
$69.95 |
1917 - 1972 Atandard Catalog of John Deere Tractors by Roberts Pripps, Photographs by Andrew Morland with 224 pages and 250 photographs (44_139142A)
$23.95 |
Ferrari Road & Racing with excellent model by model coverage by Goodfellow with forward by Piero Ferrari 320 pages hardcover (75_FerrariGoodf)
$39.95 |
view cover of Lotus Engineering Theories Design & Applications of Colin Chapman 190 pages with many B&W photos & illustrations by H. Haskell
Lotus Engineering Theories Design & Applications of Colin Chapman 190 pages with many B&W photos & illustrations by H. Haskell (75_Lotus_Engine)
$129.95 |
Automotive Mechanics by William H Crouse - An introduction to Automotive mechanics (46_AutoMechanic)
$34.95 |
Bugatti A Racing History By David Venables (28_134933AE)
$129.95 |
Racing Stock by M Silber 160 page history (50_RacingStock)
$14.95 |
NASCAR Chronicles by G Fielden 504 page oversized hard cover history with numerous color photos (75_NascarChron)
$19.95 |
Famous Old Cars by H Bowman history covering Bentley Bugatto Cadillac Cord Lincoln Marmon Packard & more (25_FamousOld)
$9.95 |
Complete Book of Hot Rodding by R Petersen 224 page hard cover history (25_HotRod)
$74.95 |
Living Legend by Packard: historical facts book about the company from 1899 to 1956 published as a promotional item by Packard for the 1956 model year (50_SP_02)
$29.95 |
The Healey Story by Geoff Healey: 200 hardcover pages, the classic history of the Healey Motor Company and the Austin-Healey (62_123479)
$39.95 |
Maserati Coupe: The History 1946-2003: 144 pages by J. Lewandowski covreing A6 A6GCS a6g/54 450S 3500GT 5000GT Sebring Mistral Mexico Ghibli Simun Indy Bora Khamsin BiTurbo Karif Shamal 3500 3200GT & Cambiocorsa (88_Coupe)
$59.95 |
The Packard Story: The Car & The Company History Book by Robert E. Turnquist 286 hardbound pages (25_39817)
$39.95 |
view cover of Packard the Complete Story by Michael G Scott 201 page hard cover history
Packard the Complete Story by Michael G Scott 201 page hard cover history (25_PackardScott)
$49.95 |
view cover of 00-58 Packard history by D. Adler 10'x10' 156 pgs. forward by Jay Leno
00-58 Packard history by D. Adler 10'x10' 156 pgs. forward by Jay Leno (28_137317)
$74.95 |
Packard Illustrated Quarterly Spring 1975 ed. F Taylor hardcover 62 pages (28_Packard_Hist)
$29.95 |
Packard the Pride by J. Fenster 208 hardbound pages full of contemporary color photos by Roy Query History from 1899 to 1956 A Automobile Quarterly Magnificent Marque Series book (29_30080A)
$89.95 |
Great Racing Drivers of the World, Tanner. Racing histories of 37 of the greatest drivers. published 1958. (29_Tanner)
$29.95 |