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Nothing Runs Misadventures in the Collectible & Exotic Car Biz by A. Slutsky about great automobiles and the trouble they caused for those who tried to turn their passion into a business 144 pages (75_194219AE)
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Art of the Le Mans Race Car 90 Years of Speed 240 hardbound pages many high quality color photos by Stuart Codling Foreward by Derek Bell (90_210726)
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Formula 1 World Champions 256 pages Hardcover by R. Schlegelmilch & H. Lehbrink (9783832796129)
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Bracket Racing by Tony Sakkis a guide to getting started on the road to bracket racing success (67_1266)
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DW21 Tractor Service manual by Caterpillar (55_DW21TractSvc)
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Bentley - A Racing History by David Venables - Published to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Bentleys motor racing debut at Brooklands. This is a story of the sporting successes and engineering isi by an author who is an expert on the period (50_196355AE)
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A Century of Automotive Style 100 Years of American Car Design by M Lamm & D Holls on CD (59_CenturyStyle)
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Physics for Gearheads An Introduction to Vehicle Dynamics Energy and Power by R Beikmann (80_GEBP)
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Goodwood events & history of Festival of Speed Revival & Members meeting 160 pgs hardcover by K. Gielen (9783667101273)
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Caterpillar model 1673 Diesel Truck Engine Parts Book, serial numbers 70B1 and up, printed 1962 (60_1673DiesTruc)
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D311 Diesel Electric Set Parts Manual, seriel numbers 4V5001 and up, published 1948. (60_D311_Catalog)
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Caterpillar D318 Engine Parts Manual, serial Sv5001 and up (60_D318_Catalog)
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D4 Tractor, 44 Inch Gauge Parts Catalog Manual, seriel numbers 6U1 and up, published 1952. (75_D4_44PartCat)
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D4 Tractor, 60 Inch Gauge Parts Catalog Manual, seriel numbers 7U1 and up, published 1952. (75_D4_60PartCat)
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Caterpillar Bulldozers models 8A, 8C, 8S, and 8U Parts Book, printed 1962 (8_Series_Bull)
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The Automotive Alchemist A. Saunders 464pgs (72_DSM)
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02-06 Cadillac at 100 Legacy of Leadership 1902-2006 568 hardbound pages 2 volume history set in slipcase 500 illustrations by Maurice D Hendry (50_37691)
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1904-2009 AC Cars Portfolio Brooklands 428 pages (59781588501554)
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Hot Rod Horsepower Handbook Big Block Chevy by D. Freiburger 160 page restoration guide (50_HotRodFreib)
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100 Years of Semi Trucks Book contains detailed captions about each featured vehicle by Ronald Adams 320 Hardbound pages (50_130098AP)
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Minneapolis-Moline Tractors Illustrated Buyer's Guide by Brian Rukes 128 pages (53_129813AP)
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John Deere Small Tractors History book by Rod Beemer 128 Hardbound pages (53_134869AP)
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The Art & Science of Grand Prix Driving by Niki Lauda 245 pages (53_ArtofGrandPr)
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Autocross Manual by Peter Noad 80 pages (53_AutoCrossMan)
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Guide to Competition Driving by Paul O'Shea 126 pages copyright 1957 (53_CompetitionD)
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Driving in Competition Book by Alan Johnson (53_DrvngCompBoo)
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The Guinness Guide to International Motor Racing A Complete Reference from Formula 1 to Touring Cars by Peter Higham 544 hardbound pages (53_GuinnessRac)
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The Racing Driver The Theory & Practice of Fast Driving by Denis Jenkinson 205 pages (53_RacingDriver)
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Sports Car & Competition Driving Book by Paul Frere 138 pages (60_SportCarFrer)
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Lead Sleds Book about custom cars that have undergone extensive bodywork. 96 pages by Joe Kress (60_Z_134478AP)
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Indy 500 Pace Cars Book by The Auto Editors of Consumer Guide Collector's Edition 216 pages Hardbound (65_IndyPaceCars)
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Champions! book about Hawthorn Hill Clark Surtees Stewart Hunt & Mansell by Christopher Hilton & John Blunsden (70_ChampionsHHC)
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Insiders Guide to the Nascar Tracks The Unofficial, Opinionated, Fan's Guide to the Nextel Cup Circuit by Don Coble & Lee Buchanan (75_NascarTracks)
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Playboy's Guide to Rallying, Racing, and Sports Car Driving by William Neely (80_PBGRS)
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Racing & Sports Car Chassis Design Book by Michael Costin & David Phipps 140 pages (80_RaceChassDes)
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Life at the Limit Graham Hill Autobiography 255 pages (85_LifeAtTheLim)
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Standard Catalog of INDEPENDENTS The Struggle to Survive Among Giants compelete coverage of all major independent auto manufaturers Edited by Ron Kowalke (90_StndrdCatlgI)
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Rodger Ward - Superstar of American Racings Golden Age by Mike OLeary (B06_RodgerWard)
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Speed Secrets 6 Engineering the Driver by Ross Bentley (Speed_Secret6)
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Hot Rod Kings Top Traditional Rod & Custom Builders by K Thomson 160 page hard cover history (50_HotRodKings)
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American Speed from Dirt Tracks to Indy to Nascar by LIFE Books Intro by M. Andretti & Afterword by Jeff Gordon 128 hardbound pages (53_AmericanSpee)
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Drag Racing History Book by Charles Comb 96 pages (53_DragRacingCo)
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Trolley Buses around the world photographic history by Luke & Metler 160 pages 320 illustrations (55_10266)
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Sport & Racing Cars History Book by Raymmond F. Yates & Brock W. Yates 116 hardbound pages (60_SRCHB_Yates)
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Indy 500 Mechanic Clint Brawner & Joe Scalzo The Inside Stroy of Big Time Auto Racing intro by Mario Andretti 194 hardbound pages (65_IndyMechanic)
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Stand on the Gas Sprint Car Racing in America by Joe Scalzo 205 hardbound pages (70_StandOntheGa)
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A.J. Foyt The Life of Americas Greatest Race Car Driver Book by A.J. Foyt with William Neely 260 pages (80_AJFoyt)
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2004 Aug. 14-20 56th Annual Bonneville Speed Week Official Program (B04_BonnvlProgr)
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