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90 Firebird Shop Service Repair Manual by Pontiac (90_Firebd_Svc)
$44.95 |
Acura NSX an illustrated guide to Honda supercar. Hardcover, silver and black. published by Acura. 1990 (90_History)
$129.95 |
90 Warranty for Pontiac cars by Pontiac. (90_Pontiac_Warr)
$4.95 |
90 Pontiac product service publications bulletins (90_Pont_Publ)
$36.95 |
90 Sunbird Service shop repair Manual by Pontiac (90_SunbServ)
$49.95 |
82-92 Pontiac Firebird shop service repair manual by Haynes (87_79019)
$34.95 |
82-92 Pontiac Firebird Large Format shop service repair manual by Chilton (88PO_28602)
$29.95 |
82-94 GM Buick Skyhawk Chevrolet Cavalier Pontiac J2000 Sunbird Oldsmobile Firenza Cadillac Cimarron shop service repair manual by Haynes (88_38015)
$25.95 |
82-96 Cavalier Skyhawk Cimarron Firenza 2000 Sunbird Large Format Shop Service Repair Manual Chevrolet Buick Oldsmobile Pontiac by Chilton (89CH_28320)
$19.95 |
80-95 Engine Code Manual by Chilton's covers all domestic & import vehicles (B00_8851)
$19.95 |
How to Rebuild Honda Civic Accord CRX Prelude del Sol & Acura Integra B-Series Engines by Jason Siu 144 pages (B05_SA154_P)
$34.95 |
Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide to Nitrous-Oxide Injection by David Vizard (80_NOS_Guide)
$19.95 |
74-97 Timing Belts Manual for Domestic & Imported Cars & Trucks. Covers Inspection Replacement & Tensioning (74_Adata_belt)
$36.95 |
67-93 Catalog of Ford Firebird ID Numbers (80_FirebirdIdNu)
$69.95 |
Xtreme Honda B-Series Engines 192 pages by R. Holdener of theory & practical information how to increase performance applicable to Honda Civic Accord CRX Prelude del Sol & Acura Integra B-Series Engines (B05_HP_1552)
$79.95 |
Honda Acura Engine Performance by Mike Kojima How to modify D B & H series engines for street and drag racing performance 192 Color pages (B00_1384)
$29.95 |
55-79 How to Build Max Performance Pontiac V8s by J. Hand incl 326 389 400 421 455 V-8 Tri-Power Ram Air Engines bottom end cooling oiling ignition carburetors porting exhaust & more 180 photos 144 pgs (75_SA78)
$159.95 |
1973 Onwards McLaren M23 Shop Service Repair Manual Haynes by I Wagstaff (75_211385)
$49.95 |
John Deere F3350 and F3450 Series Drawn Moldboard Plows Operator's Manual Service Shop 8.5" x 11" 56 Pages For John Deere by John Deere (90_A17310)
$24.95 |
John Deere 1150 and 1250 Series Integral Moldboard Plows Operator's Manual Service Shop 8.5" x 11" 41 Pages For John Deere by John Deere (90_A17939)
$24.95 |
John Deere 2500 Power Reset Semi Integral Moldboard Plow Operator's Manual Service Shop 8.5" x 11" 64 Pages For John Deere by John Deere (90_A21072)
$24.95 |
John Deere 350 and 360 Series Power Reset Semi Integral Moldboard Plows Operator's Manual Service Shop 8.5" x 11" 72 Pages For John Deere by John Deere (90_A26536)
$24.95 |
Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual Collection 320 pages by I&T for Ford Fordson published in 1990 (90_FO_201)
$34.95 |
Vintage Racing British Sports Cars by Terry Jackson foreward by Stirling Moss 180 pages many B&W photos Jaguar Lotus MG Aston-Martin Cortina Morgan AC race car preapration published 1990 (60_GVRB)
$29.95 |
Bracket Launch Super Class Chassis Alcohol Gas Holley by Alex Walordy 66 pages (75_36_202)
$19.95 |
Super Tuning Ignition Carburetors Cams Fuel Injection by Alex Walordy 66 pages (75_TuninWalordy)
$19.95 |
MotoGP Technology 3rd Ed Neil Spalding 304 pages (B19781999885601)
$39.95 |
Best Damn Garage in Town the world accordig to Smokey Yunick 3-vol set: Li;l skinny rule book & eatin and elephant about indy racing & inventions, Walkin under a Snake's Belly; my so called life & All right you sons-a bitches, let's have a race; stock car racing years (995_VW_C70700)
$549.95 |
Vehicle Voltage Drop Testing by Joe Glassford (B08_VoltDropTes)
$29.95 |
Super Tuning Holley Carburetors by Alex Walordy 66 pages bracket racing street muscle drag racing oval track (70_36_155)
$19.95 |
Hot Holleys 83 full color pages by Alex & Nancy Walordy (70_36_254)
$19.95 |
How to build you own sports car for as little as 250 gbp and race it 192 pages in hardcover by Ron Champion Haynes (75_31269A)
$74.95 |
Ram Jet 502 ( MEFI 3 ) Shop Service Repair Manual by GM (99_12486610)
$49.95 |
Ram Jet 350 ( MEFI 3 ) Shop Service Repair Manual by GM (99_12486611)
$49.95 |
Ram Jet 350 ( MEFI 4 ) Shop Service Repair Manual by GM (99_88962723)
$49.95 |
Ram Jet 502 ( MEFI 4 ) Shop Service Repair Manual by GM (99_88962724)
$49.95 |
LS1 Engine Kit Installation Guide by GM (B05_88959384)
$39.95 |
26-92 Pontiac! They Built Excitement by T Bonsall Hardcover 160 page history book (59_BonsallPont)
$19.95 |
Models TW 5, TW 15, Tw 25, TW 35 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 160 pages by I&T for Ford New Holland published in 1990 for TW5, TW15, TW25, TW35 (90_FO_45)
$34.95 |
Models 1120, 1220, 1320, 1520, 1720, 1920, 2120 Tractor Shop Service manual, 136 pages by I&T for Ford New Holland published in 1991 (91_FO_46)
$34.95 |
00-92 How to Restore Your Ford Tractors by R Pripps 176 page restoration guide (46_RestorFarm)
$29.95 |
Models 3230, 3430, 3930, 4630, 4830 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 136 pages by I&T for Ford New Holland published in 1993 (93_FO_47)
$34.95 |
Racers Encyclopedia of Metals Fibers & Materials by F Aird Custom racing shop service manual (80_RacerMat)
$29.95 |
Ford New Holland Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual by I&T for Models 5640, 6640, 7740, 7840, 8240, 8340, 280 pages published in 1996 (96_FO_48)
$34.95 |
Mechanic's Guide to Precision Measuring Tools by F. Aird 128 pages Powerpro Series (48_MeasurTools)
$29.95 |
Competition Car Suspension Design Construction Tuning by A Staniforth 268 page hard cover (90_CompSusp)
$44.95 |
Series 2N 8N 9N Tractor Shop Service Repair manual 152 pages by I&T for Ford New Holland published in 2000 (B00_FO_4)
$34.95 |