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Classic Racing Cars by C Posthumus Hardcover 160 pgs with over 130 photographs and detailed drawings (77_Classic_Race)
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The Worlds Automobiles 1880-1958 - A record of 78 years of car building by G R Doyle (25_WorldsAuto)
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Racing Cars and the History of Motor Sport; Peter Roberts, from dawn of motor racing thru 1973. (39_5_Hist)
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Cadillac Classics is the story of this great American marque from the early elegance of the brass era through the vast Eldorado convertibles of the seventies 128 pages hardcover 500 illustrations by Consumer Guide Auto Editors (50_36768)
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The Encyclopedia of the World's Classic Cars A technical directory of the most magnificent cars from 1900 to late 1970's by Graham Robson 248 pages Hadbound color photos (30_EncyClasCars)
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Stanguellini Big Little Racing cars history of the man & his cars: 383 pages by Orsini & Zagari English language (40_137217)
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Cars In Profile Collection 2 includes Facel Vega McLaren M8 Series 4 1/2 Litre Bentley Formula 1 Matra Fords Jaguar D Rolls Royce Phantom II 2 editor: Anthony Harding (40_CarsInProfi2)
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Standard of Excellence Pictorial History of Cadillac thru 1980 by the editors of Cusumer Guide 96 pages in hardcover (40_StandardofEx)
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British Leyland - The Truth About the Cars by Jeff Daniels (60_BritishLeyla)
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Fit for the Chase - Cars and the Movies by Raymond Lee (69_FitForChase)
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80 Years of Cadillac LaSalle History Book by Water M.P. McCall 447 hardbound pages Eighty Yrs Cadillac La Salle (80YearsLasalle)
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Classic Cars Cadillac by LeRoi Smith & Tony Hossain Color photographs and detailed info of the Cadillacs of 1903-1983 (Cadillac_class)
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Grand Prix the Cars the Drivers the Circuits Hardcover 224 pages Hodges Nye Roebuck (81_GrandPrix)
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A History of the Worlds Classic Cars by Richard Hough and Michael Frostick (63_HistoryClass)
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Master of Precision - Henry M Leland - A Biography of the creator of both the Cadillac and Lincoln cars, as written by his daughter-in-law Wilfred C Leland (66_MasterPrecis)
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01-85 Great American Cars by J Wood 96 Color pgs of photos & descriptions. (43_3983)
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Japanese Automobile Industry Technology & Managment at Nissan & Toyota by M Cusumano 487 page history detailing the rise of Japans foremost auto manufacturers (60_JapanInd)
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Cadillac History thru 1986 Great Marques by Whyte & Blunsden 80 pages oversized hardcover (82_JagXJ6XJ12)
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Stalking the Motorsports Sponser by P Bentley racing guide to attaining sponsership (50_StalkSponser)
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At the Limit Twenty One Classic Cars That Shaped a Century of Motor Sport Racing by N Mason 176 page hard cover book featuring Panhard Ferrari Porsche Alfa Romeo Jaguar & more classic racing cars (44_LimitRacing)
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Cadillac - Americas Luxury Car by Robert C Ackerson (88_CadillacLuxu)
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Secrets of Solo Racing Expert Techniques for Autocross & Time Trials by H Watts 173 page performance guide with chapters on Driving Basics Turns & Shifting Preparing & Modifying Cars & more (50_SoloRacing)
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Winning A Race Driver's Handbook, G. Anderson. Technique and methods from top drivers and race engineers. (45_119031AE)
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Classic American Cars by Quentin Willson 192 pages color illust. hardbound (45_ClassAmerica)
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Lemons The Worlds Worst Cars by T Jacobs 160 pages hardcover (50_LemonsJacobs)
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Innes Remembers by Innes & Jean Ireland (60_Innesremem)
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Caltex Book of Veteran and Vintage Cars in New Zealand by Mollie Anderson (70_CaltexVetera)
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75 years of Excellence, Hard cover book celebrating 75 years of General Motors (75_yr_history)
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Fifty Years of American Automobiles by the Auto Editors fo Consumer Guide (89_FiftyYearsAm)
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Great American Convertible by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 255 page hard cover history with numerous photographs (50_GreAmCon)
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The Do it yourself Guide to Sport Trucking by Michael Bargo - Build a Super Street Cruiser or Off Road 4 wheeler - published 1991 (91_SA296)
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Cadillac by Fetherston Ospry Classic Marque pictorial history (65_Fetherston)
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Great American Farm Tractor by C Wendell 128 page hard cover history featuring makes such as John Deere Case International Harvester Allis Chalmers Caterpillar Fordson and more (50_GreAmFarm)
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Classic Cars of the World by Quentin Willson 416 page hard cover with plentiful color photographs (45_ClassWolrd)
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Moving The Goods Trucking in America by Ron Kowalke A nostalgic reflection on the rigs that rolled the roads of America in the glory years of trucking history. 300 photographs 284 pgs pub by Krause Publications 1995 (95_MovingTheGoo)
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Inside Track - A Photo Documentary of NASCAR Stock Car Racing by Benny Parsons with photos by George Bennett - The photo ducumentation of a year of NASCAR racing and following several drivers and their teams (96_InsideTrack)
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Busted Tractors & Rusty Knuckles Norwegian Torque Wrench Techniques & Other Fine Points of Tractor Restoration by R Welsch 224 page history part memoir & part restoration guide (50_BustTrac)
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05-97 Ford Farm Tractors by R Leffingwell 192 page hard cover history with over 250 photographs celebrating Fords tractors including th eFordson the N Series and beyond (51_FordFarm)
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A Twist of the Wrist - The Motorcycle Road Racers Handbook by Keith Code (83_TwistWristI)
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Porsche Racing - by David and Andrea Sparrow - 356 to GTI Lemans Dayton Grand Prix Supercup - Historic Triumphs and Contemporary Action (97_PorscheRacin)
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1869 1967 the Smithsonian Collection of Automobiles & Motorcycles 164 page history detailing the early years of motoring through the Smithsonian's extensive collection of gas powered vehicles (18_Smithsonian)
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Great Cars of the 20th Century by Brown & Langworth & the editors of Consumer Guide 420 pages large format hardcover (50_Great_Cars)
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49th Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 1999 (99_PebbleBeach)
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A-Z of Cars of the 1930s by Michael Sedgwick and Mark Gillies (35_AZCars30s)
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Ford tractor implements by Beemer & Peterson 128 SB pages, 40 BW & 80 color photos, detailed history of Ford farm implements (50_127179)
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Cadillac 100 Years history of Innovation by Angelo Van Bogart (50_136717A)
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If Hemingway had written a racing novel 197 pages of short stories about cars & car racing edited by Nisley (50_1588500489)
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1901-2000 The Art of the Automobile 100 Greatest Cars by D Adler Foreword by Jay Leno 235 pgs Color (50_AOA100)
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view cover of Get a Horse - The Automobile age in America from the first car to the present - by M M Musselman
Get a Horse - The Automobile age in America from the first car to the present - by M M Musselman (50_GetAHorse)
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Love Sex & Tractors by R Welsch 224 page hard cover history (50_LoveTrac)
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