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34-40 Alfa Romeo 184 pages about 1934-1940 Alfa's compiled into Portfolio book form by Booklands (26_19967)
$34.95 |
40's Cadillacs of the Forties 240 page history by R. Schneider about Fourties Cadillac & LaSalle (45_30320)
$59.95 |
40-54 Independent Convertibles 141 pages featuring Packard Studebaker Hudson Nash Kaiser Frazer & Crosley by Narus (58_14401958)
$39.95 |
20-40 Alfa Romeo 340 pages about 1920-1940 Alfa's compiled into Portfolio book form by Booklands 340 pages (30_210908AE)
$64.95 |
The Olympian Cars: The Great American Luxury Automobiles of the Twenties & Thirties Beautifully illustrated History book 270 hardbound pages by R.B. Carson (30_OlympianCars)
$59.95 |
Maserati 4CLT racing car Chassis #1600 Autobiography remarkable history 128 pages hardcover by C. Bertschi (39781907085758)
$44.95 |
Bugatti Portfolio covering Type 57 - Type 251 models including 57C G S & SC Atalantic Atalante 59 Grand Prix 73C 101C 251 and more 156 pages 294 illustration (37_19954)
$21.95 |
American car dealerships by Robert Genat. covering architecture advertising & dealership business practices (54_137362AP)
$39.95 |
Marquis de Portago The legend by Ed McDonough 205 hardcover pages about the famous sportsman and racing driver on the Ferrari team (45_DePortago)
$89.95 |
Sports Car Rallies Trials Gymkhanas by D. Hebb & A. Peck 160 pages (50_Gymk)
$29.95 |
Encyclopedia of American Cars 1940-1970 by Richard Langworth hardcover 416 pgs (55_AmCars_40_70)
$24.95 |
Track Tests, Sports Cars by Michael Bowler, excellent combined test and history, from early BMWs to 917 Porsche, large format 142 pages (52_Track_Test)
$39.95 |
Jaguar Sports Racing & Works Competition Cars to 1953: 416 hardcover pages by A. Whyte. Volume #1 of a 2 volume set. This volume covers all Jaguar Racing activity up to 1953 (43_133416AE)
$129.95 |
MG Competition Cars and Drivers traces MG racing from 1925 and documents all competition cars their builders drivers & owners in detail finishing with the streamlined record cars 450 illustrations & many informative text and charts by R. Knudson (43_10258)
$34.95 |
Just Packards from the publishers of Old Cars a 139 pg collection of articles about Packard including Clipper Patrician Caribbean OneTwenty & more (38_JustPackards)
$39.95 |
21-57 Aston Martin - The Story of a Sports Car - by Inman Hunter , F E Ellis and Dudley Coram (39_AstonMartinC)
$69.95 |
20-58 Packard Brooklands Portfolio 123 articles incl Six Eight 8-33 Speedster Super Eight 120 Twelve Convertible Sedan Patrician Cavalier Constellation 400 Clipper Hawk & more 196 pages over 500 photos (39_199716AE)
$59.95 |
Volume 39 Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly '30 Packard 745 '64 Comet Caliente Delahaye 135M Chrysler 300C Momo Mirage and more (B20_AQVol39Iss2)
$39.95 |
AC Two-Litre Saloons & Buckland Sportscars: 128 pages by Leo Archibald (50_135480)
$59.95 |
BRM: portfolio of articles about BRM racing cars and races compiled into book form (50_BRMPortfolio)
$24.95 |
40-80 Complete Book of Collectible Cars by R. Langworth, G. Robson & the Editors of Consumer Guide 383 hardbound pages (60_CollectibleC)
$29.95 |
Carrozzeria Touring Superleggera 2 volume set limited ed of only 999 over 750 pages and over 1,300 pictures 2016 edition by Carlo Felice Bianchi Anderloni incl Alfa Romeo Isotta Fraschini Lancia Fiat Ansaldo Citroen O.M. Bianchi BMW Stiegler Auto Avio Bristol Frazer-Nash Ferrari Pegaso Aston Martin Maserati O.S.C.A Lagonda Sunbeam Hillman & more (59788888269498)
$449.95 |
Volume 39 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Terraplane Goodwood 1916 Dodge Trident Ol Yellar and more (B20_AQVol39Iss1)
$29.95 |
06-51 - Power and Glory - The History of Grand Prix Motor Racing by William Court (29_GrandPrixRac)
$89.95 |
Starting Grid to Chequered Flag by P Frere 296 page racing history autobiography of the famous Formula One driver & jouranlist (50_StartingGrid)
$29.95 |
1909-1955 Bugatti Portfolio incl types 10 13 Brescia 22 23 30 35A B C & T 37A 38 39 40 41 Royale 43A 44 46 49 50S & T 51A 53 54 55 57C G S & SC Atalantic Atalante 59 73C 101C 251 & more 480 pags 1000 photos (40_Bugati_Port)
$74.95 |
26-76 Pontiacs First 50 Years - Consists of a series of 50 automotive advertisements, one per page printed on heavy stock detailing Pontiac automobiles from 1926 to 1976 (51_Pontiac50Yea)
$105.95 |
Encyclopedia of American Cars 1930-1980 by Richard Langworth hardcover 672 pgs (55_AmCars_30_80)
$24.95 |
Steve McQueen Full-Throttle Cool by D Zimmerman Art by Greg Scott Bioography of Steve McQueen in graphic novel form 87 pages (55_McQueen)
$19.95 |
30-80 Complete Book of Collectible Cars by R Langworth 383 page hard cover History (60_CollCarsLang)
$24.95 |
Salt of the earth by Ab Jenkins (88_1373_Svc)
$59.95 |
Volume 40 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Maserati 5000 Packard Caribbean and more (B20_AQVol40Iss1)
$29.95 |
23-75 Americans at Le Mans: An illustrated history of the 24 hour race from 1923 to 1975 with emphasis on American drivers and cars by Albert R Bochroch (50_AmericanLeMa)
$59.95 |
I Remember the Day James Dean Died by Albert Drake 189 pgs Hot rod short stores pub by White Ewe Press 1983 (83_JamesDean)
$39.95 |
Automobile Racing a History of Motor Sport by R Walkerley 230 page hardcover racing history ranging from 1906 to 1961 (23_AutoRacing)
$49.95 |
1917 - 1972 Atandard Catalog of John Deere Tractors by Roberts Pripps, Photographs by Andrew Morland with 224 pages and 250 photographs (44_139142A)
$23.95 |
Lotus Engineering Theories Design & Applications of Colin Chapman 190 pages with many B&W photos & illustrations by H. Haskell (75_Lotus_Engine)
$89.95 |
The Packard Story: The Car & The Company History Book by Robert E. Turnquist 286 hardbound pages (25_39817)
$39.95 |
Packard Illustrated Quarterly Spring 1975 ed. F Taylor hardcover 62 pages (28_Packard_Hist)
$29.95 |
Packard the Pride by J. Fenster 208 hardbound pages full of contemporary color photos by Roy Query History from 1899 to 1956 A Automobile Quarterly Magnificent Marque Series book (29_30080A)
$89.95 |
Packard A Chronology of the Company the Cars & the People by Robert Marvin 456 hardbound pages. SIGNED and Numbered First Edition. An illustrated history of the Packard Motor Car Company that operated from 1899 to 1958. (30_Packard_Hist)
$89.95 |
Women in Sports Car Competition by E Mull 105 page racing history (30_WomenRacing)
$49.95 |
00-58 Ask the Man Who Owns One An Illustrated History of Packard Advertising from 1900 through 1958 by Einstein 282 pages hardcover (40_786447732)
$49.95 |
03-56 Packard a history in ads by G. Griffiths Collection of Packard advertising year to year (30_Pkrd_Ask)
$34.95 |
1899-58 Packard Buyer's Guide, Langworth. All Packard cars and commercial vehicles. 160 pg illustrated. (30_Pkrd_Buyer)
$39.95 |
Racing Cars of the World published by Shell Oil history book with inserted cards of famous racing makes such as Panhard Renault Bugatti Peugeot Mercedes Duesenberg Fiat Alfa Romeo Wynn Ferrari Lancia Maserati Jaguar Aston Martin Lotus Saab and more (30_RacingShell)
$175.95 |
60 Sportscar Specials by B Rolofson 128 page racing history featuring Mercedes Lotus Panhard Saab & more (30_SportSpecial)
$74.95 |
Stock Car Racer by W E Butterworth published 1966 (40_StockCarRace)
$19.95 |
Todays Sports and Competition Cars by Tom McCahill (59_TodaysSportC)
$34.95 |
Around the Circuit 424 pages hardcover Racing Car Transporters & support vehilces at Work sequel to previous volume by D Cross & B Kjer (60_AroundCircut)
$88.95 |