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Models MF1010, MF1020 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 104 pages by I&T for Massey Ferguson published in 1994 for MF 1010, MF 1020 (94_MF_47)
$39.95 |
Models 670 770 870 970 1070 Tractor Shop Service Repair manual 120 pages by Clymer for John Deere published in 1995 (95_JD_62)
$34.95 |
Classic Convertables by J G Newbery 112 page hard cover book with numerous photographs (50_ClasConNew)
$19.95 |
Great American Farm Tractor by C Wendell 128 page hard cover history featuring makes such as John Deere Case International Harvester Allis Chalmers Caterpillar Fordson and more (50_GreAmFarm)
$19.95 |
Volume 42 Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Kenworthy Mille Miglia Cadillac Jowett Javelin and more (B20_AQVol42Iss4)
$29.95 |
Bracket Racing by Tony Sakkis a guide to getting started on the road to bracket racing success (67_1266)
$79.95 |
Classic Cars of the World by Quentin Willson 416 page hard cover with plentiful color photographs (45_ClassWolrd)
$9.95 |
The Cadillac Century book by John Heilig (50_CadillacCent)
$39.95 |
Art of the American Automobile The Greatest Stylists and Their Work by Nick Georgano 268 hardbound pages (60_ArtAmericanA)
$29.95 |
Moving The Goods Trucking in America by Ron Kowalke A nostalgic reflection on the rigs that rolled the roads of America in the glory years of trucking history. 300 photographs 284 pgs pub by Krause Publications 1995 (95_MovingTheGoo)
$29.95 |
Ford New Holland Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual by I&T for Models 5640, 6640, 7740, 7840, 8240, 8340, 280 pages published in 1996 (96_FO_48)
$34.95 |
Models 460, 560, 606, 660, 2606, Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 96 pages by I&T for International Harvester (Farmall) published in 1996 (96_IH_25)
$34.95 |
Models 5088, 5288, 5488 Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual, 96 pages by I&T for International Harvester published in 1996 (96_IH_56)
$34.95 |
Inside Track - A Photo Documentary of NASCAR Stock Car Racing by Benny Parsons with photos by George Bennett - The photo ducumentation of a year of NASCAR racing and following several drivers and their teams (96_InsideTrack)
$14.95 |
Mechanic's Guide to Precision Measuring Tools by F. Aird 128 pages Powerpro Series (48_MeasurTools)
$29.95 |
Hot Rods by Boyd Picture book of 19 Boyd Coddington hot rods 126 pgs pub by Thaxton Press (97_HotRodBoyd)
$29.95 |
Kubota Tractor Shop Manual by I&T for Models L175 L210 L225 L225DT L260 B5100D B5100E B6100D B6100E B6100HSTD B6100HSTE B7100D B7100HSTD B7100HSTE L185 L235 L245 L275 L285 L295 L305 L345 L355: 186-pgs publ 1997 (97_K_201)
$34.95 |
Busted Tractors & Rusty Knuckles Norwegian Torque Wrench Techniques & Other Fine Points of Tractor Restoration by R Welsch 224 page history part memoir & part restoration guide (50_BustTrac)
$9.95 |
Road Rally Handbookthe Complete Guide to Competing in Time Speed Distance Road Rallies by C Goss 366 page volume with sections on Getting Started Running Novice Class Rally Equipment Navagation Driving Traps & more (50_RoadRally)
$59.95 |
05-97 Ford Farm Tractors by R Leffingwell 192 page hard cover history with over 250 photographs celebrating Fords tractors including th eFordson the N Series and beyond (51_FordFarm)
$21.95 |
A Twist of the Wrist Volume 2 - Basics of High Performance Motorcycle Riding by Keith Code (83_TwistWristII)
$19.95 |
Porsche Racing - by David and Andrea Sparrow - 356 to GTI Lemans Dayton Grand Prix Supercup - Historic Triumphs and Contemporary Action (97_PorscheRacin)
$49.95 |
1869 1967 the Smithsonian Collection of Automobiles & Motorcycles 164 page history detailing the early years of motoring through the Smithsonian's extensive collection of gas powered vehicles (18_Smithsonian)
$19.95 |
Station Wagon A Tribute to America's Workaholic on Wheels by Ron Kowalke 254 pgs (49_StationWagon)
$19.95 |
Speed Secrets - Professional Race Driving Techniques by Ross Bentley (90_SpeedSecrets)
$19.95 |
The Audi Book 300pgs Hardcover History very large 8lbs 27x36cm including predecessors like DKW Horch Auto Union & Racing in English German & Japenese (999783832796914)
$124.95 |
Great Cars of the 20th Century by Brown & Langworth & the editors of Consumer Guide 420 pages large format hardcover (50_Great_Cars)
$49.95 |
La Lancia 500 page history of Lancia by W. Oude Weernink (80_LaLancia)
$169.95 |
Great American Convertibles 143 page over-sized hard cover history with numerous photographs pub by Publications International (99_GreAmCon)
$29.95 |
49th Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 1999 (99_PebbleBeach)
$19.95 |
DW21 Tractor Service manual by Caterpillar (55_DW21TractSvc)
$24.95 |
Competition Car Suspension Design Construction Tuning by A Staniforth 268 page hard cover (90_CompSusp)
$44.95 |
Series 2N 8N 9N Tractor Shop Service Repair manual 152 pages by I&T for Ford New Holland published in 2000 (B00_FO_4)
$34.95 |
Cadillac 100 Years history of Innovation by Angelo Van Bogart (50_136717A)
$29.95 |
If Hemingway had written a racing novel 197 pages of short stories about cars & car racing edited by Nisley (50_1588500489)
$19.95 |
Bentley - A Racing History by David Venables - Published to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Bentleys motor racing debut at Brooklands. This is a story of the sporting successes and engineering isi by an author who is an expert on the period (50_196355AE)
$59.95 |
1901-2000 The Art of the Automobile 100 Greatest Cars by D Adler Foreword by Jay Leno 235 pgs Color (50_AOA100)
$29.95 |
Classic AC' Two Litre to Cobra 128 hardbound pages by J. McLellan (50_ClassicACs)
$49.95 |
Get a Horse - The Automobile age in America from the first car to the present - by M M Musselman (50_GetAHorse)
$12.95 |
Classic AC's: Auto Carrier to Cobra: 192 hardbound pages by J. Mclellan OUT OF PRINT (50_S20424)
$49.95 |
The Ultimate Race Car. By David Burgess Wise (53_TURC_Burgess)
$29.95 |
A Century of Automotive Style 100 Years of American Car Design by M Lamm & D Holls on CD (59_CenturyStyle)
$39.95 |
Porsche 917 - Kimberlys Racing Sportscar Guide by Michael Cotton (60_917Cotton)
$124.95 |
Racecar Engineering & Mechanics by Van Valkenburgh Fundamentals of race car performance and modification 176 pages published 2000 (60_HP_1366)
$34.95 |
Physics for Gearheads An Introduction to Vehicle Dynamics Energy and Power by R Beikmann (80_GEBP)
$99.95 |
Classic Cars by Roger Hicks; Illustrated history of great marques including Porsche, Ferrari, Cadillac & Rolls Royce (94_Marques)
$29.95 |
Goodwood events & history of Festival of Speed Revival & Members meeting 160 pgs hardcover by K. Gielen (9783667101273)
$64.95 |
The Formula One Pack - A Comprehensive Interactive 3D Pop Up Book with Track Plans Driver Cars and much more... by Ron van der Meer and Adam Cooper (99_FormulaOnePa)
$49.95 |
50th Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 2000 (B00_PebbleBeach)
$29.95 |
Cadillac A Century of Excellence by Rob Leicester Wagner 2002 160 pags over-sized history with lots o fcolor pictures pub by MetroBooks (B02_CadillacExc)
$39.95 |