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Motor Year Book 1950 by Laurence Pomeroy an illustrated hard cover history compilation gathering model diagrams racing results and more (50_MotorYear)
$39.95 |
Motor Year Book 1951 by Laurence Pomeroy an illustrated hard cover history compilation gathering model diagrams racing results and more (51_MotorYear)
$39.95 |
40's Cadillacs of the Forties 240 page history by R. Schneider about Fourties Cadillac & LaSalle (45_30320)
$59.95 |
40-49 Cars of the 40s The US Auto Industry in Review 1940 - 1949 by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide (45_CarsofFortie)
$14.95 |
50-59 Cars of the 1950s by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide (55_CarsofFiftie)
$19.95 |
46-56 Ferrari Road Cars portfolio of articles about earliest road-going Ferrari book compiled by Brooklands (519781588500847)
$29.95 |
47-57 Ferrari, portfolio of articles about earliest road-going Ferrari, 92 pgs, book compiled by Brooklands (52_A_FA47_X1)
$39.95 |
48-58 Performance Portfolio by Brooklands covers Cadillac Series 60 Special 61 62 70 Eldorado Brougham Convertible 128 pgs 200+ Photos (53_CAD4PP_HI)
$29.95 |
49-59 LeMans 24 Hours - The Official History of the Worlds Greatest Motor Race by Quentin Spurring (54_193958AE)
$69.95 |
Le Mans 1949-59 The Official History of the World's Greatest Motor Race 352 pages hardcover by Spurring (55_193958)
$69.95 |
46-58 Packard Gold Portfolio, 180 pages of articles about Packard, compiled by Brooklands (52_A_PAGP)
$59.95 |
Porsche & Mille Miglia 1952-1957 by Andrea Curami 144 pages Hardcover many color & B&W illustrations (53_137693)
$79.95 |
Jaguar XK120 XK140 XK150 Sports Cars pictorial history from introduction with its advanced DOHC in line six XKs cemented a reputation for fast stylish cars 121 illustrations by Ludvigsen (55_10242)
$29.95 |
40-54 Independent Convertibles 141 pages featuring Packard Studebaker Hudson Nash Kaiser Frazer & Crosley by Narus (58_14401958)
$39.95 |
39-54 Packard Station Wagons and other independents including Hudson Nash Studebaker & Willys 122 pgs (47_PackardWagon)
$29.95 |
39-54 GM Wagons by Don Narus with details and useful information for Buick Chevrolet Oldsmobile Pontiac and more in 128 pages with over 300 photos (48_GMWagons)
$32.95 |
49-64 Independent Hardtops 157 pages over 200 B&W photos featuring Packard Studebaker Hudson Nash Kaiser Frazer Willys by Don Narus (55_independent)
$39.95 |
Stirling Moss: My Cars, My Career by Stirling Moss with Doug Nye and a Foreword by Five Times World Champion Juan Manuel Fangio (87_0850599253)
$29.95 |
48-64 Cadillac Photo Album 112 pgs by M. Patrick featuring Series 60 Special 61 62 70 Eldorado Brougham Convertible & more (56_10074)
$34.95 |
50-59 They Started in MGs by Goodwin 288 page racing history book profiling the drivers of the MG TC TD TF MGA models in the 1950s and then graduated to other makes (55_786460526)
$37.95 |
46-63 Pontiac Limited Edition Premier compilation articles compiled into portfolio book by Brooklands covering all models including Catalina Chieftain Bonneville Star Chief Super Chief Safari and more 160 pages (55_PN46X3)
$39.95 |
Twenty Four Hours at Le Mans by J A Gregoire published 1958 (58_24atLeMans)
$39.95 |
Cunningham thePassion the Cars the Legacy by R. Harman over 800 pages in 2-volumes (52_Cunningham)
$349.95 |
Sixteen Cylinder Motorcars: An Illustrated History by Roy A. Schneider 240 hardbound pages covers cars like Cadillac V16 Marmon & Peerless (40_SixteenCylin)
$159.95 |
42-62 The Packard by Nathaniel T Dawes - A definitive history of the Packard company, covering the years from the early WWII era until the company's demise (52_PackardDawes)
$59.95 |
Powered by Jaguar history of Jaguar powered sports racers including HWM Cooper Lister Tojiero and more by Doug Nye 208 pages (58_33150A)
$49.95 |
49-69 Cadillac Convertibles by D. Narus including DeVille Eldorado Biarritz Series 62 130 pages (59_Caddy_Conv)
$29.95 |
Getting Ready To Race by Dick Anderson Guide to competition Drivers Schools (Dick_Anderson)
$19.95 |
Novi The Legendary Indianapolis Race Car. The Welch Years (41-60) Indy 500 by George Peters and Henri Greuter (50_Novi500)
$89.95 |
British Racing Green by A Pritchard 263pgs all about famous racing cars. (57_BritishRace)
$31.95 |
49-71 Abarth Gran Turismo da Corsa Racing GT's 280 pages by R. Donati in Italian language (59788879116596)
$79.95 |
Buriki Japanese Tin Toys From the Golden Age of the American Automobile the Yoku Tanaka Collection by J. Earle 96pgs with color photos of Classic 61 62 Windsor Roadmaster Champion Chieftain Bel Air Capri Thunderbird Belvedere Continental Medalist Citation and many other models (B99780300151572)
$19.95 |
27-50 Auto Racing Memories Stories & Pictures of Racing in the 1930s & 1940s by U Stair 166 page hard cover racing history with numerous photographs detailing the racing scene in Los Angles in the 30s & 40s (38_RacingStair)
$99.95 |
James Dean the untold story of a Passion for Speed by Philippe Defechereux 52 Hardbound with color graphic novel illustrations (56_JamesDean)
$34.95 |
25-50 Detroit Style Automotive Form by J Henshaw & A Miller 120 page history with numerous photographs (35_DetroitS)
$34.95 |
65-81 TVR the early years large heavy hardcover book 255 pages hardcover in slipcase by Filby (59780954572914)
$129.95 |
Grand Prix Ferrari by A. Pritchard: 382 pages, in-depth description of 1948 through 1973 F1 racing cars by Ferrari (60_GP)
$39.95 |
Maserati 4CLT racing car Chassis #1600 Autobiography remarkable history 128 pages hardcover by C. Bertschi (39781907085758)
$44.95 |
46-72 Group 2 Genesis of World Rallying (64_MK873)
$74.95 |
Alfa Monoposto Grand Prix Cars by Simon Moore 836 pages 2-volume in slipcase (30_Alfa_Monopos)
$3,999.95 |
Bugatti Portfolio covering Type 57 - Type 251 models including 57C G S & SC Atalantic Atalante 59 Grand Prix 73C 101C 251 and more 156 pages 294 illustration (37_19954)
$21.95 |
Best Wheel Forward by J A Gregoire 194 page hardcover history recounting development of front wheel drive and its effect on racing by the engineer inventor and racing drive Gregoire with such models as Citroen Bugatti Panhard Peugeot and more featured (46)
$34.95 |
American car dealerships by Robert Genat. covering architecture advertising & dealership business practices (54_137362AP)
$39.95 |
47-76 Automotive Literature Index - A thirty year guide to Car and Driver , Motor Trend and Road & Track - compiled by A Wallace (60_AutoLitIndex)
$54.95 |
Lotus the Early Years a History of All Lotus Models Including Racing by P. Ross (60_OOS1)
$129.95 |
Umbrella Mike The true story of the Chicago Gangster behind the Indy 500 206 hardbound pages by Brock Yates 1920's to 1940's (40_Umbrella)
$14.95 |
28-58 Hemmings book of Packard: 120 pages about many different models (42_131682AE)
$29.95 |
Marquis de Portago The legend by Ed McDonough 205 hardcover pages about the famous sportsman and racing driver on the Ferrari team (45_DePortago)
$89.95 |
30-60 Special Interest American Cars by Petersens 192 page history covering Ford Buick Chevrolet Oldsmobile Pontiac & more (49_SpecInterAm)
$14.95 |
Rudolf Uhlenhaut Engineer & Gentleman biography by Scheller& Pollak father of the Mercedes 300SL (50_Uhlenhaut)
$89.95 |