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Formula One - The Ultimate in Racing Cars by Rich Taylor (50_FormulaOneTa)
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Hemmings Book of Postwar American Independents Drive Reports from Special Interest Autos Magazine 120 pages by the Magazine Editors that thoroughly explores the joys and trials of owning or collecting some of America's most sought-after cars (65_Hemmings)
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46-2000 Complete US Automobile Sales Literature Checklist for the collector By Kenneth Eisbrener 160 pages (74_10247)
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Best Damn Garage in Town the world accordig to Smokey Yunick 3-vol set: Li;l skinny rule book & eatin and elephant about indy racing & inventions, Walkin under a Snake's Belly; my so called life & All right you sons-a bitches, let's have a race; stock car racing years (995_VW_C70700)
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Automobile Racing a History of Motor Sport by R Walkerley 230 page hardcover racing history ranging from 1906 to 1961 (23_AutoRacing)
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00-55 Mercedes Tre per una Stella history of style production & racing in English & Italian by F. Zagari (27_MB_Stella)
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NASCAR Confidential collection of stories from people intimately involved in stock car racing. by Peter Golenbock 416 Hardbound pages (52_137239AP)
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Ferrari The Red Dream 244 pgs by Nye & Carrieri featuring twenty of Ferraris greatest models featured in sumptuous, full-color photographs and detailed accounts of the histories, the people, and the victories that made each an icon. (60_144240)
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Alex Zanardi My Sweetest Victory 420 pages about the famous Racing Driver his life story and how he overcame his racing injuries (75_GDAZ)
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Lotus Engineering Theories Design & Applications of Colin Chapman 190 pages with many B&W photos & illustrations by H. Haskell (75_Lotus_Engine)
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Porsche: The Rally Story by Laurence Meredith 911 356 959 550 904 924 906 911SC A comprehensive look at porsches rally racing 400 photos 256 pages Hardcover (78_145966)
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Volume 45 Issue 3 of Automotive Quarterly covering BMW 507 Mercedes Racing Italian Exotics Miura Daytona Bora Boxer Countach and more.... (B20_AQVol45Iss3)
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Automotive Mechanics by William H Crouse - An introduction to Automotive mechanics (46_AutoMechanic)
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The Beginners Complete Go-Karting Guide By Jean Louis Genibrel Includes Getting Started in Karting Gearing Buying a Kart and Equipment Handling and setup Engines Gearing How to Drive Etc. (78_Karting5140)
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Bugatti A Racing History By David Venables (28_134933AE)
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Rockin down the Highway The Cars and People that made rock roll 240 hardbound pages more than 1000 photos by Paul Grushkin foreword by Mike Ness (60_rockin)
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NASCAR Chronicles by G Fielden 504 page oversized hard cover history with numerous color photos (75_NascarChron)
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Ford's Competition Cars from Dearborn, Boreham & Cologne 230 pages hardcover by Gill & Frostick about American, British, and German racing fords including Escort GT40 Capri Mustang Fiesta Lotus Cortina Formula 1 Cosworth Formula Ford Falcon Galaxie Anglia Consul and more.... (80_FordCompetii)
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NASCAR Best Shots with foreward by R Petty 160 pgs with full color photographs (84_NASCAR)
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Karting - Everything you need to Know - by Memo Gidley and Jeff Grist - Driving Techniques Two-Stroke and Four-Stroke Tuning Chassis Tuning Race Craft and Kart Safety (B06_KartingNeed)
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Competition Engine Building Advanced Engine Design and Assemply Techniques 176 pages and 321 color photos by John Baechtel (83_SA214)
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Famous Old Cars by H Bowman history covering Bentley Bugatto Cadillac Cord Lincoln Marmon Packard & more (25_FamousOld)
$9.95 |
Living Legend by Packard: historical facts book about the company from 1899 to 1956 published as a promotional item by Packard for the 1956 model year (50_SP_02)
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The Healey Story by Geoff Healey: 200 hardcover pages, the classic history of the Healey Motor Company and the Austin-Healey (62_123479)
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Maserati Coupe: The History 1946-2003: 144 pages by J. Lewandowski covreing A6 A6GCS a6g/54 450S 3500GT 5000GT Sebring Mistral Mexico Ghibli Simun Indy Bora Khamsin BiTurbo Karif Shamal 3500 3200GT & Cambiocorsa (88_Coupe)
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The Packard Story: The Car & The Company History Book by Robert E. Turnquist 286 hardbound pages (25_39817)
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Packard Illustrated Quarterly Spring 1975 ed. F Taylor hardcover 62 pages (28_Packard_Hist)
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Packard the Pride by J. Fenster 208 hardbound pages full of contemporary color photos by Roy Query History from 1899 to 1956 A Automobile Quarterly Magnificent Marque Series book (29_30080A)
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Great Racing Drivers of the World, Tanner. Racing histories of 37 of the greatest drivers. published 1958. (29_Tanner)
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Packard A Chronology of the Company the Cars & the People by Robert Marvin 456 hardbound pages. SIGNED and Numbered First Edition. An illustrated history of the Packard Motor Car Company that operated from 1899 to 1958. (30_Packard_Hist)
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Women in Sports Car Competition by E Mull 105 page racing history (30_WomenRacing)
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Packard an illustrated history 126 pages by Foster (39781583883464)
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History of Packard Motor Cars and the Company B.R. Kimes 828 page Award winning book. (40_30079)
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00-58 Ask the Man Who Owns One An Illustrated History of Packard Advertising from 1900 through 1958 by Einstein 282 pages hardcover (40_786447732)
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Crash Club by Henry Gregor Felsen Pulp novel about gangs and hotrods 202 pgs pub by Bantam 1958 (58_CrashClub)
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Carrozzeria Allemano Torino 200 pages by Giuliano Silli in English & Italian both (59_SA257)
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Nuvolari biography Count Lurani (66_CT526)
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Limited American Sports Cars by D Narus including models like Ford Thunderbird Dodge Viper Tesla Roadster Pontiac Solstice & much more (83_LimitedSport)
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1902-61 Cadillac: 60 Fascinating Years of Cars, People, Events -Illustrated by Original Ad Reproductions compiled by Gwil Griffiths & Rich Phillips (30_CaddyHisto)
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1899-58 Packard Buyer's Guide, Langworth. All Packard cars and commercial vehicles. 160 pg illustrated. (30_Pkrd_Buyer)
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Packard illustrated by Blend (40_Blend)
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Jack Arute's Tales From The Indy 500 (52_JackArutes)
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Merchants of Speed - The Men who Build Americas Performance Industry by P Smith in 240 hardcover pages with over 250 photos (80_145858)
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Formula III Racing in North America history begins with the first competition of a FIII car in the US and continues to the current vintage racing scene by H Reynolds (60_10333AP)
$24.95 |
Garage: Life in the Offbeat Import Car Shop: The Art and Culture of California's Garages (65_Rem_Shelby)
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Super Tuning Holley Carburetors by Alex Walordy 66 pages bracket racing street muscle drag racing oval track (70_36_155)
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Hot Holleys 83 full color pages by Alex & Nancy Walordy (70_36_254)
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How to build you own sports car for as little as 250 gbp and race it 192 pages in hardcover by Ron Champion Haynes (75_31269A)
$74.95 |
How to Build a Cheap Sports Car 192 pages by Tanner (75_Z_139919AP)
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How to Build Motorcycle Engined Racing Cars by Tony Pashley (B00_146510)
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