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Ultimate American Cars by C Cheetham 320 page hard cover history (75_UltimateAmer)
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Ultimate Performance Cars by C Cheetham 320 page hard cover history (75_UltimatePer)
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Excellence was expected 2.836 page history of Porsche thru 2019 by K. Ludvigsen covering all manners of 911 917 914 Carrera Turbo 356 912 928 924 944 968 906 907 918 Spyder Carrera GT Cayenne Panamera Macan GT3RS and more 4-volume set incl 2,912 photos & illustrations (80_GPXS)
$495.95 |
Shelby: The Man. The Cars. The Legend. by Wallace S Wyss A complete biographical reference on the life of Carroll Shelby. From his racing days to his designing of the GT500 This books looks beyond the cars into his personal life 208 pages (67_10273)
$22.95 |
Aston Martin a Racing History from 1919 through 2005 by Pritchard 272 pages hardcover (72_144726)
$59.95 |
The Karting Manual - The Complete Beginners Guide to Competitive Kart Racing by JD Sanches in 176 pages with over 225 color photos (B05_H5086)
$49.95 |
Nothing Runs Misadventures in the Collectible & Exotic Car Biz by A. Slutsky about great automobiles and the trouble they caused for those who tried to turn their passion into a business 144 pages (75_194219AE)
$14.95 |
Art of the Le Mans Race Car 90 Years of Speed 240 hardbound pages many high quality color photos by Stuart Codling Foreward by Derek Bell (90_210726)
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Formula 1 World Champions 256 pages Hardcover by R. Schlegelmilch & H. Lehbrink (9783832796129)
$139.95 |
Volume 42 Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly featuring James Bond Cars Saoutchik Stirling Moss AMC Roy Chapin and more (B20_AQVol42Iss2)
$29.95 |
Volume 42 Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Kenworthy Mille Miglia Cadillac Jowett Javelin and more (B20_AQVol42Iss4)
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Bracket Racing by Tony Sakkis a guide to getting started on the road to bracket racing success (67_1266)
$79.95 |
The Audi Book 300pgs Hardcover History very large 8lbs 27x36cm including predecessors like DKW Horch Auto Union & Racing in English German & Japenese (999783832796914)
$124.95 |
DW21 Tractor Service manual by Caterpillar (55_DW21TractSvc)
$24.95 |
Bentley - A Racing History by David Venables - Published to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Bentleys motor racing debut at Brooklands. This is a story of the sporting successes and engineering isi by an author who is an expert on the period (50_196355AE)
$59.95 |
A Century of Automotive Style 100 Years of American Car Design by M Lamm & D Holls on CD (59_CenturyStyle)
$39.95 |
Physics for Gearheads An Introduction to Vehicle Dynamics Energy and Power by R Beikmann (80_GEBP)
$99.95 |
Goodwood events & history of Festival of Speed Revival & Members meeting 160 pgs hardcover by K. Gielen (9783667101273)
$64.95 |
Caterpillar model 1673 Diesel Truck Engine Parts Book, serial numbers 70B1 and up, printed 1962 (60_1673DiesTruc)
$24.95 |
D311 Diesel Electric Set Parts Manual, seriel numbers 4V5001 and up, published 1948. (60_D311_Catalog)
$24.95 |
Caterpillar D318 Engine Parts Manual, serial Sv5001 and up (60_D318_Catalog)
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D4 Tractor, 44 Inch Gauge Parts Catalog Manual, seriel numbers 6U1 and up, published 1952. (75_D4_44PartCat)
$24.95 |
D4 Tractor, 60 Inch Gauge Parts Catalog Manual, seriel numbers 7U1 and up, published 1952. (75_D4_60PartCat)
$49.95 |
Caterpillar Bulldozers models 8A, 8C, 8S, and 8U Parts Book, printed 1962 (8_Series_Bull)
$24.95 |
1903-2005 Standard Catalog of Cadillac by John Gunnell with 272 pages and 500 photos (50_139765)
$39.95 |
The Automotive Alchemist A. Saunders 464pgs (72_DSM)
$114.95 |
Dirt Track Chassis Technology Manual by Steve Smith (53_DirtTrackCha)
$59.95 |
Building the Hobby Stock Street Stock Car by Bob Emmons a Beginners Guide to Hobby Class Racing (56_BldStockCars)
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53rd Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 2003 (B03_PebbleBeach)
$39.95 |
02-06 Cadillac at 100 Legacy of Leadership 1902-2006 568 hardbound pages 2 volume history set in slipcase 500 illustrations by Maurice D Hendry (50_37691)
$129.95 |
Passion for Speed 24 Classic Cars that Shaped a Century of Motor Sport by Nick Mason and Mark Hales Hardcover 208 pages (52_PassionSpeed)
$49.95 |
Into The Red - Twenty One Classic Cars that Shaped a Century of Motor Sport by Nick Mason and Mark Hales (98_IntoTheRed)
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54th Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 2004 (B04_PebbleBeach)
$29.95 |
Volume 43 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Beardmore Maybach Invicta Ferrai 860 Ardennes Circuit 1955 Imperial and more (B20_AQVol43Iss1)
$29.95 |
The Le Mans 24-Hour Race 1949-73 by Christian Moity 210 Hardbound pages w/ Color & Black & White Illustrations 9"x13" (58_LeMans24Hour)
$89.95 |
1904-2009 AC Cars Portfolio Brooklands 428 pages (59781588501554)
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Volume 43 Issue 4 of Automotive Quarterly featuring Marmon 12 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost GAZ Pontiac NSU Wankel Spider Herrington & more.. (B20_AQVol43Iss4)
$29.95 |
Volume 45 Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly covering HWM Mustang Franklin Volkswagen VW Beetle Vanwall Thunderbird Defuax and more... (B20_AQVol45Iss2)
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Volume 45 Issue 4 of Automotive Quarterly covering Packard Ferrari Armstrong Siddeley Chevrolet and more (B20_AQVol45Iss4)
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Parts locator guide listing hundreds of suppliers of parts & services for Cadillacs (50_CaddyPartsLo)
$28.95 |
Hot Rod Horsepower Handbook Big Block Chevy by D. Freiburger 160 page restoration guide (50_HotRodFreib)
$24.95 |
100 Years of Semi Trucks Book contains detailed captions about each featured vehicle by Ronald Adams 320 Hardbound pages (50_130098AP)
$59.95 |
Minneapolis-Moline Tractors Illustrated Buyer's Guide by Brian Rukes 128 pages (53_129813AP)
$199.95 |
John Deere Small Tractors History book by Rod Beemer 128 Hardbound pages (53_134869AP)
$24.95 |
The Art & Science of Grand Prix Driving by Niki Lauda 245 pages (53_ArtofGrandPr)
$19.95 |
Autocross Manual by Peter Noad 80 pages (53_AutoCrossMan)
$14.95 |
Guide to Competition Driving by Paul O'Shea 126 pages copyright 1957 (53_CompetitionD)
$19.95 |
Dale Earnhardt Always a Champion A Tribute & Farewell to the Intimidator (Limited Edition) (53_DaleEarnhard)
$19.95 |
The Guinness Guide to International Motor Racing A Complete Reference from Formula 1 to Touring Cars by Peter Higham 544 hardbound pages (53_GuinnessRac)
$29.95 |
Professional Cars - Ambulances Hearses and Flower Cars by Gregg D Merksamer with 500+ photos in over 300 pages (53_Z_139575A)
$29.95 |