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82-87 Alliance Mechanical engine & chassis service manual MR 245 by Renault (845_MR245)
$34.95 |
75-80 AMC Pacer story by Narus (775_Pacer_Hist)
$29.95 |
56-61 Rambler Collision Parts Manual by Rambler, AMC (58_Rambler_Part)
$34.95 |
60-65 Parts Manual by AMC over 2,000 pages with all illustrations and part numbers for all models including Ambassador Marlin Classic American Rambler Vogue and more (63_AMC_part)
$179.95 |
61-66 Rambler Collision Parts Manual by AMC (63_Rambl_Parts)
$39.95 |
67-72 AMC Parts Manual covering all models including AMX Javelin Hornet American Matador Rebel Ambassador and more 2,480 pages (70_3866)
$179.95 |
73-78 Parts Manual by AMC covering all models including AMX Pacer Hornet Javelin Matador & Ambassador 1,842 pages (75_3949)
$129.95 |
68-74 AMC Javelin AMX Muscle Car Restoration How to 176 pages by S. Campbell (71_SA318_P)
$39.95 |
66-91 How to Rebuild & Modify AMC & V8 Engines 144 pages by T. Pontillo for all models including AMX American Hornet Javelin Matador Sedan Coupe Wagon & Convertible Rebel Machine and more with all different engines including 290 304 343 360 390 401 & more.... (72_SA504)
$34.95 |
Auto Service Data for AMC 3231847/48/49/50, ARA 6703007/3107, Audiovox BLM-105031,C-575C,C-579A,76-TO-MPXH, Chrysler 4048362, Clarion PE-623A, Craig S682 & Realistic 12-1882 by Sams (82_AR_290)
$19.95 |
68-74 AMC AMX Javelin Gold Portfolio by Brooklands of articles on the 304 343 360 390 401 AMX Prototype AMX/2 AMX/3 43 articles 176 pgs 272 illus (70_AMXGP_HI)
$59.95 |
Javelin Photo Archive history of American Motor's AMC muscle car incl TransAm Mark Donohue by C. Zinn (71_10164)
$32.95 |
58-63 Rambler Collision Parts Manual Guide by Rambler AMC (60_Rambler_Part)
$49.95 |
68-74 AMC Muscle Cars parts interchange manual used parts buyers guide 265 pages by L.J. Culberson for all models including AMX American Hornet Javelin Matador Sedan Coupe Wagon & Convertible Rebel Machine and more with all different engines including 290 304 343 360 390 401 & more.... (71_SPAMC767)
$34.95 |
67-74 AMC Decoder Manual covers all VIN & door tag information plus axle codes & engine information by Thomas Mulvaugh (70_STAMC76)
$22.95 |
67-74 AMC Rebel Matador Repair & Tune up guide by Chiltons (71_5985)
$32.95 |
71-73 AMC Racing Performance and Modification Manual by AMC (71_MP0214)
$19.95 |
70-77 Gremlin and Hornet Repair and Tune-up guide by Chiltons(clymer also available), Used (72_AMC_Chilt)
$29.95 |
54-62 Metropolitan Parts manual by AMC (58_3407)
$49.95 |
54-62 Metropolitan owners service Parts list manual by Austin illustrations without part numbers (58_akd1861)
$49.95 |
Metropolitan Shop Service Repair Manual by Nash & Austin (58_869901)
$69.95 |
Nash Metropolitan Factory Shop Service Repair Manual by Nash & Austin as Re-published by Clymer 230 pages (58_Metropolitan)
$39.95 |
54-62 Metropolitan Story 208 pages by P. Foster about Nash Metropolitan & Austin Metropolitan (58_0966201914)
$29.95 |
54-62 Metropolitan Gold Portfolio, 172 pgs of articles about tiny Nash, compiled by Brooklands (58_A_MET54GP)
$39.95 |
Metropolitan Onwers Handbook Techinical Service Manual by Clymer (60_Metro_Clymer)
$49.95 |
1960-69 Automatic Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by MOTOR'S (645_AutoTranMtr)
$39.95 |
71-80 AMC Gremlin Pacer and Hornet Shop Service Reapir Manual by Clymer (75_AMC_Clymer)
$49.95 |
Cars of the SIZZLING 60s A Decade of Great Rides & Good Vibrations, Full color and articles about Domestic and Imports by Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 416 hardbound pages (65_Sizzling60s)
$39.95 |
Mark Donohue Technical Excellence at Speed by M. Argetsinger Foreword by R. Penske hardcover 344 pages (70_Donohue)
$39.95 |
AMC AMX & Javelin Body Trim Glass Interchange Manual buyers guide (69_AMX_Part)
$34.95 |
T4 & T5 manual transmission T4/5 Shop Service Repair Manual for Eagle model CJ7 Scrambler Cherokee & Wagoneer by Jeep & AMC (84_8981320380)
$29.95 |
AMX Photo Archive From Concept to Reality incl AMC show cars incl SS AMX/2 /3 /K II III IV & all production models 126 pgs by Zinn (74_10156)
$36.95 |
50-60 Rambler Collision Parts Manual by Mash Rambler AMC (53_F-14056)
$99.95 |
62-73 Jeepster & Commando Parts Manual by Jeep (67_eb401R)
$79.95 |
62-72 Jeepster Commando Universal CJ-5 CJ-6 & DJ-5 DJ-6 Parts Catalog by Jeep (67_F_74072)
$159.95 |
53-65 Domestic Auto Shop Service Repair Manual by Glenn's (59_1431_Glenns)
$39.95 |
Mighty Muscle Cars 128 pages by Rasmussen covering the muscle era cars by GM Ford Chrysler & AMC (68_133816AP)
$29.95 |
70-83 AMC Mid Size shop service Repair Manual Concord Hornet Gremlin Spirit 151 199 232 258 304 360 by Haynes (77_14020)
$34.95 |
75-88 AMC shop Service Repair manual AMX Concord Eagle Gremlin Hornet Kammback Matador Pacer Spirit SX4 by Chilton (81_14300)
$29.95 |
56-69 AMC Rambler Portfolio of articles by Brooklands about Marlin Ambassador Six Rebel Rambler Classic American The Machine Rogue Hurst SC/Rambler 40 articles 136 pgs 250 illus (63_AMCRX2_HI)
$27.95 |
Muscle Car Interior Restoration 160 pgs by D. Strohl (68_SA167_P)
$39.95 |
AX 4/5 Manual Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by AMC/Jeep for AX4 & AX5 as used in Cherokee & Wrangler (85_8981_320_389)
$39.95 |
American Muscle Cars, by Randy Leffingwell, 192 pg look at Otis Chandler collection (67_115189AP)
$29.95 |
The Cars of Trans-Am Racing: 1966-1972 by David Tom focuses on the various car models that sported the Trans-Am series body. 192pgs Illustrated (70_CT562)
$39.95 |
AMC Muscle Cars Color History 128 pages by Larry Mitchell, a history with color pictures of AMX Rebel Machine and other performance AMC products (72_129796AP)
$39.95 |
1959-77 Automatic Transmission Manual for all domestic cars & trucks by Motor (68_Mtr_AutoTran)
$59.95 |
64-82 Automatic Transmission manual by Motor, 1248 pages (75_Motor)
$39.95 |
68-86 AMC Jeep CJ-5 CJ-6 CJ-7 Shop service repair Manual by Clymer (76_A216)
$39.95 |
78-96 Engine parts 1 interchange Manual for Foreign & Domestic Cars & light duty Trucks by Hollander 62nd edition (80_Engine)
$89.95 |
Style auto #25 featuring; Corona, AMC Hornet, Rootes Arrow, Peter Stevens, R12... (69_Z_25)
$29.95 |