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Quattro Rally Library by G. Robson detailing the Successful Race Rally History of the Audi Quattro from 1981-1983 68 pages (82_Quattro_Ral)
$29.95 |
80-87 Audi Quattro Rally Car Manual by Haynes & N. Garton (839781785212505)
$42.95 |
86-93 Cadillac Allante Portfolio of articles compiled in 100 pg. book form by Brooklands - OUT OF PRINT (90_A_CAD86)
$99.95 |
136 pages book about Cadillac Allante compiled from many different English language articles from around the world about the Allante by Brookland portfolio in limited edition Extra (90_A_CADAX2)
$129.95 |
30-42 Parts Manual by Cadillac & LaSalle 640 pgs (36_Cad_Part)
$129.95 |
55-63 International Harvester Shop Service Repair Manual Models 24 & 25 Crawler Tractor Chassis (55_24_25)
$59.95 |
86-94 Bedford / Vauxhall Rascal and Suzuki Supercarry Shop service Repair Manual by Haynes (90_3015)
$34.95 |
11-17 Buick Regal Haynes Manual Insignia (B14_Regal_Hayne)
$79.95 |
Family Cars of the 1970s a Shire Library publication by J Taylor including information on the Morris Marina Ford Cortina Vauxhall Chevette Volkswagen Golf Renault 12 Peugeot 504 and more (75_SL688)
$17.95 |
87-96 Group A When Rallying Created Road Car Icons 256 pages (91_MK621)
$74.95 |
Allegro Open Road Motorhome Owners Manual (B05_AllegroOpen - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
01-11 Renault Traffic Diesel Van Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes covering 1.9 1870cc & 2.0 1995cc (B06_Traffic)
$34.95 |
01-11 Opel & Vauxhall Vivaro Diesel Van Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes covering 1.9 1870cc & 2.0 1995cc (B06_Vivaro)
$34.95 |
A-Z of Cars of the 1920s Book includes fasciating profiles of vintage cars like Bentley, Morris, Sizaire-Berwick and many others. 224 pages by Nick Baldwin (25_127097AP)
$24.95 |
ABC of Motor Racing contains information/specifications on Racing Cars from the 50's by John Dudley (55_ABCMotorRace)
$39.95 |
Lancia Rally 037 genesis & devlopment based on Beta Montecarlo Scorpion by Limone & Gastaldi in English (79791220029773)
$399.95 |
76-86 misc Shop Service Repair Manual for Vauxhall Chevette Graham Robson (86_MRPVCHEVETTE)
$35.95 |
The Restoration of Vintage & Thoroughbred Cars by R Wheatley & B Morgan hardcover 192 pages (25_RestoVintCar)
$29.95 |
Seventeen Sports Cars 1919-1930, Peter Hull and Nigel Arnold Forster; from Alfa to Vauxhall, 192 pg illustrated. (25_83760085)
$19.95 |
73-85 V71 Detroit Diesel Engines Shop Service Repair Manual for V-71 (79_V71)
$44.95 |
68-81 Ford Escorts a winner's car the legendary Mk1 & Mk2 in rallying 264 hardcover pages w500+ photos Klein & Davenport (79783947156085)
$89.95 |
Rallying Impreza story of the successful Japanese - British Racing colaboration 160 pages in Hardcover by D. Williams (99_139249AE)
$44.95 |
90-2000's Subaru Impreza Rally Giant by G. Robson Birth develpoment and career of turbocharged four wheel drive rally Subaru Imprezas 128 pages (B00_145125)
$39.95 |
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Story on DVD 90 min. (B00_143705)
$29.95 |
Series 53 Detroit Diesel Engines Shop Service Repair Manual by GM (Series53Engn)
$59.95 |
Group4 from Stratos to Quattro Rally Racing History by Davenport (79783927458543)
$89.95 |
Peugeot 205 T16 Haynes Enthusiast's Manual 160 pages Hardcover by N. Garton (9781785212512)
$29.95 |
93-08 Subaru Impreza Group A Rally Car by Haynes 156 pgs Hardcoverl (99781785211102)
$44.95 |
Alleggerita on Alfa Romeo GTA revised edition 3-volume set 1,456 pages (68_Aleggerita)
$799.95 |
22-39 restorers guide to the Austin Seven by R. Mills: Original Austin Seven 128 hardbound pages. detailing the original specs with many color photos (30_123535AP)
$49.95 |
22-39 Austin Seven shop Service repair Manual The Austin Seven manual by Doug Woodrow large 1987 compilation (30_Aust_Seven)
$139.95 |
96-14 British Cars by P Matthews hard cover history with numerous photographs detailing the development of Britsh auto engineering featuring makes such as Vauxhall Wolseley Sunbeam Singer Rolls Royce & many more (04_BritCarMatt)
$49.95 |
LaSalle Cadillac's Companion Car History 424 large hardcover pages by Ron Van Gelderen & Matt Larson (34_32372)
$289.95 |
Style auto #32 featuring; Range Rover, Ogle, Vauxhall Viva, British design... (69_Z_32)
$32.95 |
69-87 Ford's Feisty Capri European Sporting Coupes pictiorial history chronicles the full production run of the Capri Mark I II & III from the Ludvigsen Library Series with many rare rally and racing pictures 121 illustrations (78_10342)
$29.95 |
Intertecs Vintage Collection Series Two Stroke Motorcycles by Clymer covering many models produced in the early 60s through the mid 70s including Allstate Benelli Bridgestone BSA Bultaco Ducati Harley Davidson Hodaka Honda Kawasaki and more (90_VCS2)
$36.95 |
British Family Cars of the 1970s a Shire Library publication by J Taylor including information on the Hillman Morris Standard Vauxhall and more (75_SL489)
$12.95 |
Mexico or Bust! by M Kahn Hardcover173 pgs an autobiographical account of the 1970 World Cup Rally (70_MexicoOrBust)
$29.95 |
Lancia Rally Group B 037 Delta S4 ECV ECV2 Hardcover by Remondino (82_Lancia_Rally)
$79.95 |
1980-2001 Opel & Vauxhall Corsa Tigra Astra Nova Manual by Lindsay Porters, contains in depth information with over 1000 illustrations. Easy to use workshop manual format covering wide range of models, about 300 pages. (90_PM3841)
$39.95 |
1960-1981 Chilton tractor repair manual 8 HP through 30 PTO HP (Chilton_tractor)
$49.95 |
33-57 Vauxhall Cars Practical Guide by F Acres 248 page hardcover shop service repair manual including Overhaul Cooling Fuel Clutch Gearbox Brakes Suspension Axle Ignition Electrical & more (30_VauxhallAcre)
$32.95 |
Compact Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual covers: Allis-Chalmers, Ariens, FMC Bolens, J.I. Case, John Deere, Engineering Products Co., Ford, Gilson, Gravely & Homelite by Technical Publications Div. 190 pages (72_CompaTractV1)
$19.95 |
ABC of British Sports Cars Book by Albert Douglas (42_ABCSportCars)
$9.95 |
Rally Tables by Larry Reid (Larry_Rally)
$19.95 |
46-72 Group 2 Genesis of World Rallying (64_MK873)
$74.95 |
Little Book of Audi Quattro by Morgan & Fowler pictorial history 127 pgs includes coupe sports rallying the races the drivers (88_Quattro_Ltl)
$12.95 |
31-60 Invader Straight 6 Marine Engine OHC Shop Manual by Hall Scott (455_Invader_SM)
$89.95 |
52-82 Porsche at the Rally Monte Carlo 912 pages in two hardcover volumes in specail slipcase (67_978387166108)
$249.95 |
Lancia Delta HF Integrale: The story of a champion by Werner Blaettel The evolution of theDelta which won the Rally World Championship from 87-92 400 photos 208 pages Hardcover (89_145964)
$299.95 |