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view cover of BMW Cafe Racers by U Cloesen - The first book to cover the evolution of the BMW Sportsbike to the Cafe Racer with 205 photos & 128 pages
BMW Cafe Racers by U Cloesen - The first book to cover the evolution of the BMW Sportsbike to the Cafe Racer with 205 photos & 128 pages (B00_210141)
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37-82 BMW Ultimate Drives Volume 1 by J. Walton 205 pages (65_Ult_Drive)
$69.95 |
45-90 East German Motor Vehicles in Pictures - Cars Vans and Trucks by Christian Suhr and Ralf Weinreich (73_192349AE)
$69.95 |
view cover of illustrated BMW buyers guide by Ken Gross; 190 pages.
illustrated BMW buyers guide by Ken Gross; 190 pages. (95_119884AP)
$19.95 |
45-90 East German Motor Vehicles in Pictures 224 page with 369 illustration by Suhr & Weinreich (97_FCS1215097)
$59.95 |
view cover of BMW Alpina History book by James Taylor, 200 Pages in Hardcover
BMW Alpina History book by James Taylor, 200 Pages in Hardcover (80_143307AE)
$299.95 |
The BMW 6 Series large black leather bound book in black slip case detailed story of the 645CI development & car features, many high quality photos with history of other BMW cars (B04_645CIbook)
$179.95 |
BMW Motorcycles by Roy Bacon 224 hardbound pages many B&W photos history from 1949 to 1996 of 1 2 3 4 cylinder bikes (70_BMWBacon)
$24.95 |
BMW Classic Motorcycles by H Wilson hard cover history covering R32 R63 R2 R12 Kompresor Rennsport R26 R69 R60 R75 R90 K1 R1100 (50_BMWWilson)
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Sport Compact Bolt On Performance - Volume 1 Import Cars - by Joe Pettitt (B00_SA65)
$24.95 |
BMW Buyers Guide: 160 pages by F. Larimer (90_135105AP)
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Little Book of MINI by B Laban pictorial history 50th anniversary ed. (90_Mini_Little)
$34.95 |
view cover of The Hack Mechanic Guide to European Automotive Electrical Systems 432 pages by Rob Siegel & Robert Bentley
The Hack Mechanic Guide to European Automotive Electrical Systems 432 pages by Rob Siegel & Robert Bentley (B10_BHME)
$39.95 |
BMW Bavaria's Driving Machine by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 250 hardbound pages w/ lots of color and Black & White illustrations (59_BMWConsumGui)
$34.95 |
54-06 Supercars Driving the Dream by A Phillips 159 page oversized hard cover history with numerous photographs profiling models by Mercedes Ford Lamborghini BMW Lotus Ferrari Porsche Bugatti Jaguar Aston Martin Honda Maserati Mitsubishi and more (52_SuperPhillip)
$19.95 |
BMW Motorcycle Buyers Guide by Mark Zimmerman 143 pages 1950-2003 (80_135776AP)
$24.95 |
view cover of How to Restore Classic Car Bodywork by M. Thaddeus tips, techniques, & step by step procedures for all metal bodied cars
How to Restore Classic Car Bodywork by M. Thaddeus tips, techniques, & step by step procedures for all metal bodied cars (70_196694AE)
$59.95 |
6 Six men who built the modern auto industry 400 pages by R. A. Johnson featuring Lee Iacocca of Chrysler Henry Ford II Eberhard von Kuenheim of BMW Bob Lutz of GM Shoichiro Honda Fredinand Peich of VW Volkswagen Audi (75_Z_137386AP)
$27.95 |
Volume 45 Issue 3 of Automotive Quarterly covering BMW 507 Mercedes Racing Italian Exotics Miura Daytona Bora Boxer Countach and more.... (B20_AQVol45Iss3)
$39.95 |
Complete book of BMW covering all model and history since 1950 by Lewin Large 384 page Hardcover (76_137379AP)
$54.95 |
view cover of BMW Alpina 50 year history 464 pages hardcover by P. Tumminelli
BMW Alpina 50 year history 464 pages hardcover by P. Tumminelli (90_978366710312)
$699.95 |
BMW Celebration by Eric Dymock, hardcover and 191 pages (60_Dymock_BMW_C)
$29.95 |
Huschke von Hanstein The Racing Baron 287 pages by Tobias Aichele high quality story of Porsche's public relations and racing department manager1950's and his racing 1930's to 1980's many B&W and color photos (60_racingbaron)
$139.95 |
Giovanni Michelotti a free stylist for Pininfarina Scioneri Moretti Triumph BMW Saab Daf Ferrari Abarth Scaglione & more by Edgardo Michelotti & Giancarlo Cavallini (66_Michelotti)
$129.95 |
BMW Eine Deutsche Geschichte in Bildern by H Monnich 479 page History of the company thru 1991 TEXT IN GERMAN (45_BMWPiper)
$29.95 |
1933-97 BMW Precision and Performance by Paul Cockerham. Illustrated history. 80 pages. (65_1577170)
$29.95 |
630 Days to the Top - The Story of the World Champion BMW Turbo by BMW (80_630DaysToTop)
$29.95 |
view cover of 1946-2012 Bristol Cars - Brooklands Portfolio in 360 pages with over 690 photos
1946-2012 Bristol Cars - Brooklands Portfolio in 360 pages with over 690 photos (81_214129)
$59.95 |
view cover of BMW Enthusiasts companion by BMW Owners club 328 pages of insights on driving, performance, & service
BMW Enthusiasts companion by BMW Owners club 328 pages of insights on driving, performance, & service (80_GBCC)
$29.95 |
28-98 BMW History by Hodges 160 pages from the first car through current models (65_129714C)
$29.95 |
16-87 Das weiss-blaue Wunder by Hanns-Peter Rosellen 594 pages History of BMW Text in GERMAN (355_BMW_Wunder)
$79.95 |
Buyer's Guide for BMW Motorcycles by Stefan Knittel & Rolan Slabon 176 pages with 200 full color photos 1923-1995 (52_135776)
$29.95 |
34-06 BMW Racing Cars covering BMW's racing history from 1934-2006 by Karl Ludvigsen 125 illustrations (70_10292)
$29.95 |
BMW - Motorsport Fascination by BMW - All about BMW and its motorsport racing history 124 harcover pages (92_MotorsportFa)
$24.95 |
BMW - Motorsport Fascination by BMW - in GERMAN language - All about BMW and its motorsport racing history 124 harcover pages (92_MotorsportGE)
$19.95 |
23-98 BMW Motorrader 75 Jahre Tradition und Innovation by Stefan Knittel - BMW Motorcycles 75 years of Tradition and Innovation in German (50_ST_1_98_007)
$249.95 |
BMW Twins The Complete Story by Mick Walker 207 hardbound pages many B&W & color photos & illustrations 1923-1998 (70_BMWtwins)
$59.95 |
1917-94 BMW Classics by Jeremy Walton A picture history book covering the evolution and classic cars of BMW. (50_BMW_Classics)
$34.95 |
BMW A History by Halwart Schrader - Translated and adapted by Ron Wakefield 390 pages (79_BMWAHISTORY)
$59.95 |
Racing Colours Series: German Racing Silver Drivers Cars and Triumphs of Berman Motor Racing by K. Ludvigsen 176pgs with many color and B&W photos Pub by Ian Allan (B09_GermanSilve)
$49.95 |
Tuning for Speed: How to Increase the Performance of A Standard Motorcycle Engine For Racing & Competition Work by P.E. Irving (40_Tuning4Speed)
$89.95 |
BMW Motorcycles by D. Holmstrom & B. Nelson 168 hardbound pages of historical information (60_BMW_MtrcyclH)
$39.95 |
21-01 BMW Cars by Martin Buckley Photos by Nick Dimberly 168 page hard cover History (61_BMWBuck)
$39.95 |
BMW Icon of style 184 pages by Sannia history from 1930-2011 (90_BMW_ICON_STY)
$15.95 |
BMW Motorcycles The Complete Story by Bruce Preston 176 hardbound pages many B&W & color photos illustrations 1913-1995 (70_BMWPreston)
$24.95 |
BMW Driver's Book by J. Ruppert & K. Everett Published by Haynes incl 850i 750i 318i Touring E1 Concept and many others covers many different aspects of BMW History (90_BMW_DRIVER)
$39.95 |
Unbeatable BMW; 582 pages hardbound by J. Walton; about BMW's competition history 1917-1997 (55_GBUB)
$84.95 |
A History of the BMW Boxer Twins by Ian Falloon (70_137531AE)
$29.95 |
Classic Sportscars hard cover history covering BMW Ford Lotus MG Porsche & more (50_SportsBadre)
$19.95 |
BMW by Don Morley & Mick Woollett Classic Motorcycles Series pub by Osprey 128 pages (92_BMWMorley)
$29.95 |