Description |
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97 318 328is/ic M3/c E36 Electrical Troubleshooting Manual by BMW (97_01001470215)
$199.95 |
97 3 Series Electrical Troubleshooting Manual by BMW for 318, 328is/ic, M3 E36 (97_01001470352)
$129.95 |
97 5-Series E39 Owners Manual 528i 540i by BMW (97_01419789737 - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
97 318ti (E36) Owners Manual by BMW (97_01419789947 - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
97 Z3 owners manual by BMW (97_01419789987 - Not a shop manual)
$69.95 |
97 7-Series Owners Manual by BMW 5/96 to 8/96 740i 740il 750il for 7 Series (97_01419790107 - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
97 3-Series owners manual by BMW for 318 318i 318is 328 328i & 328is Coupe Sedan Convertible (97_01_419789967 - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
97 318ti Sales Brochure by BMW for 318 Ti Hatchback (97_318ti_Sales)
$18.95 |
97 BMW 5-series Sales Brochure (97_511051125_CC)
$17.95 |
97 BMW 318is 328is Coupe Sales Brochure (97_611032225_CC)
$17.95 |
97 BMW Z3 Roadster Sales Brochure (97_611033425_CC)
$21.95 |
97 BMW 318i 328i Convertible Sales Brochure (97_711030125_CC)
$19.95 |
97 BMW 318i 328i Coupe Sales Brochure (97_711030225_CC)
$19.95 |
97 BMW 528i and 540i Sedan Sales Brochure (97_711050125_CC)
$19.95 |
97 BMW Sales Brochure for the 740i 740iL and 750iL (97_740750_CC)
$19.95 |
97 BMW 840Ci 850Ci Coupes Sales Brochure (97_840850_CC)
$34.95 |
97 BMW Range Sales Brochure (97_BMWRange)
$15.95 |
96-97 318, 328is/ic M3 E36 Electrical Troubleshooting Manual by BMW for vehicles produced from 9/96 to 8/97 318is/c 320i 325i/c 328, 328i, 328iC, 328iS, M3 E36 by BMW (96_01001470352)
$189.95 |
97-98 Engine, Clutch & Drive Axle Shop Service Repair Manual for All Imported Vehicles by Mitchell (975_EngneMithce)
$49.95 |
97-98 Z3 Owners Manual Supplement by BMW (M52 Engine) 6 cylinder 2.8 (98_01499790189 - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
K 1200 RS Shop Service Repair Manual on CD by BMW (98_10151979959)
$99.95 |
95-97 8-Series Owners Manual by BMW for 840Ci 850Ci 850 840 (96_01419789347 - Not a shop manual)
$189.95 |
95-97 M3 Owners Manual by BMW (97_01419789997 - Not a shop manual)
$59.95 |
95 8 Series Electrical Troubleshooting Manual by BMW 840Ci, 850Ci, 850CSi (95_01001468771)
$299.95 |
95 onward Electrical Troubleshooting Manual supplement by BMW for 850i & 840i (96_0100469079)
$49.95 |
93-97 BMW 4-valve Twins 850 & 1100 Motorcycle Repair Manual by Haynes (95_3466)
$29.95 |
92-98 BMW 3-series shop service Repair manual for 328i 328is 328iC 325i 325is 325iC 318i 318is 318ti 318iC Z3 Convertible & other 3-series models 320 pages by Haynes (95_18021)
$39.95 |
94-00 F650 Shop Service Repair Manual, 475 pages by Clymer for BMW F 650 (97_M309)
$34.95 |
95-01 BMW 740 & 750 Shop Service Repair Manual for all E38 7-Series including 750iL 740i & 740 iL in 1,300 pages complete Robert Bentley (98_B701)
$139.95 |
1997-2003 BMW 5-Series E39 Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes for 520i 523i 525i 528i 530i 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.0 gas petrol engines does not cover V8 or diesel engines (99_4151)
$54.95 |
96-2002 BMW Z3 Shop Service Repair Manual includes M Roadster & M Coupe by Robert Bentley for Roadster 1.9 2.3 2.5i 2.8 3.0i 3.2 4cyl & 6 cyl 1,152 pages (99_BZ02)
$129.95 |
97-2003 5-Series Shop Service Repair manual for BMW E39 series: 2,072 pages in 2-volume set Mechanical & Electrical covering 525i 528i 530i 540i Sedan & Wagon 525 528 530 540 i by Robert Bentley (B00_B503)
$189.95 |
91-97 3-series Gold portfolio of articles 172 pages about BMW compiled by Brooklands 325 328 318 (94_A_BMW3GP)
$39.95 |
96-02 Z3 Portfolio of articles about BMW Roadster by Brooklands including M version 160 pages (98_A_BMWZX1)
$32.95 |
96-02 BMW Z3 Essential Buyer's guide by M. Fishwick outlines selecting the best example for each budget and includes quotes from value experts (99781845842901)
$24.95 |
BMW History of the M Series including M5 M6 & M Roadster. Sales Brochure full color, 12 pages. (95_BMW_HistoryM)
$29.95 |
92-98 BMW 3-Series Shop Service Repair manual by Robert Bentley 760 pages 328 325 325i318 328i 328iS convertible Includes 99 M3 E36 E-36 (95_B398)
$99.95 |
92-99 BMW 3-Series E36 How to Build & Modify by Zurschmeide & Nakato (95_SA341_P)
$29.95 |
92-99 3 Series E36 service manual on microfiche by BMW for 318 & 328 (97_01519784761)
$37.95 |
BMW 840 850 Performance Portfolio of Articles about 840i 850i 850CSi 850Ci and other E31 8-Series models (93_ABM8PP)
$39.95 |
90-98 850i 840i Shop Service Repair Manual by BMW for E31 850 840 i E-31 approx 600 pages (905_850_Svc)
$149.95 |
1994-2002 Imported Car Crash Estimating Guide for Makes A-K by MOTOR (98_CrashEstimat)
$39.95 |
F650 F650 ST shop service repair manual by BMW (99_01517653664)
$69.95 |
91-99 3-Series BMW history book by Graham Robson 128 pages on 328 325 318 323 including convertible (95_130538AE)
$19.95 |
89-98 3 Series large format Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons for BMW 318 325 M3 328 323 i iC iS ti iX Z3 (91_18400)
$36.95 |
89-98 3 Series large format Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons for BMW 318 325 M3 328 323 i iC iS ti iX Z3 (91_18400_NEW)
$69.95 |
89-98 5 Series & 3 Series large format Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons for BMW M5 535i 525i 525iS & 318 325 M3 328 323 i iC iS ti iX (91_8427)
$39.95 |
BMW 3-Series E36 Restoration Tips & Techniques 148 pages by G. Hudock (95_BMW36R)
$59.95 |
BMW 850i a new look at car technology 192 pgs by BMW large format 13'x18' (90_BMW_850)
$499.95 |
94-2004 3 Series BMW compilation of article into book form compiled by Unique, 126 pages. Models covered 330Ci, 328ci, 318is, 330d, 325tds, 328ise, 325i, 316i, 318ise, & M3; Compacts, Coupes & Convertibles (93_32808A)
$24.95 |