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76 530i Owners Manual by BME for 530 i (76_01419699781 - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
74 - 76 BMW 1602 1802 2002 2002 tii Including some Automatic Owners Manual (75_01419_099781 - Not a shop manual)
$89.95 |
76-80 Parts Manual by BMW for 3-Series complete with all illustrations and part numbers (78_Prts)
$129.95 |
3.0CS coupe owners manual for BMW also CSi 3.0 CS (73_BMW3LTRCSI - Not a shop manual)
$44.95 |
74-80 Cycle World on BMW 80 pgs road test articles Portfolio by Brooklands including R90/6 R90S ISDT 750 R100RS R80/7 R100S R65 R32 R100RT R100T (77_A_BM74)
$29.95 |
77 BMW Motorsports Sales Brochure (77_BMWMotorspor)
$59.95 |
1968-1976 BMW 2002 Restorers Reference by J Taylor provides restorers collectors & enthusiasts all the key information necessary to correctly refurbish these classic cars (72_144209AP)
$259.95 |
76-84 R60/7 R75/7 R80/7 R100/7 R100T R100S R100RT R100RS R100CS Shop Service Repair Manual by BMW Motorcycle (79_BMW_R_Svc)
$89.95 |
75-83 BMW E21 3 Series Essential Buyers Guide by Jose Reverente (79_194332AE)
$79.95 |
68-76 2002 parts manual by BMW; 2-volume set with all part numbers & illustrations; includes Tii, 1502, 1600, 2000... (72_2002_parts)
$199.95 |
68-77 BMW 2500 2800 3.0 Bavaria Shop Service Repair Manual by Carbooks Covers all six cylinder carbureted BMW sedans and coupes (71_2500_2800SVC)
$39.95 |
76-81 BMW 6-Series parts manual by BMW; 2-volume set with all part numbers & illustrations; includes 635CSi 633CSi 630CSi 628CSi & more (79_635_parts)
$299.95 |
66-77 BMW 2002 Guide Comprehensive Guide 176 pages hardcover history buyers guide modifications restoration competition specifications by Taylor & Macartney (71_A_BMW02)
$34.95 |
5-Speed Conversion Guidelines A complete reference guide for the conversion of a BMW 2002 from the Original 4-Speed to a 5-Speed Overdrive Transmission (73_2002_5spdcon)
$29.95 |
1975-1990 BMW 316 318 320 Series 3 - 4 Cylinder Cars Gold Portfolio by RM Clarke in 180 pages with over 300 photos 320i 318i 316i (83_BMW4GP)
$39.95 |
75-92 BMW 3-Series collectors guide by Jeremy Walton 128 hardbound pages many B&W & color photos, detailed history of every model 1975-1991 316 318 320 325 M3 (849781899870554)
$34.95 |
BMW Classic cars of the 60's & 70's: History of the company from through the classic models of the 2002 and CS. 192 hardbound pages by L. Meredith. (68_129779AE)
$34.95 |
Memoirs of a Hack Mechanic about repairing BMW's mostley 2002's by Rob Siegel 432 pages (99_GBRS)
$44.95 |
70-91 Body Parts Manual includes Front End/Cowl/Doors/Rear Body for Foreign & Domestic Cars & Trucks by Hollander (80_BodyParts)
$99.95 |
70-91 Identification Manual for Foreigh & Domestic Cars & Trucks by Hollander (80_Id)
$89.95 |
80-94 Engine Parts Interchange Manual includes Engine Accessories Electronic Modules for Foreign & Domestic Cars & light duty Trucks by Hollander 62nd edition (88_Engine)
$59.95 |
70-96 Chassis 1 Interchange Manual covers Transmission & Axles for Domestic & Foreign Cars & light duty Trucks by Hollander 62nd edition (85_Chassis)
$79.95 |
55-85 BMW Twins Restoration by M. Walker for all flat twin models including R50 R60 R69 R50/2 R50S R60/2 R69S R80 G/S R100RS R60/5 R90S R100RS R100RT R75/5 R65LS R100CS R90/6 R80/7 R80RT and more (70_Flat_Twin_Re)
$69.95 |
Solex 2 & 4 Barrel Downdraft Carburetors Shop Service Repair Manual How to adjust, tune, repair, and rebuild for maximum performance. Full information for home mechanic and professional. about 90 pages (75_SolexCarbSvc)
$59.95 |
72-02 Thirty Years of BMW M Power by the BMW Company 275 Large Hardcover Full Color Pages (87_BMWMPOWER)
$99.95 |
72-08 BMW 5-Series & X5 History by Cranswick covering all version including M5 540i 530i 535i 528e 528i 533i 518 520 & more 275 pages (90_BMW_5)
$37.95 |
76-12 BMW Coupe's Legendary Performance Style Leaders by G. Farmer 304 pages about 6-Series & 8-Series BMW Coupes including 635CSi M6 633i 645i 850i 840i 630i 628i 650i and more (90_WKD48182120)
$159.95 |
67-07 Velocity Supercar Revolution by J Lamm History of top modern sportscars & their need for speed from Lamborghini & Ferrari in 1967 to the 599 GTB Fiorano in 2007 Hardcover 352 pages Large format color illustrations (87_VelocityLamm)
$59.95 |
BMW Cafe Racers by U Cloesen - The first book to cover the evolution of the BMW Sportsbike to the Cafe Racer with 205 photos & 128 pages (B00_210141)
$39.95 |
45-90 East German Motor Vehicles in Pictures - Cars Vans and Trucks by Christian Suhr and Ralf Weinreich (73_192349AE)
$69.95 |
illustrated BMW buyers guide by Ken Gross; 190 pages. (95_119884AP)
$19.95 |
The BMW 6 Series large black leather bound book in black slip case detailed story of the 645CI development & car features, many high quality photos with history of other BMW cars (B04_645CIbook)
$179.95 |
Sport Compact Bolt On Performance - Volume 1 Import Cars - by Joe Pettitt (B00_SA65)
$24.95 |
BMW Buyers Guide: 160 pages by F. Larimer (90_135105AP)
$25.95 |
Little Book of MINI by B Laban pictorial history 50th anniversary ed. (90_Mini_Little)
$34.95 |
BMW Bavaria's Driving Machine by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 250 hardbound pages w/ lots of color and Black & White illustrations (59_BMWConsumGui)
$34.95 |
54-06 Supercars Driving the Dream by A Phillips 159 page oversized hard cover history with numerous photographs profiling models by Mercedes Ford Lamborghini BMW Lotus Ferrari Porsche Bugatti Jaguar Aston Martin Honda Maserati Mitsubishi and more (52_SuperPhillip)
$19.95 |
BMW Motorcycle Buyers Guide by Mark Zimmerman 143 pages 1950-2003 (80_135776AP)
$24.95 |
How to Restore Classic Car Bodywork by M. Thaddeus tips, techniques, & step by step procedures for all metal bodied cars (70_196694AE)
$59.95 |
Huschke von Hanstein The Racing Baron 287 pages by Tobias Aichele high quality story of Porsche's public relations and racing department manager1950's and his racing 1930's to 1980's many B&W and color photos (60_racingbaron)
$139.95 |
1946-2012 Bristol Cars - Brooklands Portfolio in 360 pages with over 690 photos (81_214129)
$59.95 |
BMW Enthusiasts companion by BMW Owners club 328 pages of insights on driving, performance, & service (80_GBCC)
$29.95 |
28-98 BMW History by Hodges 160 pages from the first car through current models (65_129714C)
$29.95 |
34-06 BMW Racing Cars covering BMW's racing history from 1934-2006 by Karl Ludvigsen 125 illustrations (70_10292)
$29.95 |
BMW - Motorsport Fascination by BMW - All about BMW and its motorsport racing history 124 harcover pages (92_MotorsportFa)
$24.95 |
BMW - Motorsport Fascination by BMW - in GERMAN language - All about BMW and its motorsport racing history 124 harcover pages (92_MotorsportGE)
$19.95 |
23-98 BMW Motorrader 75 Jahre Tradition und Innovation by Stefan Knittel - BMW Motorcycles 75 years of Tradition and Innovation in German (50_ST_1_98_007)
$249.95 |
1917-94 BMW Classics by Jeremy Walton A picture history book covering the evolution and classic cars of BMW. (50_BMW_Classics)
$34.95 |
Racing Colours Series: German Racing Silver Drivers Cars and Triumphs of Berman Motor Racing by K. Ludvigsen 176pgs with many color and B&W photos Pub by Ian Allan (B09_GermanSilve)
$49.95 |
21-01 BMW Cars by Martin Buckley Photos by Nick Dimberly 168 page hard cover History (61_BMWBuck)
$39.95 |