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48-59 The Book of the BSA twins A Practical Guide for owners of all 500 or 650 CC OHV Vertical Twins A7 A10 131 pages shop manual by WC Haycraft (53_BSA48_59A7S)
$37.95 |
62-73 BSA A50 500 A65 650 Twins Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (67_0155)
$34.95 |
62-73 A50 A65 Twins 499cc 654cc Owners Workshop Manual by Haynes 87 pgs (67_5065ShopMn)
$34.95 |
62-68 Vertical Twin Shop Service Repair Manual for A50 Star & Cyclone, A65 Star, Rocket, Thunderbolt, Lightning, Spitfire Hornet & Clubman 128 pages by BSA 500 650 (67_BSA62_73A50S)
$49.95 |
62-73 A50 A65 Twins Gold Portfolio articles 172 pages by Brooklands about road tests, touring, engine rebuild. Including models Royal Star, Rocket, Lightning, Cyclone, Thunderbolt, Spitfire, Special II, III, Hornet (67_A_BS62BGP)
$39.95 |
45-57 The Book of the BSA Shop service repair Manual 1-Cyl Groups B C M except C10 C11 C12 Gold Star 150 pages by WC Haycraft (51_BSA45_571CS)
$41.95 |
55-67 The book of the BSA Shop Manual by WC Haycraft B & M series B31 B32 B33 B34 M33 B40 1955-67. 128 pages. A practical guide on the handling and maintenance of all 1955 to 1967 4 stroke OHV singles Except 250cc Gold Star & B44 Victor models (619781588501561)
$29.95 |
46-59 A7 Golden Flash A10 Star Twins Super Flash Shooting Star Road Rocket & Super Rocket Vertical Twins shop service repair manual 184 pgs by DW Munro (52_3425765HB)
$34.95 |
46 - 59 Twin vertical A Service maintenance manual by CJ Pearson 184 pgs (52_VerttwinA_SM)
$24.95 |
48-62 Shop Manual Twins by BSA, 133 pages. (55_BSA48_62TS)
$37.95 |
48-62 BSA 500 A7 650 A10 Twins Shop Service Repair Manual The Book of the BSA Twins A practical guide for owners 133 pages by WC Haycraft (60_BSA500650TWS)
$47.95 |
58-72 250 350 441 & 500 Unit Singles Repair Manual by Haynes for BSA models C15 B25 C25 B40 B44 B50 (61_0127)
$34.95 |
57-71 Shop Manual By BSA for D10 Bantam 1957-71; D-10, D 10 (64_BSA57_71BS)
$46.95 |
36-51 Shop Manual by BSA for All units, D1, B32, A7, A10+, by BSA, 148 pages. (43_BSA36_51AS)
$46.95 |
38-53 Owners Instruction Manual C10 C11 C12 250 350cc by BSA 88 pages. (45_BSA3853250IN)
$34.95 |
38-53 Instruction Book Owners Manuals C10-C11-C12 by BSA (45_BSA3853C10IN)
$30.95 |
36-39 Book of BSA Clymer Shop Manual covering all models incl 150 X0 250 B1 B2 B18 B20 B21 B22 C10 C11 B23 B24 B25 B26 M19 R4 R5 R17 R19 R20 500 J12 M20 M22 M23 M24 Q7 Q8 Q21 W6 600 M10 M21 750 Y13 1000 G14 350 & more (38_Book_of_BSA)
$29.95 |
36-52 Book of BSA Clymer Shop Manual 152 pgs covering Single & V-Twin 4-stroke models incl 125 Bantam D1 B32 Gold Star A7 Star Twin A10 Golden Flash B34 C11 C10 M20 M21 B31 M33 & more (44_978158850217)
$29.95 |
47-63 A7 & A10 500 & 650 Twins Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes for BSA (59_0121)
$34.95 |
54-70 The Book of the 250cc Shop service repair Manual G-group C10L C11G C12 C15 C15SS C15T C15S SS80 Sportsman C15G C25 Barracuda B25 Starfire and others by BSA & Arthur Lupton 122 pages. Clymer (62_978158850158)
$29.95 |
63-79 BSA 500 & 650cc Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer 650 (67_M302)
$49.95 |
46-62 BSA Twins A7 & A10 Gold Portfolio articles 172 pgs by Brooklands on models Road Rocket, Golden Flash, Super Rocket, Gold Star, Star Twin and Shooting Star (56_A_BS46BGP)
$39.95 |
14-31 Shop Manual by BSA for All models (25_BSA15_31AS)
$41.95 |
49-66 BSA Service Sheets factory collection of service bulletins for all models of BSA cover says 500 OHV 650 OHV Twin A group models with swinging arm (66_BSA_Bull)
$19.95 |
48-66 Bantam Shop Manual by BSA 136 pages for all Bantam 2-stroke models except D10 (57_BSA48_66BS)
$37.95 |
48-66 BSA Bantam Service maintenance manual by Pitmans 136 pgs (57_G4219_SM)
$24.95 |
45-63 BSA Singles Gold Portfolio articles 172 pgs by Brookland covering Starfire GoldStar Scrambler Catalina Sports Star Gold Star Super Sports 250 350 500 600 and more.... (54_A_BS45BGP)
$39.95 |
Intertecs Vintage Collection Series Four Stroke Motorcycles by Clymer covering many models produced in the early 60s through the mid 70s including Benelli BMW BSA Ducati Gilera Harley-Davidson Honda Kawasaki Moto Guzzi Norton Royal Enfield Triumph Velocette & Yamaha (90_VCS4)
$36.95 |
31-50 Shop Manual by BSA for All models, 153 pages. (40_BSA31_50AS)
$41.95 |
31-52 Shop Manual for All models 199 pages with 56 illustrations BSA Motorcycles a practical guide covering all models by DW Munro (40_BSA31_52AS)
$51.95 |
31-53 BSA Motor Cycle Pre-Unit 1931-1953 (42_BSAPRUNT3153)
$30.95 |
48-70 Shop Manual Bantam by BSA, 122 pages. D1 D3 D5 D7 D10 D14 175 & more (54_BSA48_60BS)
$37.95 |
48-70 Shop Manual Bantam by BSA, 122 pages. D1 D3 D5 D7 D10 D14 175 & more (599781588502100)
$29.95 |
4-stroke Motorcycle Service Manual, 3rd ed. Vol.2 248 pg. with service details for variety motorcycle models (61_MC4StrokeSvc)
$19.95 |
31-54 Shop Manual by BSA for All models, 199 pages. (41_BSA31_54AS)
$51.95 |
48-70 BSA Bantam 125 150 & 175 Repair Manual byHaynes, 124 pages. (60_0117)
$34.95 |
48-71 BSA Bantam Bible by P Henshaw 160 page hardcover history covering D1 BD1 D3 D5 D7 D10 D10 Sports Bushman D14/4 D175 B175 Bushman models (59_BSABible)
$59.95 |
BSA Singles Restoration by Roy Bacon For Gold Star and all post-war pre-unit B M and C series plus unit four-strokes and Bantams (40_BSA_Singles)
$59.95 |
BSA Twin Restoration by Roy Bacon. Renovation Restoration and Development history on all Post-War BSA Twins (40_BSA_Twin)
$69.95 |
48-72 Shop Manual Bantam by BSA (60_BSA48_72BS)
$37.95 |
BSA Gold Star Super Profile Hardcover history 56 pages by John Gardner 1938-1963 (60_BSAprofile)
$19.95 |
Modern Motorcycle Mechanics Manual by J.B. Nicholson (60_ModerCycleMe)
$59.95 |
BSA Twins & Triples by Roy Bacon Development history on Post-War BSA A7 A10 A50 A65 & Rocket 190 pages Hardcover (40_BSA_TWINHIST)
$49.95 |
BSA Singles by Roy Bacon For Gold Star and all post-war pre-unit B M and C series, plus unit four-strokes and Bantams 192 pages Hardcover (40_BSA_SINGHIST)
$39.95 |
A-Z Guide to British Motorcycles from the 30's to the 70's by C. Ayton (50_AZ_BritBikes)
$89.95 |
Motorcycle Tuning Chassis by John Robinson, 259 pages covering Steering and Handling, Rolling Chassis, Suspension, Brakes, Welding, Bodywork, Tyres, Wheels and Driveline, and more... (90_0_75061840_X)
$29.95 |
The Motoring Encyclopedia Illustrated 822 pages cars and motorcyles with touring of the British isles by Amalgamted Press Stubbs Blaxland Greville many great photos and illustrations (25_motoring)
$29.95 |
Competition History of BSA. 344 pages, 260 illustrations, hardcover - N. Vanhouse (50_127450AE)
$129.95 |
Grand National Americas Golden Age of Motorcycle Racing by Joe Scalzo 192 hardbound pages 75 color 125 BW photos featuring bikes such as Harley Davidson BSA Triumph Norton Yamaha (80_70_13868)
$34.95 |
BSA pictorial history by D. Morley: 128 pages of the finest BSA motorcycle examples from around the world (40_115998AE)
$34.95 |