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60-62 Instruction / Owners Manual By BSA for A50 & A65 Star 1960-62. 75 pages. (61_BSA6062A50IN)
$30.95 |
60-62 Shop Manual By BSA for A7 & A10 1960-62; A-7&A-10, A 7 & A 10 (61_BSA60_62A7S)
$37.95 |
A50 500 Star Cyclone Road & Comp A65 650 Star Rocket Thunderbolt Lightning Spitfire Hornet shop service repair manual by BSA (63_BSA500650)
$59.95 |
Shop Service Workshop Repair Manual for A50-A65 1962-65 by BSA (63_JRP002)
$69.95 |
58-62 Instruction / Owners Manual by BSA for A7 & A11 1958-62; A 7 & A 11 (60_BSA5862A7INS)
$19.95 |
59-64 Instruction / Owners by BSA for Scooter 1959-64 (61_BSA5964SCINS)
$20.95 |
59-64 Shop Manual By BSA for Scooter 1959-64 (61_BSA59_64SCS)
$37.95 |
57-63 Instruction / Owners Manual by BSA for Gold Star 500 cc DBD 1957-63, 63 pages. (60_BSA5763GSINS)
$30.95 |
58-65 Instruction / Owners Manuals by BSA for D7 Bantam 1958-65; D-7,D 7. 38 pages (61_BSA5865D7INS)
$20.95 |
62-69 Book of the BSA Shop Manual 500 650 A50 A65 Twins 125 pages. (659781588501691)
$29.95 |
54-62 Shop service repair Manual C10L C11G C12 by BSA (58_BSA5462C10LS)
$41.95 |
62-73 BSA A50 500 A65 650 Twins Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (67_0155)
$34.95 |
62-73 A50 A65 Twins 499cc 654cc Owners Workshop Manual by Haynes 87 pgs (67_5065ShopMn)
$34.95 |
62-68 Vertical Twin Shop Service Repair Manual for A50 Star & Cyclone, A65 Star, Rocket, Thunderbolt, Lightning, Spitfire Hornet & Clubman 128 pages by BSA 500 650 (67_BSA62_73A50S)
$49.95 |
55-67 The book of the BSA Shop Manual by WC Haycraft B & M series B31 B32 B33 B34 M33 B40 1955-67. 128 pages. A practical guide on the handling and maintenance of all 1955 to 1967 4 stroke OHV singles Except 250cc Gold Star & B44 Victor models (619781588501561)
$29.95 |
48-62 Shop Manual Twins by BSA, 133 pages. (55_BSA48_62TS)
$37.95 |
48-62 BSA 500 A7 650 A10 Twins Shop Service Repair Manual The Book of the BSA Twins A practical guide for owners 133 pages by WC Haycraft (60_BSA500650TWS)
$47.95 |
58-72 250 350 441 & 500 Unit Singles Repair Manual by Haynes for BSA models C15 B25 C25 B40 B44 B50 (61_0127)
$34.95 |
57-71 Shop Manual By BSA for D10 Bantam 1957-71; D-10, D 10 (64_BSA57_71BS)
$46.95 |
47-63 A7 & A10 500 & 650 Twins Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes for BSA (59_0121)
$34.95 |
54-70 The Book of the 250cc Shop service repair Manual OHV & SV Singles G-group C10L C11G C12 C15 C15SS C15T C15S SS80 Sportsman C15G C25 Barracuda B25 Starfire and others by BSA & Arthur Lupton 122 pages. Clymer (62_978158850158)
$29.95 |
49-66 BSA Service Sheets factory collection of service bulletins for all models of BSA cover says 500 OHV 650 OHV Twin A group models with swinging arm (66_BSA_Bull)
$19.95 |
48-66 Bantam Shop Manual by BSA 136 pages for all Bantam 2-stroke models except D10 (57_BSA48_66BS)
$37.95 |
48-66 BSA Bantam Service maintenance manual by Pitmans 136 pgs (57_G4219_SM)
$24.95 |
48-70 Shop Manual Bantam by BSA, 122 pages. D1 D3 D5 D7 D10 D14 175 & more (54_BSA48_60BS)
$37.95 |
48-70 Shop Manual Bantam by BSA, 122 pages. D1 D3 D5 D7 D10 D14 175 & more (599781588502100)
$29.95 |
4-stroke Motorcycle Service Manual, 3rd ed. Vol.2 248 pg. with service details for variety motorcycle models (61_MC4StrokeSvc)
$19.95 |
48-70 BSA Bantam 125 150 & 175 Repair Manual byHaynes, 124 pages. (60_0117)
$34.95 |
BSA Singles Restoration by Roy Bacon For Gold Star and all post-war pre-unit B M and C series plus unit four-strokes and Bantams (40_BSA_Singles)
$59.95 |
BSA Twin Restoration by Roy Bacon. Renovation Restoration and Development history on all Post-War BSA Twins (40_BSA_Twin)
$69.95 |
48-72 Shop Manual Bantam by BSA (60_BSA48_72BS)
$37.95 |
Modern Motorcycle Mechanics Manual by J.B. Nicholson (60_ModerCycleMe)
$59.95 |
BSA Twins & Triples by Roy Bacon Development history on Post-War BSA A7 A10 A50 A65 & Rocket 190 pages Hardcover (40_BSA_TWINHIST)
$49.95 |
BSA Singles by Roy Bacon For Gold Star and all post-war pre-unit B M and C series, plus unit four-strokes and Bantams 192 pages Hardcover (40_BSA_SINGHIST)
$39.95 |
Motorcycle Tuning Chassis by John Robinson, 259 pages covering Steering and Handling, Rolling Chassis, Suspension, Brakes, Welding, Bodywork, Tyres, Wheels and Driveline, and more... (90_0_75061840_X)
$29.95 |
Restoring Motorcycle Electrics by Roy Bacon For Owners and Restorers of all Motorcycles Vintage Classic and Collectible (60_Rest_Electri)
$89.95 |
Restoring & Tuning Classic Motor Cycles by Phil Irving, M.B.E. (40_RestTunMtrCy)
$129.95 |
Tuning for Speed: How to Increase the Performance of A Standard Motorcycle Engine For Racing & Competition Work by P.E. Irving (40_Tuning4Speed)
$89.95 |