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77-80 Shop Service Repair Manual Series 2 Silver Shadow Silver Wraith Corniche Bentley T2 4-volume set by Rolls Royce (785_TSD4200)
$894.95 |
77-80 Silver Shadow II Owners handbook by Rolls Royce (also covers Bentley T2) Silver Shadow 2 (785_TSD_4209 - Not a shop manual)
$199.95 |
77-80 Silver Wraith II Owners handbook by Rolls Royce (785_TSD_4210 - Not a shop manual)
$224.95 |
79-82 Corniche owners manual by Rolls Royce from VIN 50112 up to # SCAYD42A7CCX05036 (79_TSD4323 - Not a shop manual)
$549.95 |
59-62 Rolls Royce and Bentley Silver Cloud II and Bentley S2 Technical Service Bulletins by Rolls Royce (605_RRSCIIBS2SB)
$49.95 |
79-86 Rolls Royce and Bentley Technical Service Bulletins for the Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II and Silver Wraith II 2 Corniche Camargue Bentley T Series and T-2 T2 (83_TSD4318)
$159.95 |
Shadow Owners Companion by J Waples Maintenance Projects for Rolls Royce Silver Shadow & Bentley T covers areas workshop manual do not ie AC Steering cooler wood refinish Fan clutch Header tank Runon Buying criteria & more 212 pgs 274 photos (72_ShadCompanio)
$49.95 |
75-85 Emission Control for 3 Way Catalyst & Fuel Injection Training Workbook Manual by Rolls Royce for Silver Shadow Spirit Spur & Silver Wraith for use with the Mastertech Audio Visual programme (825_Rolls_Emiss)
$29.95 |
Osprey AutoHistory of the Rolls Royce Silver Shadow by John Bolster Hardcover also covers the C0rniche Camargue Silver Wraith II abd Bentley T (72_RollsSShadow)
$34.95 |
67-80 Shadow & T Ultimate portfolio compilation of articles about the Rolls Royce & Bentley by Brooklands 208 pages Silver Shadow Corniche Wraith (74_A_RL6UP)
$44.95 |
66-84 Road & Track on Rolls-Royce & Bentley, 96 pgs of articles about Spurs and Spirits, etc. (75_A_RRRT66)
$29.95 |
65-84 Workshop Tools Manual for Silver Shadow Corniche Spirit Spur & Bentley by Rolls Royce (745_TY_452)
$89.95 |
Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow & Bentley T Service Maintenance Schedule Manual (70_TSD_2657)
$49.95 |
65-85 Collector's Guide for Rolls Royce & Bentley including Silver Shadow Corniche & Camargue 144 pages by G. Robson (75_129757AE)
$59.95 |
Rolls Royce Silver Spirit History Book plus Silver Spur, Bentley Eight & Mulsanne, Turbo by Graham Robson Osprey Auto History 134 hardbound pages (80_SlvrSprtOspr)
$39.95 |
65-86 Parts Manual for Silver Shadow, Bentley T, Corniche, Camargue, Wraith 2, James Young, Park Ward, by Rolls Royce on CD Rom (73_3215_TSD6166)
$79.95 |
Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow Bentley T-Series Camargue & Corniche The Definitive History by Malcolm Bobbitt 208 pages 100 color 100 black & white photos (75_138867AE)
$59.95 |
1965-1995 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow & Bentley T Series Essential Buyers Guide by M Bobbitt (80_146364AE)
$129.95 |
71-01 Inside the Rolls Royce & Bentley Styling Design Department 176 pgs with 100 color photos by Hull covering the years of Silver Shadow Spirit Spur Seraph T1 T2 Mulsanne Eight Corniche Continental Brooklands Azure & more (86_214582)
$59.95 |
Rolls Royce Silver Shadow Spirit & Spur Seminar Technical Info Binder (80_Seminar_Shad)
$79.95 |
The Book of Sports Cars by Charles Lan Markmann and Mark Sherwin - A history of the sport of car racing (60_SportCarsShe)
$49.95 |
Bentley Continental Complete History in hardcover by Bernard King (60_CC12)
$59.95 |
45-85 Rolls-Royce & Bentley Collectors Guide Vol.2 for Coachbuilt Models by Graham Robson 143 hardbound pages (65_RollsCollect)
$39.95 |
Rolls Royce the Classic Elegance by Dalton 240 pages hardbound including over 500 photos with great detail regarding all postwar models from 45-86 including all Silver Wraith, Silver Cloud I II III, Silver Dawn, Phantom V IV, and more .... (60_1854432087)
$59.95 |
Postwar Rolls-Royce & Bentley A Concise Buying Guide by Barry D. Cooney covering Silver Wraith Cloud Shadow and more... (70_PostwarRollB)
$29.95 |
Bentley since 1965 through 2012 by J Taylor - telling the story of the revival of Bentley and new technical developments in 192 pages & 270 color photos (90_211149AE)
$49.95 |
Bentley's Great Eight Hardcover history book of the Bentley & Rolls Royce V8 engine by K. Ludvigsen 208pg hardcover incl Silver Cloud Shadow Turbo R Musanne Brooklands Azure Arnage Continental Corniche Spur Spirit S1 S2 S3 & more.... (75_GreatEight)
$199.95 |
Elite Cars (88_323_training)
$19.95 |
51-02 Bentley Continental Corniche & Azure by Martin Bennett Cloth hardback. 250 x 207mm (portrait) 256 artpaper pages Over 300 colour and black & white photographs & illustrations (95_149522)
$149.95 |
1965-2016 Rolls Royce and Bentley Coachbuilt Specials in the Modern Era by R. Vaughan 294 pages many color pics detailed history of many beautiful cars Silver Shadow Camarque Corniche Phantom Continental Turbo Arnage Seraph Spirit Spur (70_rollscoach)
$97.95 |
Brunei's Bespoke Rolls Royce & Bentley 142 pgs by R. Vaughan featuring custom versions of Camarque Corniche Phantom Continental Turbo Arnage Seraph Spirit Spur & more (90_Brunei)
$75.95 |
60 years at Crewe: Rolls Royce & Bentley. 224 pg history of the company and the cars from the late 40's through the late 90's by M. Bobbit (OUT OF PRINT) (75_S16230)
$69.95 |
Bentley Specials & Special Bentleys Volume II by Ray Roberts; Details the many specially constructed and modified cars seen on the pre- and post-war Bentley chassis. Over 600 pages 850 photos 500 cars. Hardcover. (60_33883)
$999.95 |
30-90 Complete Book of Collectible Cars by R Langworth 383 hard cover pages (70_CollCarsLang)
$19.95 |
Bentley Brochure 'The 65 Years of Bentley' 30 fully illustrated pages of Bentley vehicles from 1919 to 1984 15' X 11' (Prestige Sales Brochure) (84_Bentley_CC)
$34.95 |
1951-2018 Flying Lady Publications hardbound in 18 volumes by RROC Rolls Royce & Bentley Owners Club (85_1100)
$1,399.95 |
1930-2004 Bentley Continental The Complete Story book of articles in 120 pages compiled by Unique about the fine Bentley Motorcars (70_36686)
$29.95 |
Manual of Instruction for Judges by Rolls Royce Owners Club Inc. 22 pages published 1962 revised 1980 (43_JudgesManual)
$24.95 |
04-83 Chassis Numbers Booklet by Rolls Royce & Bentley Detailing all the engineering changes by chassis number from 1904-1983 (47_Chassis_Numb)
$29.95 |
79-80 Flying Lady Publications loose issues in Binder with index by RROC Rolls Royce & Bentley Owners Club (79_FlyingLady)
$89.95 |
75-79 Flying Lady Publications bound in Book Form by RROC Rolls Royce & Bentley Owners Club (77_FlyingLady)
$89.95 |
The Encyclopedia of the World's Classic Cars A technical directory of the most magnificent cars from 1900 to late 1970's by Graham Robson 248 pages Hadbound color photos (30_EncyClasCars)
$69.95 |
Cars In Profile Collection 2 includes Facel Vega McLaren M8 Series 4 1/2 Litre Bentley Formula 1 Matra Fords Jaguar D Rolls Royce Phantom II 2 editor: Anthony Harding (40_CarsInProfi2)
$29.95 |
The Story of Rolls-Royce & Bentley Motor Cars 29 pages published in 1985 by Rolls Royce (44_RollsBentley)
$49.95 |
80-84 Flying Lady Publications bound in Book Form by RROC Rolls Royce & Bentley Owners Club (82_FlyingLady)
$89.95 |
Classic Car Interior Restoration manual by K Henson & Haynes 192 pgs hardcover (42_H932)
$39.95 |
Illustrated Rolls-Royce & Bentley Buyer's Guide by Paul R. Woudenberg 175 pages (42_RollsBentBuy)
$27.95 |
The DNA of Bentley Rich Heritage Challenging Future 1919 - 2004 Bentley history from the beginning to 2004 160 pp 120 color photos Hardcover by Richard Feast (62_137374AP_HI)
$44.95 |
Bentley - A Motoring Miscellany - A Random Reference for the Modern Enthusiast by Nicholas Foulkes (B05_BentleyRefe)
$49.95 |
The Story of Rolls Royce & Bentley Motor Cars 29 pages about the history and models 1904-1990 (04_RollsHistory)
$24.95 |