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Triumph Speed Tuning by Stan Shenton deals with modification of Triumph 500cc, 650cc, and 750cc unit construction twin and triple cylinder motorcycles 55 pages (59_JRP039)
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13-57 Shop Manual All models by Villiers. 1913-57, 120 pages. (35_VIL13_57AS)
$28.95 |
Original Harley Davidson Knucklehead Restorer's Guide by Greg Field 128 hardbound pages (40_137244AP)
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Triumph Twin Restoration Guide (60_JRP040)
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$19.95 |
30 Instruction Book by British Anzani 242-322cc (30_BRI242322INS)
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Indian Parts List book PonyBike Papoose Boy Racer (50_19981)
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13-69 Shop Manual All models by Villiers. 1913-69, 95 pages. (40_VIL13_69AS)
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Bahnstormer the Story of BMW Motorcycles by L Setright 190 page History (52_Bahnstorm)
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American Chopper The Fine Art of the Custom Motorcycle 240 pages Most of these modified motorcycles begin as a Harley Davidson (70_AmChopper)
$19.95 |
Chopped Harleys 50 Years of Rebellious Motorcycles by J Carroll 128 page hard cover history detailing the rise of Harley chopper culture (70_ChopHarley)
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Competition History of BSA. 344 pages, 260 illustrations, hardcover - N. Vanhouse (50_127450AE)
$129.95 |
Equations of Motion; Adventure, Risk and Innovation, An Engineering Autobiography by William F. Milliken with forward by Dan Gurney, edited by Beverly Rae Kimes 708 pages (50_GEMK)
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$21.95 |
Wayne Rainey - His own story, Authorized biography, 224 pages, Hardcover. (70_H401)
$99.95 |
Harley Davidson History by M. Hendry 159 pgs Ballantine's marque book #12 (35_HarleyD_Hist)
$19.95 |
03-65 H-D Buyers Guide, by Jerry Hatfield, 192 pgs. (31_125204AP)
$17.95 |
Harley-Davidson Classics 1903-1965, Illustrated Buyer's Guide by Jerry Hatfield, 192 pages, published by Motorbooks International (44_HarleyDavid)
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$29.95 |
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Motorcycle Handbook covers everything you need to select and maintain motorcycles, riding gear & accessories by Kevin Maher and Ben Greisler by Chilton (9099_Handbook)
$34.95 |
Harley Davidson 1903-1969 The Legend Begins Editors S Bach & K Osterman Hardcover 227 pages (36_LegendBegins)
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Moto Guzzi by Mario Colombo Exhaustive complete history to 1990 412 pages pictures of every model and prototype Pub by Georgio Nada Editore (90_MotoGuzzi)
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Norton by Dennis Howard 159 pgs (Ballantines Illustrated History of the Car marque book no 9) (35_Norton_Hist)
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BSA Buyers Guide, by Roy Bacon (40_115042AP)
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Jesse James, the man and his machines: 192 pages by M Seate about the motorcyclist and Monster Garage (75_136320AP)
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62? Parts Manual by Ariel for Model 3 moped (62_ARM3MP)
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Buyer's Guide for BMW Motorcycles by Stefan Knittel & Rolan Slabon 176 pages with 200 full color photos 1923-1995 (52_135776)
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Bike! Motorcycles and the poeple who ride them by Thierry Sagnier (74_TD199)
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BSA for Double CD (42_CD_BSA)
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Lucas CD (42_CD_LUCAS)
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Norton CD (42_CD_NORTON)
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A Video Taking you through the proscess of rebuilding Amal Caurerators on DVD (42_VID_0003)
$44.95 |