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Repair & Overhaul Manual 74 by American Indian Motorcycle Co. (65_IndianShop)
$39.95 |
Knallert Instruction Manual by Raleigh (65_RALKNAINS)
$20.95 |
Roma Scooter RS Shop Manual by Raleigh (65_RALRSS)
$24.95 |
Supermatic RM5 Shop Manual by Raleigh (65_RALSRM5S)
$30.95 |
Crusader 250 series Shop Manual by Royal Enfield covering Clipper Crusader Sports Super 5 Continental 350 Bullet & 250 Trails including Airflow models where applicable (65_R_ENF250S)
$37.95 |
BSA Twins & Triples by Roy Bacon Development history on Post-War BSA A7 A10 A50 A65 & Rocket 190 pages Hardcover (40_BSA_TWINHIST)
$49.95 |
Tuning Bulletin Triumph 350 & 500 (56_JRP007)
$5.95 |
Norton Motorcycles 1950-1986 (68_JRP044)
$44.95 |
Triumph M-C Twins & Triples (56_JRP048)
$34.95 |
Trophy & Tiger Bible: by Harry Woolridge about Triumph Motorcycles 1949-1983 (70_137493)
$199.95 |
Shop Service Workshop Repair Manual for TRW 500cc 1936-1974 (55_JRP016)
$59.95 |
Triumph Motorcycles 1950-1988 (69_JRP043)
$44.95 |
Ducati Twins Restoration Guide by M. Walker: 240 pages (70_136321AP)
$29.95 |
Singles Restoration Manual for Ducati by M. Walker: 240 pages (70_136427AP)
$179.95 |
Brough Superior From 1923 Road Tests & Features from The Motorcycle, Motor Cycling, & Motorcycle Sport by CE Allen 90 pages (90_BroughSup)
$49.95 |
Speed Twin clock (59_CLOCK)
$24.95 |
Triumph Speed Tuning by Stan Shenton deals with modification of Triumph 500cc, 650cc, and 750cc unit construction twin and triple cylinder motorcycles 55 pages (59_JRP039)
$34.95 |
Turner's Triumphs (59_JRP060)
$87.95 |
13-57 Shop Manual All models by Villiers. 1913-57, 120 pages. (35_VIL13_57AS)
$28.95 |
Original Harley Davidson Knucklehead Restorer's Guide by Greg Field 128 hardbound pages (40_137244AP)
$129.95 |
Triumph Twin Restoration Guide (60_JRP040)
$78.95 |
25-70 The book of the Velocette by Ferrers Leigh Shop Manual for all Singles & Twins incl Viceroy Scooter LE Valiant Vogue Viper Venom Thruxton and more Clymer (529781588501684)
$29.95 |
13-59 Shop Manual All models by Villiers (35_VIL13_59AS)
$28.95 |
The Triumph Tiger Cub Bible by M. Estall Hardback 250 x 210mm 208 pages over200 photographs and illustrations (43_1901295443)
$249.95 |
Norton Twin History by Roy Bacon for All Post-War Twins: Commando Featherbed Dominator and Jubilee series 190 pages (40_Norton_HIST)
$59.95 |
Vespa Shop Service Repair Manual Supplement for PK50 PK50S PK50SS PK80S PK100S PK110S PK125 PK125S by VESPA PIAGGIO Group (55_VespaPKsuppl)
$44.95 |
Motorcycle Tuning Chassis by John Robinson, 259 pages covering Steering and Handling, Rolling Chassis, Suspension, Brakes, Welding, Bodywork, Tyres, Wheels and Driveline, and more... (90_0_75061840_X)
$29.95 |
ATV Basics Manual by Haynes (A guide to Maintaining, buying and riding ATVs (76_10450)
$34.95 |
13-69 Shop Manual All models by Villiers. 1913-69, 95 pages. (40_VIL13_69AS)
$24.95 |
The High Performace Two Stroke Engine 352 pages hardcover by Dixon (78_137533)
$59.95 |
Ducati; Design & Emotion, 200 hardbound pages by Carugati; a historical review of all postwar designs (80_133793AP)
$39.95 |
Motorcycle Handbook, covers everything you need to select and maintain motorcycles, riding gear & Accessories by Kevin Maher and Ben Greisler by Chilton (9099)
$24.95 |
Motorcycle Handbook covers everything you need to select and maintain motorcycles, riding gear & accessories by Kevin Maher and Ben Greisler by Chilton (9099_Handbook)
$34.95 |
Moto Guzzi by Mario Colombo Exhaustive complete history to 1990 412 pages pictures of every model and prototype Pub by Georgio Nada Editore (90_MotoGuzzi)
$89.95 |
BSA for Double CD (42_CD_BSA)
$85.95 |
Lucas CD (42_CD_LUCAS)
$64.95 |
Norton CD (42_CD_NORTON)
$64.95 |
A Video Taking you through the proscess of rebuilding Amal Caurerators on DVD (42_VID_0003)
$44.95 |
Half Priced Harley a Guide to Saving Money During the Restoration Process by R Fox 143 page restoration manual (45_HalfHarley)
$24.95 |
Lucas Motor Cycle Electrical Equipment Shop Service Repair Manual (40_LucasElectri)
$34.95 |
350 500 Pre-unit Construction Shop Manual by Royal Enfield (40_R_ENFpre57s)
$69.95 |
American V-Twin Engine Handbook by the Editors of Hot Bike Magazine 192 pages (72_1455)
$18.95 |
03-90 Tech Tips & Tricks Vol 1 Time Savin Tools Guides Charts and Harley Davidson Ref Materisl by Easy Riders (50_HDall)
$59.95 |
03-90 Volume 2 Tech Tips & Tricks Time Savin Tools guides charts and Harley Davidson Reference material by Easyriders VOL 2 (50_HDallV2)
$39.95 |
Restoring Motorcycles - Two Stroke Engines by Roy Bacon (89_RestMotorc4B)
$89.95 |
Triumph motorcycle CD (52_CD_TRIUMPH)
$64.95 |
The Complete Motorcycle Book - A Consumers Guide by Jim Bennett (70_CompleteMoto)
$9.95 |
00-96 How to Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop by C Masi 158 page shop service repair manual covering laying out the work space tools for regular maintenance & reapir work & more (50_CycleWork)
$49.95 |
How to Build an Old Skool Bobber by K Baas 144 page restoration guide illustrating how to build a motorcycle based on a Panhead Shovelhead or Evo engine (50_BuildBobber)
$29.95 |
Custom Harley Motorcycle Art, 164 pages (50_CT958)
$19.95 |