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55-65 Book of the AJS Singles Shop Service Repair & Overhaul Manual (609781588501677)
$29.95 |
55-65 Shop Manual by AJS for Twins 1955-65 (60_AJS55_65TS)
$39.95 |
55-65 Shop Manual by AJS & Matchless for Twins 1955-65 (60_AJSM55_65TS)
$39.95 |
55-65 Twins Service & Overhaul Manual AJS G9 G11 G12 Matchless 20 20SC/R 30 30 SC/R 31 31 SC/R by Lodgemark Press (60_AJSMatServ)
$49.95 |
55-65 The Book of the Norton Dominator twins 497cc Model 88, 88SS 500cc 597cc 600cc Model 99 & 99SS 646cc Model 650 & 650SS 745cc 750cc Clymer Atlas Shop Service Repair Manual 120 pages by WC Haycraft (60_NOR55_65DS)
$24.95 |
59-62 Sport Cub 50 C100 C102 C105 C110 C114 C115 Shop Service Repair Manual by Honda (62_620411)
$54.95 |
59-69 Electra Glide Shop Service Repair Manual by Harley Davidson (64_ElectGld_Svc)
$54.95 |
Japanese Motorcycle Chilton's Repair and Tune-Up Guide covering Bridgestone Hodaka Mausho Imega Tohatsu Surfrider and more.... (65_ChiltBikeJap)
$34.95 |
60-70 Instruction Book 225H Starmaker by Villiers (65_VIL225HSINS)
$20.95 |
62-72 Service Station shop service repair Manual by Vespa for VMA1-2, VNC1, VNL2, VLB1, VBC1, VSC1, VSD1, VSE1, V5A1-3, V5SA1, V5SS1-2, V9SS1-2, V9A1 (67_SSLV)
$36.95 |
Tuning Bulletin No.14 Unit 650 (68_JRP010)
$1.95 |
Electrical System repair manual for all motorcycles, by Chilton's published in 1969 (69_5467)
$44.95 |
Trail 80 model K15P Owners Manual by Suzuki (65_Trail80_OM - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
BSA history of A50 A65 Twins complete with specs. Hardbound with ilustrations. 58 pages. Roy Bacon (67_1856483096)
$29.95 |
55-65 Parts Manual GS & Super Sport by Vespa. 1955-65, 238 pages for models VS1, 2, 3, 4, 5, VSB1 & VSC1 (60_VES5565GSSSP)
$51.95 |
6 -70 Starmaker 225H 2 Stroke Engine Parts List by Villiers (65_VEC659_PL)
$34.95 |
55-66 Shop Manual OHV Singles 1955-66 (60_AJS5566OHVSS)
$41.95 |
55-66 350 cc & 500cc OHC Singles by Haycraft for Pitman's Motorcyclists Library 131 pgs (60_MAT5035Own)
$30.95 |
55-66 The Book of the Matchless Shop Manual by WC Haycraft 350 & 500 Ohv - Clubman 1955-66. Singles 131 pages. (60_MAT5566OHVCS)
$37.95 |
55-66 Shop Manual by Matchless for - OHV Singles 1955-66 (60_MAT5566OHVSS)
$37.95 |
55-66 Shop Manual by Nortons For - Singles. 80 pages. (60_NOR55_66SS)
$26.95 |
55-66 Shop Manual by AJS & Matchless for 350 500 600 1955-66 (61_AJSM55_66S)
$41.95 |
62-73 BSA A50 500 A65 650 Twins Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (67_0155)
$34.95 |
62-73 A50 A65 Twins 499cc 654cc Owners Workshop Manual by Haynes 87 pgs (67_5065ShopMn)
$34.95 |
62-68 Vertical Twin Shop Service Repair Manual for A50 Star & Cyclone, A65 Star, Rocket, Thunderbolt, Lightning, Spitfire Hornet & Clubman 128 pages by BSA 500 650 (67_BSA62_73A50S)
$49.95 |
63-74 Shop Service Workshop Repair Manual by Triumph for 350 & 500 (68_99_0843)
$59.95 |
60-66 Book of the Honda 50 shop service repair manual by Clymer Honda & John Thorpe including C100 C102 C110 C114 C50 P50 PC50 PF50 CE105H Mini Trail Trail Monkey Bike and more (70_19969)
$24.95 |
62-73 A50 A65 Twins Gold Portfolio articles 172 pages by Brooklands about road tests, touring, engine rebuild. Including models Royal Star, Rocket, Lightning, Cyclone, Thunderbolt, Spitfire, Special II, III, Hornet (67_A_BS62BGP)
$39.95 |
55-67 The book of the BSA Shop Manual by WC Haycraft B & M series B31 B32 B33 B34 M33 B40 1955-67. 128 pages. A practical guide on the handling and maintenance of all 1955 to 1967 4 stroke OHV singles Except 250cc Gold Star & B44 Victor models (619781588501561)
$29.95 |
59-69 Sportster H & CH 55 OHV Shop Service Repair Manual by Harley (also applies to '57 & '58 Sportster Models, except for minor differences) (this manual is also useful in maintaining & repairing earlier K & KH Models) (61_99484_64)
$79.95 |
55-67 Book of the Vespa Shop Manual GS & SS 1955-67 by J. Thorpe comprehensive maintenance instructions 80 pages (61_VES55_67GSS)
$29.95 |
Honda Motorcycle Shop Service Repair Manual by Harold T. Glenn for two cylinder 125 160 175 250 305 350 450 (65_HondaGlennSv)
$49.95 |
1962-74 Turf Trucksters & Haulsters Models 880710 -881867 Parts Book by Cushman 88 pgs (68_8807_PL)
$16.95 |
52-65 Triumph Tiger Cub & Terrier shop service Repair Manual by Haynes (59_414)
$49.95 |
53-66 Instruction Manual by Moto Guzzi model Zigolo 110 cc 1953-66 (59_MOT5366ZIGIN)
$24.95 |
53-66 Shop Manual by Motot Guzzi for Zigolo 110cc 73 pages (59_MOT53_66ZIGS)
$24.95 |
56-69 Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer Book of the Triumph covering 350 500 650 Pre-Unit Twins 3TA 5TA Speed Twin T90 Tiger 90 Tiger T100A T100S 6T TR5 TR6 T110 T120 & more (63978158850174)
$29.95 |
57-70 500 600 650 & 750 Twins Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes for Norton (63_187)
$34.95 |
57-70 Norton Twins Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (63_187_haynes)
$34.95 |
59-72 Harley Davidson V Twins Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons (65_5714)
$29.95 |
57-70 The Second Book of the Lambretta Shop service repair Manual by RH Warring & Clymer Li TV GT200 200SX GP Special Starstream 125 150 175 200 and more in 120 pages (669781588501707)
$29.95 |
61-74 Sprint SS-250 350, SX-350 Shop Service Repair Manual by Harley Davidson (67_HarleySrvc_)
$169.95 |
63-76 50-90cc Singles Honda Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer (68_M310)
$34.95 |
63-74 Rotary Valve Singles Yamaha Service Manual by Clymer (69_M389_Svc)
$29.95 |
60-73 Honda 50cc Shop Service Repair Manual - 108 pages The Book of the Honda 50 by John Thorpe for all OHC & OHV models (73_HO60_73S)
$39.95 |
Honda 90 model C200 Parts Manual by Honda (64_C200_Parts)
$44.95 |
58-72 250 350 441 & 500 Unit Singles Repair Manual by Haynes for BSA models C15 B25 C25 B40 B44 B50 (61_0127)
$34.95 |
55-69 R Models Basic Service School by BMW (62_BMWSvc)
$34.95 |
55-69 BMW 500 & 600cc Twins Shop Service Repair Manual, 160 pages by Clymer (62_M308)
$34.95 |
55-69 R50-R50S R60-R69S Shop Service Repair Manual by BMW Motorcycle (62_R50_69_Svc)
$79.95 |