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55-66 Shop Manual OHV Singles 1955-66 (60_AJS5566OHVSS)
$41.95 |
55-66 350 cc & 500cc OHC Singles by Haycraft for Pitman's Motorcyclists Library 131 pgs (60_MAT5035Own)
$30.95 |
55-66 The Book of the Matchless Shop Manual by WC Haycraft 350 & 500 Ohv - Clubman 1955-66. Singles 131 pages. (60_MAT5566OHVCS)
$37.95 |
55-66 Shop Manual by Matchless for - OHV Singles 1955-66 (60_MAT5566OHVSS)
$37.95 |
55-66 Shop Manual by Nortons For - Singles. 80 pages. (60_NOR55_66SS)
$26.95 |
55-66 Shop Manual by AJS & Matchless for 350 500 600 1955-66 (61_AJSM55_66S)
$41.95 |
62-73 BSA A50 500 A65 650 Twins Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (67_0155)
$34.95 |
62-73 A50 A65 Twins 499cc 654cc Owners Workshop Manual by Haynes 87 pgs (67_5065ShopMn)
$34.95 |
62-68 Vertical Twin Shop Service Repair Manual for A50 Star & Cyclone, A65 Star, Rocket, Thunderbolt, Lightning, Spitfire Hornet & Clubman 128 pages by BSA 500 650 (67_BSA62_73A50S)
$49.95 |
63-74 Shop Service Workshop Repair Manual by Triumph for 350 & 500 (68_99_0843)
$59.95 |
60-66 Book of the Honda 50 shop service repair manual by Clymer Honda & John Thorpe including C100 C102 C110 C114 C50 P50 PC50 PF50 CE105H Mini Trail Trail Monkey Bike and more (70_19969)
$24.95 |
64-75 Honda CB125 160 175 Shop Service Repair Manual - 118 pages (75_HO64_75CB125)
$53.95 |
62-73 A50 A65 Twins Gold Portfolio articles 172 pages by Brooklands about road tests, touring, engine rebuild. Including models Royal Star, Rocket, Lightning, Cyclone, Thunderbolt, Spitfire, Special II, III, Hornet (67_A_BS62BGP)
$39.95 |
65-76 Sportster Performance Portfolio road and comparison tests 140 pgs by Brookland including models XLH, DLCH, 833cc, 1000cc, DR-750, XL (71_A_HD3BPP)
$29.95 |
55-67 The book of the BSA Shop Manual by WC Haycraft B & M series B31 B32 B33 B34 M33 B40 1955-67. 128 pages. A practical guide on the handling and maintenance of all 1955 to 1967 4 stroke OHV singles Except 250cc Gold Star & B44 Victor models (619781588501561)
$29.95 |
59-69 Sportster H & CH 55 OHV Shop Service Repair Manual by Harley (also applies to '57 & '58 Sportster Models, except for minor differences) (this manual is also useful in maintaining & repairing earlier K & KH Models) (61_99484_64)
$79.95 |
55-67 Book of the Vespa Shop Manual GS & SS 1955-67 by J. Thorpe comprehensive maintenance instructions 80 pages (61_VES55_67GSS)
$29.95 |
Honda Motorcycle Shop Service Repair Manual by Harold T. Glenn for two cylinder 125 160 175 250 305 350 450 (65_HondaGlennSv)
$49.95 |
64-76 Honda 125 cc thru 360 cc Twins Service Repair shop Manual by Clymer 210 pgs (67_125350_SM)
$39.95 |
1962-74 Turf Trucksters & Haulsters Models 880710 -881867 Parts Book by Cushman 88 pgs (68_8807_PL)
$16.95 |
65-77 Honda 450 & 500cc Twins shop service Repair Manual by Clymer CB450 CL450 75-77 CB500T (70_M333)
$24.95 |
64-76 125 500cc Twins shop Service Manual by Clymer for Suzuki T125 T200 T250 T350 S322 T10 GT250 T500 GT185 T20 T305 GT500 (70_M366_Svc)
$29.95 |
65-77 Yamaha 250-400cc 2-Stroke Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer (71_M401)
$33.95 |
53-66 Instruction Manual by Moto Guzzi model Zigolo 110 cc 1953-66 (59_MOT5366ZIGIN)
$24.95 |
53-66 Shop Manual by Motot Guzzi for Zigolo 110cc 73 pages (59_MOT53_66ZIGS)
$24.95 |
56-69 Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer Book of the Triumph covering 350 500 650 Pre-Unit Twins 3TA 5TA Speed Twin T90 Tiger 90 Tiger T100A T100S 6T TR5 TR6 T110 T120 & more (63978158850174)
$29.95 |
57-70 500 600 650 & 750 Twins Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes for Norton (63_187)
$34.95 |
57-70 Norton Twins Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (63_187_haynes)
$34.95 |
59-72 Harley Davidson V Twins Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons (65_5714)
$29.95 |
57-70 The Second Book of the Lambretta Shop service repair Manual by RH Warring & Clymer Li TV GT200 200SX GP Special Starstream 125 150 175 200 and more in 120 pages (669781588501707)
$29.95 |
61-74 Sprint SS-250 350, SX-350 Shop Service Repair Manual by Harley Davidson (67_HarleySrvc_)
$169.95 |
63-76 50-90cc Singles Honda Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer (68_M310)
$34.95 |
63-74 Rotary Valve Singles Yamaha Service Manual by Clymer (69_M389_Svc)
$29.95 |
64-77 90cc Shop Service Repair Manual by Honda models S CL C CD CT CL90L Motorcycles CL90 CS90 CM91 CT90 (70_6220003)
$59.95 |
65-78 Honda 125-200cc Twins shop Service Manual CB CD CL SS SL 125 160 175 200cc by Clymer (70_M321)
$34.95 |
60-73 Honda 50cc Shop Service Repair Manual - 108 pages The Book of the Honda 50 by John Thorpe for all OHC & OHV models (73_HO60_73S)
$39.95 |
Honda 90 model C200 Parts Manual by Honda (64_C200_Parts)
$44.95 |
58-72 250 350 441 & 500 Unit Singles Repair Manual by Haynes for BSA models C15 B25 C25 B40 B44 B50 (61_0127)
$34.95 |
55-69 R Models Basic Service School by BMW (62_BMWSvc)
$34.95 |
55-69 BMW 500 & 600cc Twins Shop Service Repair Manual, 160 pages by Clymer (62_M308)
$34.95 |
55-69 R50-R50S R60-R69S Shop Service Repair Manual by BMW Motorcycle (62_R50_69_Svc)
$79.95 |
57-71 Shop Manual By BSA for D10 Bantam 1957-71; D-10, D 10 (64_BSA57_71BS)
$46.95 |
64-78 CB 125 160 175 200 & CD 175 Twins Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (71_067)
$34.95 |
61-75 Norton Twin Cylinder 750 850 Commando G15 CS Atlas Shop Service Repair Manual By Clymer (71_NortTwin_Svc)
$29.95 |
Cobra 125 cc & Cobra Scrambler Shop Service Repair Manual by Cosmopolitan Motors (72_Cbr125_Svc)
$14.95 |
JCPenney Mini Bikes Assembly, Operating Instructions and Parts List Manual (72_JCPenneyBike)
$17.95 |
1960-74 Triumph T90 350 & T100 500 Unit Twins by R Bacon hard cover history (67_1856483088)
$14.95 |
History of T90 & T100 twins from 1960-1974. Hardbound 57 pages with period illustrations. R. Bacon 57 pages Roy Bacon (67_185648308S)
$29.95 |
Hodaka the complete story of America's favorite trail bike by K. Smith COLLECTORS EDITION numbered limited edition of 250 with Red leather cover with silver foil design inspired by the rare Hodaka Workshop Manual Gorgeous black cloth box with original Hodaka engineering drawing design, cutout, and color graphic on back of the box Four fantastic Hodaka stickers 24x36 poster of original Hodaka art (67_Hodaka_Colec)
$159.95 |
R50 R50S R60 R69 R69S Flat Rate Repair Times Manual by BMW in 4 Languages: German French English & Spanish (62_R50_60_69Flt)
$49.95 |