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BSA Twins & Triples by Roy Bacon Development history on Post-War BSA A7 A10 A50 A65 & Rocket 190 pages Hardcover (40_BSA_TWINHIST)
$49.95 |
67-99 Honda C50 70 90 Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (79_324)
$34.95 |
65-99 50 110 OHC Singles Shop Service Repair manual, 408 pages by Clymer for Honda covering Trail 90 Z50A Z50R S65 C70 CL70 C70M SL70 CT70 S90 ST90 XL70 CD90 SL90CL90L C90 CL90 CT90 CT110 Super Cub and more.. (82_M310_13)
$39.95 |
66-2001 80-350cc Rotary Valve singles Kawasaki shop repair Service Manual by Clymer (73_M350_Svc)
$36.95 |
Tuning Bulletin Triumph 350 & 500 (56_JRP007)
$5.95 |
Norton Motorcycles 1950-1986 (68_JRP044)
$44.95 |
Triumph M-C Twins & Triples (56_JRP048)
$34.95 |
Trophy & Tiger Bible: by Harry Woolridge about Triumph Motorcycles 1949-1983 (70_137493)
$199.95 |
Shop Service Workshop Repair Manual for TRW 500cc 1936-1974 (55_JRP016)
$59.95 |
Triumph Motorcycles 1950-1988 (69_JRP043)
$44.95 |
Ducati Twins Restoration Guide by M. Walker: 240 pages (70_136321AP)
$29.95 |
Singles Restoration Manual for Ducati by M. Walker: 240 pages (70_136427AP)
$179.95 |
55-95 Original Air Cooled Boxer Twins, Restorer's Guide, Hardcover, by I. Falloon. Beautiful originality source for these classic BMW's (75_136324AP)
$259.95 |
59-2000 Motorcycle Identification Guide by Honda covers all models ATV, Scooters, Motorcycles with VIN #, photos, color info 524 pages (90_2GMAS00AH)
$129.95 |
Speed Twin clock (59_CLOCK)
$24.95 |
Triumph Speed Tuning by Stan Shenton deals with modification of Triumph 500cc, 650cc, and 750cc unit construction twin and triple cylinder motorcycles 55 pages (59_JRP039)
$34.95 |
Turner's Triumphs (59_JRP060)
$87.95 |
Original Harley Davidson Knucklehead Restorer's Guide by Greg Field 128 hardbound pages (40_137244AP)
$129.95 |
Triumph Twin Restoration Guide (60_JRP040)
$78.95 |
25-70 The book of the Velocette by Ferrers Leigh Shop Manual for all Singles & Twins incl Viceroy Scooter LE Valiant Vogue Viper Venom Thruxton and more Clymer (529781588501684)
$29.95 |
1959-2008 How to Restore Classic Large Frame Vespa Scooters Restoration Manual by M Paxton (75_largevespa)
$69.95 |
Norton Twin History by Roy Bacon for All Post-War Twins: Commando Featherbed Dominator and Jubilee series 190 pages (40_Norton_HIST)
$59.95 |
Vespa Shop Service Repair Manual Supplement for PK50 PK50S PK50SS PK80S PK100S PK110S PK125 PK125S by VESPA PIAGGIO Group (55_VespaPKsuppl)
$44.95 |
Motorcycle Tuning Chassis by John Robinson, 259 pages covering Steering and Handling, Rolling Chassis, Suspension, Brakes, Welding, Bodywork, Tyres, Wheels and Driveline, and more... (90_0_75061840_X)
$29.95 |
ATV Basics Manual by Haynes (A guide to Maintaining, buying and riding ATVs (76_10450)
$34.95 |
13-69 Shop Manual All models by Villiers. 1913-69, 95 pages. (40_VIL13_69AS)
$24.95 |
The High Performace Two Stroke Engine 352 pages hardcover by Dixon (78_137533)
$59.95 |
Ducati; Design & Emotion, 200 hardbound pages by Carugati; a historical review of all postwar designs (80_133793AP)
$39.95 |
Motorcycle Handbook, covers everything you need to select and maintain motorcycles, riding gear & Accessories by Kevin Maher and Ben Greisler by Chilton (9099)
$24.95 |
Motorcycle Handbook covers everything you need to select and maintain motorcycles, riding gear & accessories by Kevin Maher and Ben Greisler by Chilton (9099_Handbook)
$34.95 |
Moto Guzzi by Mario Colombo Exhaustive complete history to 1990 412 pages pictures of every model and prototype Pub by Georgio Nada Editore (90_MotoGuzzi)
$89.95 |
BSA for Double CD (42_CD_BSA)
$85.95 |
Lucas CD (42_CD_LUCAS)
$64.95 |
Norton CD (42_CD_NORTON)
$64.95 |
A Video Taking you through the proscess of rebuilding Amal Caurerators on DVD (42_VID_0003)
$44.95 |
Half Priced Harley a Guide to Saving Money During the Restoration Process by R Fox 143 page restoration manual (45_HalfHarley)
$24.95 |
Lucas Motor Cycle Electrical Equipment Shop Service Repair Manual (40_LucasElectri)
$34.95 |
350 500 Pre-unit Construction Shop Manual by Royal Enfield (40_R_ENFpre57s)
$69.95 |
American V-Twin Engine Handbook by the Editors of Hot Bike Magazine 192 pages (72_1455)
$18.95 |
03-90 Tech Tips & Tricks Vol 1 Time Savin Tools Guides Charts and Harley Davidson Ref Materisl by Easy Riders (50_HDall)
$59.95 |
03-90 Volume 2 Tech Tips & Tricks Time Savin Tools guides charts and Harley Davidson Reference material by Easyriders VOL 2 (50_HDallV2)
$39.95 |
Restoring Motorcycles - Two Stroke Engines by Roy Bacon (89_RestMotorc4B)
$89.95 |
Triumph motorcycle CD (52_CD_TRIUMPH)
$64.95 |
The Complete Motorcycle Book - A Consumers Guide by Jim Bennett (70_CompleteMoto)
$9.95 |
00-96 How to Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop by C Masi 158 page shop service repair manual covering laying out the work space tools for regular maintenance & reapir work & more (50_CycleWork)
$49.95 |
How to Build an Old Skool Bobber by K Baas 144 page restoration guide illustrating how to build a motorcycle based on a Panhead Shovelhead or Evo engine (50_BuildBobber)
$29.95 |
Custom Harley Motorcycle Art, 164 pages (50_CT958)
$19.95 |
How To Build The Ultimate V-Twin Motorcycle by Timothy Remus (50_UltimateV_Tw)
$14.95 |
Motorcycle Fuel Systems Techbook by J. Robinson & Haynes covering all Carburetor type along with fuel injection from basic theory to practical tuning (70_3514)
$29.95 |
Motorcycle Workshop Practice Manual by Haynes (topics covered: use of tools, workshop layout, engine overhaul, repairing accident damage, dealing with engine seizure, removing damaged fasteners, frame coatings and welding) (70_3470)
$34.95 |