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91-19 XR600R XR650L Shop Service Repair Manual for Honda Motorcycle by Clymer Bikes (94_M221)
$39.95 |
70-99 Big Harley Davidson Twins (1200 & 1340, Inc Evolution) shop service Repair Manual by Haynes (82_2536)
$34.95 |
70-99 Harley Davidson Shovelhead and Evolution Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes Covers FL FLH FLHS from 70-80 FX FXE FXS FXEF from 70-80 FLT FLTC/U FLH FLHF FLHR FLHS FLHT FLHTC/U from 78-99 FXR FXRS FXRS-SP FXRS-CONV FXLR FXRD FXRT from 82-99 FXB FXD FXE FXDG FXDL FXDWG FXDS-CONV FXEF FXS FXSB FXWG FXST FXSTC FXSTS FLST FLST-SP FLSTC FLSTF FLSTN from 79-99 Dyna FXD FXDB FXDC FXDL FXDS-CONV FXDWG from 91-98 (85_2536)
$39.95 |
86-2015 LS650 Boulevard S40 Savage Single Shop Service Repair Manual, 357 pages by Clymer for Suzuki LS 650 S 40 (87_M384_5)
$34.95 |
69-98 BMW Profiles - Motorcycles from Berlin - by BMW Mobile Tradition (84_BPR4)
$59.95 |
Goldwing: the complete story of the Honda Goldwing 176 hardcover pages by P. West (875_136600AE)
$34.95 |
85-2016 Honda Bikes Shop Service Repair Manual XR50R XR80R XR100R CRF80F CRF100F by Haynes (95_2218)
$34.95 |
88-19 Honda VT600 & 750 Shop Service Repair Manual 288 pages by Haynes for VT 600 & VT750 VT600C Shadow VLX VT600CD VT750C VT750CD & American Classic Edition (95_2312)
$44.95 |
85-16 Honda CMX250 Rebel CB250 Nighthawk Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (B00_2756)
$39.95 |
68-99 Honda Mini Trail Enthusiast's Guide All Z50 49cc by J. Polson 144pgs with over 350 color and b/w photos (84_WP432)
$49.95 |
67-99 Honda C50 70 90 Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (79_324)
$34.95 |
101 Twin Cam Performance Projects for Harley Davidson Motorcycles by Maida & Zimmerman (86_136265AP)
$29.95 |
1979-2012 Ducati Belt Drive Two Valve Twins Motorcycle Restoration Guide by I Falloon A Hands On guide to ensuring originality during restoration and modification for Ducati 500 600 650 SL 750 F1 Sport SS 900SS Monster and more with all mechanical details specifications and much more in 256 pages and hundreds of photos (90_DucatiBDTVT)
$39.95 |
65-99 50 110 OHC Singles Shop Service Repair manual, 408 pages by Clymer for Honda covering Trail 90 Z50A Z50R S65 C70 CL70 C70M SL70 CT70 S90 ST90 XL70 CD90 SL90CL90L C90 CL90 CT90 CT110 Super Cub and more.. (82_M310_13)
$39.95 |
85-19 Suzuki Intruder VS700 750 800 Marauder VZ800 Volusia VL800 and Boulevard 805 M50 S50 C50 Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (95_2618)
$38.95 |
66-2001 80-350cc Rotary Valve singles Kawasaki shop repair Service Manual by Clymer (73_M350_Svc)
$36.95 |
81-2016 Yamaha Trail Bikes Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes for PW RT TT-R TTR XT XT225 XT350 (90_2350)
$39.95 |
Ducati 2 Valve Vee-twins: The Complete Story in 176 pages. hardbound with color photos by Mick Walker (83_130055AE)
$34.95 |
Aprilia The Complete Story: History Book by Mick Walker 176 Hardbound Pages (90_ApriliaHisto)
$34.95 |
Ducati 4 Valve Vee-twins: The Complete Story hardbound with color photos by Mick Walker (93_4VTwins_Walk)
$39.95 |
How to Build Harley Davidson Horsepower Book by Tom Murphy 160 pages (87_HarleyHorseP)
$34.95 |
A History of the Honda CB750 by Mick Duckworth (87_135863AE)
$64.95 |
101 Harley Davidson Evolution Performance Projects by K Woodring (90_139849)
$34.95 |
78-16 Honda Rebel 250 & Twinstar Nighthawk 250 Rebel 250 Shop Service Repair Manual over 321 pages by Clymer (87_M324_5)
$34.95 |
Moto Guzzi Big Twins history of the famed twins covers V700 V7 Sport Le Mans V10 Centauro V11 EV and more 128 pgs with 140 ill by G Field (86_127141AP)
$44.95 |
Scooter Lifestyle by Ian 'Iggy' Grainger 128 pages about scooters & the culture that surrounds them, complete with interviews & over 150 color photographs (B08_ScooterLife)
$24.95 |
78-2014 Vespa P & PX 125 150 & 200 LML Star 2T Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (84_0707)
$39.95 |
55-95 Original Air Cooled Boxer Twins, Restorer's Guide, Hardcover, by I. Falloon. Beautiful originality source for these classic BMW's (75_136324AP)
$259.95 |
Scooters 50cc to 250cc by Haynes Techbook guide to servicing and routine maintenance including engine automatic transmission fuel system & specifications for Honda Piaggio Vespa & other popular models (90_10452)
$49.95 |
59-2000 Motorcycle Identification Guide by Honda covers all models ATV, Scooters, Motorcycles with VIN #, photos, color info 524 pages (90_2GMAS00AH)
$129.95 |
70-2013 Sportster Shop Service Repair Manual 228 pages by Haynes including XL XLH XLCH XLS XLX 883 997 1100 & 1200 Harley Davidson (87_2534)
$44.95 |
World Endurance Motorcylcle Racing, by Mark Wernham, 128 pages of Bol d'Or, Suzuka, etc. (73_120528AE)
$15.95 |
Honda the UK Story by E. Dymock history of Honda in England both cars and motorcycles through 1995 hardcover 112 page (94_ChryLabor)
$24.95 |
750 owners manual & spare parts catalog for 750GT & Sport; 160 pages in English, Italian, and French. (75_Ducati750Ric - Not a shop manual)
$59.95 |
1959-2008 How to Restore Classic Large Frame Vespa Scooters Restoration Manual by M Paxton (75_largevespa)
$69.95 |
BMW Classic Motorcycles by H Wilson hard cover history covering R32 R63 R2 R12 Kompresor Rennsport R26 R69 R60 R75 R90 K1 R1100 (50_BMWWilson)
$59.95 |
Harley Davidson Sportster Performance Handbook by Buzz Buzzelli 190 pages (82_124430AP)
$24.95 |
Norton Twin History by Roy Bacon for All Post-War Twins: Commando Featherbed Dominator and Jubilee series 190 pages (40_Norton_HIST)
$59.95 |
Motorcycle Tuning Chassis by John Robinson, 259 pages covering Steering and Handling, Rolling Chassis, Suspension, Brakes, Welding, Bodywork, Tyres, Wheels and Driveline, and more... (90_0_75061840_X)
$29.95 |
Pursuit of Dreams the First 50 Years of Honda 213 page hard cover history (73_PursuitHonda)
$129.95 |
Guzziology Guide to Moto Guzzi V-Twin motorcycles supplements existing service manuals & parts references by D. Richardson 788 pages of detailed info about servicing 350 500 650 700 750 850 940 1000 1100 1200 all models 67 to current (85_36122)
$74.95 |
Vespa, an Illustrated History, Hardbound, 96 pages. (75_H443)
$29.95 |
ATV Basics Manual by Haynes (A guide to Maintaining, buying and riding ATVs (76_10450)
$34.95 |
42-96 Gatefold Book of Harley Davidson by J Carroll Hardcover history & specifications18 large fold-out for as many bikes from1942 WLC Civilizianized tpo 1996 XL Sportster 1200 Custom (69_Harley_Hist)
$24.95 |
Moto Guzzi Buyers Guide, by Mick Walker, 2nd edition 1946-95 (73_121459AP)
$34.95 |
Indian Larry Chopper Shaman by D Nichols & A Cambridge hardcover 176 pages Life story & art of Larry Desmedt (615_IndianLarry)
$28.95 |
Honda Motorcycles: 192 hardcover pages by A. Frank covering all models from 1948 through 2003 (75_135767AP)
$34.95 |
How to Hop Up and Customize your Harley Davidson Softail by T Remus with 144 photos and more than 300 color photos (70_140129)
$24.95 |
The High Performace Two Stroke Engine 352 pages hardcover by Dixon (78_137533)
$59.95 |
American Chopper The Fine Art of the Custom Motorcycle 240 pages Most of these modified motorcycles begin as a Harley Davidson (70_AmChopper)
$19.95 |