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34 Instruction Manual by Matchless for model 34D/80 1934. 24 pages. (34_MAT34D80INS)
$20.95 |
35 Instruction Book by AJS for 4, 12, 14, 16, 22, 26 1935: 27 pages (35_AJS35INS)
$20.95 |
35 Instruction Book Owners Manuals 4.93 ohv, 9.86 sv by BSA, 56 pages (35_BSA35OHVINS)
$30.95 |
35 Instruction Manual by Royal Enfield for - B S S2 - 250 Bullet (35_ROY35BINS)
$24.95 |
35 Instruction Manual by Royal Enfield for models - 248 cc B, S, S2, Bullet - 1935. 32 pages. (35_ROY35BSINS)
$24.95 |
35 Instruction Manual by Royal Enfield for models - 9 76 K in 32 pages. (35_ROY35KINS)
$24.95 |
35 Instruction Manual featuring All Rudge models - 1935. 40 pages. (35_RUD35AINS)
$24.95 |
35 Triumph Instruction Book by Triumph All models. 1935 35 pages. (35_TRI35AINS)
$18.95 |
35 Instruction Book HRD A-Rapide by Vincent. 1935. 23 pages. (35_VIN35HRDINS)
$24.95 |
35 Instruction Book Owners Manuals 2.49 & 3.48cc ohv by BSA (36_BSA35OHVINS)
$24.95 |
34-35 Owners Manual by Brough Superior Instruction Book All models (34_BRO34_35AINS)
$49.95 |
34-35 Instruction / Owners Manual by Conventry Eagle for K1 - K2 - L5 - L6 1934-35 K 1,K 2,L 5,L 6 (34_COV3435K1INS)
$24.95 |
34-35 Instruction Manual by Royal Enfield for - 250, 350 & 500 cc 1934-35 (34_ROY34_35INS)
$24.95 |
34-35 Instruction Manual by Royal Enfield for model - 148 cc T 1934-35. 28 pages. (34_ROY34_35TINS)
$24.95 |
34-35 Sunbeam Instruction Book 250-350-500. 1934-35, 35 pages. (34_SUN34_35INS)
$20.95 |
35-36 Instruction Manual by excelsior for Manxman, E11,E12,F11,F12++ 1935-36. 55 pages. (35_EX3536MANINS)
$26.95 |
35-36 Instruction Manual by Francis-Barnett for Plover-Seagull 1935-36 Plover Seagull. 23 pages. (35_FR35_36PSINS)
$18.95 |
33-35 Sunbeam Instruction Book 250-350-500 cc. 32 pages. (34_SUN33_35INS)
$20.95 |
35-37 Instruction Manual by Royal Enfield for - 3,46 4,99 5,70 G, H, J, JF, L 1935-37. 36 pages. (36_ROY35_37GINS)
$20.95 |
34-35 Instruction Manual by Matchless for F, F4, F7 1934-35. 27 pages. (34_MAT34_35FINS)
$20.95 |
33-37 Instruction Book by Ariel for 1-Cyl 1933-37, 46 pages (35_AR33_371CINS)
$24.95 |
34-38 Instruction Manual by Royal Enfield for - 225 cc Model - A 1934-38. 24 pages. (36_ROY3_38MAINS)
$24.95 |
30-36 Instruction Book Owners Manuals All models by BSA, 52 pages. (33_BSA30_36AINS)
$30.95 |
33-39 Shop Manual by Rudge for All Models - 1933-39. 108 pages The Book of the Rudge A complete guide for owners and Prospective Purchasers of 1933-39 Rudge-Whitworth Motor Cycles (36_RUD33_39AS)
$32.95 |
31-39 Instruction & Parts Manual by James for 148 cc & 196 cc, 12, 15, 16 1931-39 (35_JAM31_39INSP)
$37.95 |
31-39 Instruction Book All models by Villiers (35_VIL31_39AINS)
$20.95 |
29-37 Blackburne 500cc S.V. 600cc S.V. Owners Instruction Manual Handbook (37_BLA29_37INS - Not a shop manual)
$23.95 |
33-50 Shop Manual by Ariel All models 1933-50 A Practical Guide covering all models from 1933 by CW Waller 212 pages (41_AR33_50AS)
$47.95 |
30-48 Instruction Manual for a Rodge 2,98 cc 1930-48 (44_SCO30_48INS)
$20.95 |
31-52 Shop Manual for All models 199 pages with 56 illustrations BSA Motorcycles a practical guide covering all models by DW Munro (40_BSA31_52AS)
$51.95 |
27-52 The Jap engine, A Practical guide covering Motorcycle, Racing & Industrial models Shop Manual by AC Fenner & WH Phillips for All Models 1927-52. 190 pages. 34cc to 1323cc with special tuning for race engines (40_JAP27_52AS)
$44.95 |
Vincent & HRD A Compilation of Technical Instructions & Parts Listings for Series A, B, C, D Black Lightning, Black Shadow, Standard Rapide, Comet, Meteor, Grey Flash by Vincent. Approx. 200 pages (48_VinceHRDtech)
$47.95 |
13-40 Instruction Book All models by Villiers. 1913-40, 46 pages. (25_VIL13_40AINS)
$20.95 |
La Citroen Traction de mon pere by Yves Buffetaut & Antoine Demetz in French History Production and Information about the French car Hardcover with photographs 120 pages (83_33989)
$38.95 |
30 Instruction Book by British Anzani 242-322cc (30_BRI242322INS)
$19.95 |
BSA pictorial history by D. Morley: 128 pages of the finest BSA motorcycle examples from around the world (40_115998AE)
$34.95 |
Moto Guzzi by Mario Colombo Exhaustive complete history to 1990 412 pages pictures of every model and prototype Pub by Georgio Nada Editore (90_MotoGuzzi)
$89.95 |
Lucas Motor Cycle Electrical Equipment Shop Service Repair Manual (40_LucasElectri)
$34.95 |
350 500 Pre-unit Construction Shop Manual by Royal Enfield (40_R_ENFpre57s)
$69.95 |
view cover of Tales of Triumph Motorcycles and the Meriden Factory: 144 pgs by Hughie Hancox
Tales of Triumph Motorcycles and the Meriden Factory: 144 pgs by Hughie Hancox (40_129163AE)
$59.95 |
21-2008 The Moto Guzzi Story Racing and Production motorcycles from 1921 to the present day by Ian Falloon 232 hardbound pages with many color & B&W photos (65_146748)
$49.95 |
A Century of Japanese Motorcycles: 192 hardbound pages about all the many small and large manufacturers since the early 1900's (45_133791)
$29.95 |
03-93 Harley Davidson Parts Performance Parts Directoryl by D Mann 160 page directory with over 350 companies world wide ofering Harley parts (47_HarleyPartDi)
$34.95 |
Big Book of Harley Davidson official Harley publication by T. Murphy 240 pages (60_Harley_Big)
$49.95 |
Harley Memorabilia An Illustrated Guide to Harley Davidson Accessories Mementos & Collectibles by Tod Rafferty Hardcover 140 pages (52_HarleyNikNak)
$24.95 |
view cover of 1921-2019 The BMW Story Production & Racing Motorcycles 304 Hardcover pages by Ian Falloon
1921-2019 The BMW Story Production & Racing Motorcycles 304 Hardcover pages by Ian Falloon (62_136242)
$59.95 |
50 Golden years of Ducati; 224 hardbound page factory historical publication (75_H618)
$69.95 |
Illustrated directory of Harley Davidson Motorcycles: 480 pages by Wilson (50_133042AP)
$19.95 |
Harley Davidson Rolling Sculpture a Pictorial History of the First 95 Years by D Mitchel 145 page large format hard cover with many color photos (50_HarleyRollin)
$14.95 |
Timechart History of Harley Davidson over 2000 Facts & 250 Photos of the Living Legend by J Carroll Interesting Hardcover Large format book with fold-out timeline of company's 100 year history in text & images (53_Harley_Hist)
$29.95 |