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55 Manual by Douglas Dragonfly / Miller 1955 Douglas Dragonfly Miller (55_DO55DRAGMILL)
$32.95 |
55 Shop Manual by Douglas for Dragonfly 1955 (55_DO55DRAGS)
$30.95 |
51-57 Shop Manual Douglas Vespa 125cc 150cc by Vespa. 1951-57, 176 pages. (54_VES51_57DVS)
$41.95 |
54-61 BSA Pre-unit Singles 350 500 600 shop service Repair Manual by Haynes (58_0326)
$34.95 |
55 - 62 Rod Type G GL2 42L2 GS VS1 Models maintenance & repair manual by HG Cornish 176 pgs for Vespa (59_VES5562_SM)
$24.95 |
55-63 Service Station shop service repair Manual for VESPAS VN1-2, VNA1-2, VNB1-4, VL1-3, VB1, VGL1, VBA1, VGLA1, VBB1-2, VGLB1, VLA1, VS1-5, VSB1 (59_SSMV)
$39.95 |
48-57 the Book of Post-War Douglas 136 pg Shop Service Repair Manual for Mark III IV V Competition 80 90 plus & more (529781588502193)
$24.95 |
51-60 Shop Manual GL2, 42/L2, 152L2 & 150cc by Vespa. 1951-60, 108 pages. (55_VES51_60GLS)
$26.95 |
55-65 Book of the AJS Singles Shop Service Repair & Overhaul Manual (609781588501677)
$29.95 |
45-56 Book of Matchless Clymer Shop Service Repair Manual for all 350 & 500cc models singles incl G3L G80 G3LS G80S and more 154 pages (50_19963)
$29.95 |
55-66 Shop Manual OHV Singles 1955-66 (60_AJS5566OHVSS)
$41.95 |
55-66 350 cc & 500cc OHC Singles by Haycraft for Pitman's Motorcyclists Library 131 pgs (60_MAT5035Own)
$30.95 |
55-66 The Book of the Matchless Shop Manual by WC Haycraft 350 & 500 Ohv - Clubman 1955-66. Singles 131 pages. (60_MAT5566OHVCS)
$37.95 |
55-66 Shop Manual by Matchless for - OHV Singles 1955-66 (60_MAT5566OHVSS)
$37.95 |
55-66 Shop Manual by Nortons For - Singles. 80 pages. (60_NOR55_66SS)
$26.95 |
46-58 Shop Manual by Royal Enfield Single 4-Stroke 1946-58 163 pages (52_ROY4648S4SS)
$37.95 |
55-67 The book of the BSA Shop Manual by WC Haycraft B & M series B31 B32 B33 B34 M33 B40 1955-67. 128 pages. A practical guide on the handling and maintenance of all 1955 to 1967 4 stroke OHV singles Except 250cc Gold Star & B44 Victor models (619781588501561)
$29.95 |
45-58 AJS MATCHLESS Shop Service Repair Manual by AJS covering Singles from 1945 & Matchless twins from 1950 164 pages all models (51_AJSCOMP4558S)
$49.95 |
45-59 Shop Manual by AJS for Singles 1945-59 (52_AJS45_59SS)
$46.95 |
45-60 350cc & 500cc Singles Maintenance & Repair Series by F.W. Neill (52_Mat3550Own)
$30.95 |
39-55 Shop Manual by Matchless for All models 350/500 - Singles 1939-55 (47_MAT39_55ASS)
$30.95 |
54-70 The Book of the 250cc Shop service repair Manual OHV & SV Singles G-group C10L C11G C12 C15 C15SS C15T C15S SS80 Sportsman C15G C25 Barracuda B25 Starfire and others by BSA & Arthur Lupton 122 pages. Clymer (62_978158850158)
$29.95 |
38-56 The Book of the Norton shop manual by WC Haycraft 350 490 506 cc sv ohv singles 145 pages. (45_NOR38_56SOS)
$24.95 |
39-60 Shop Service Repair Manual 145 pgs by Ariel for 1-Cyl 500 600 SV 200 250 350 OHV OG OH VA VG NG VB Colt LH Red Hunter NH VH VHA & more Book of the Ariel 4 stroke singles (509781588502094)
$29.95 |
48-69 The Book of the Velocette by Ferrers Leigh,service info for all twin & singles, 1948-69, 124 pages. for LE Mk 1, 2, 3, 149cc & 192cc, Valiant & Voque twins, Viceroy scooter, MOV, MAC, KSS, KTS, Viper, Venom & Thruxton (58_VEL48_6912CS)
$29.95 |
48-69 Guide LE Mks I II III twins Valiant & Vogue twins MOV & Mac Singles Kss KTS Viper Venom Thruxton Singles & Viceroy Scooter by Ferrers Liegh for Pitman's Library (58_VEL6948All)
$29.95 |
37-61 Shop Manual by Triumph All single cylinder models 150-600cc incl. Terrier & Tiger. 204 pages. (42_TRI37_61TS)
$39.95 |
28-55 Shop Manual by Norton for - All 348-596 Singles & Twin. 62 pages. (33_NOR28_55ASTS)
$26.95 |
Singles Restoration Manual for Ducati by M. Walker: 240 pages (70_136427AP)
$179.95 |
25-70 The book of the Velocette by Ferrers Leigh Shop Manual for all Singles & Twins incl Viceroy Scooter LE Valiant Vogue Viper Venom Thruxton and more Clymer (529781588501684)
$29.95 |