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10-016 Kawasaki Z1000 Z1000SX & Versys Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes Motorcycles (B13_6377)
$39.95 |
24-31 Shop Manual by Rudge Whitworth 250 - 350 - 500CC, 1924 - 31, covers engine repair & maintenance, overhaul & adjustment of gearbox & clutch (27_RUD24_31S)
$29.95 |
58-65 Instruction / Owners Manuals by BSA for D7 Bantam 1958-65; D-7,D 7. 38 pages (61_BSA5865D7INS)
$20.95 |
66-73 Owners Instruction Manual by Husqvarna for Moto-cross 250 360 400 cc 1966-73 (69_HUS6673MCINS)
$32.95 |
71-78 Honda CB350 CB400 CB550 Fours Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer (73_M332)
$34.95 |
91-98 Honda CBR600 F2 & F3 Haynes shop service Repair Manual 600cc Fours (93_2070)
$34.95 |
31-39 Instruction Book All models by Villiers (35_VIL31_39AINS)
$20.95 |
64-72 Suzuki Service Repair Manual by Clymers (67_Suzuki_SVC)
$39.95 |
73-81 Kawasaki 900 & 1000cc KZ1000 KZ900 Z1 Z1R C series Police 78-81 Fours shop Service repair Manual by Clymer (75_M359)
$34.95 |
76-84 R60/7 R75/7 R80/7 R100/7 R100T R100S R100RT R100RS R100CS Shop Service Repair Manual by BMW Motorcycle (79_BMW_R_Svc)
$89.95 |
75-83 Honda GL1000 & 1100 Shop Service Repair Manual 304 pages by Clymer Goldwing Interstate 1000 GL1100 (79_M340)
$39.95 |
78-86 CX GL 500 & 650 V-twins Repair Manual by Haynes for Honda includes CX500 GL500 CX650 GL650 Silver Wing Custom Deluxe SilverWing Interstate Sport and more (81_442)
$34.95 |
86-94 Concours Shop Service Repair Manual by Kawasaki (90_Concours_SVC)
$59.95 |
97-05 Triumph Fuel Injected Triples Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes 885 955 Speed Triple Daytona Sprint RT RS Tiger (99_3755)
$49.95 |
2010-2018 Honda VT1300 Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer 544 pages inluding Stateline Sabre Interstate Fury CR CRA CS CSA CT CTA CX CXA with color wiring diagrams (B14_M233)
$47.95 |
46-55 Instruction Book Owners Manuals B31 B32 B33 B34 by BSA, 78 pages. (50_BSA4655B31IN)
$29.95 |
48-57 Shop Manual 125 150 by Vespa. 1948-57, 192+ pages. for scooters with engine M and frame T serial numbers preceeded by prefixes: VL1, VL2, VL3, or VB1 (51_VES48_57S)
$42.95 |
48-57 Panhead Rigid Owners Service Repair Manual 223Pgs by Antique Cycle Supply (53_480)
$49.95 |
49-58 The book of the Velocette by Ferrers Leigh Shop Manual LE & Valiant by Velocette (56_VEL55_57S)
$29.95 |
68-77 Norton Commando 745-828 cc. Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes covers Fastback, Roadster, Hi-Rider, Interstate 750 & 850 (72_125)
$17.95 |
77-86 GS550 Shop Service Repair Manual Suzuki Motorcycle by Clymers for Suzuki (80_M373)
$34.95 |
87-96 Yamaha FZR 600 750 1000 Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes covers 89-96 FZR 600 & 600R 87-88 FZR750R 87-95 FZR 1000 (90_2056)
$39.95 |
86-95 Kawasaki 1000GTR Concours Shop Service Repair Manual - 298 pages (95_KAW86_951S)
$83.95 |
05-14 Piaggio Vespa Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes covers GTS125 GGTS250 GTS300ie GTV250 GTV300ie LX LXV125 150ie S125 150ie and more (B075_4898_USA)
$59.95 |
60-70 Instruction Book 225H Starmaker by Villiers (65_VIL225HSINS)
$20.95 |
KLX250 Owners & Shop Service Repair Manual by Kawasaki (80_KLX250_OMSVC)
$24.95 |
KDX250-B1 Owners Manual & Shop Service Repair Manual by Kawasaki KDX 250 (81_KDX250b1)
$24.95 |
37-48 Instruction Book Owners Manuals 350 - 500 - 600 by BSA (42_BSA3748350IN)
$24.95 |
48-59 The Book of the BSA twins A Practical Guide for owners of all 500 or 650 CC OHV Vertical Twins A7 A10 131 pages shop manual by WC Haycraft (53_BSA48_59A7S)
$37.95 |
49-60 Shop Manual All models by Villiers 1949-60 282 pages (54_VIL49_60AS)
$51.95 |
62-73 A50 A65 Twins 499cc 654cc Owners Workshop Manual by Haynes 87 pgs (67_5065ShopMn)
$34.95 |
1969-80 750 Fours Shop Service Repair Manual by Chilton's for Honda Motorcycle (74_750Chilton)
$49.95 |
80-91 KZ & ZX 750 shop service Repair Manual for Air Cooled Fours Kawasaki by Haynes (83_574)
$34.95 |
92-03 Yamaha Seca II and Diversion XJ600S XJ600N Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (94_2145)
$34.95 |
93-06 BMW R850 1100 1150 Shop Service Repair Manual Covering R850R 95-06 R850GS 99-01 R1100S/SS 99-05 R1100R 95-01 R1150R 01-06 R1150R Rockster 03-05 R1150RS 93-04 R1150RT 96-04 R1100GS 94-00 R1150GS 00-03 R1150GS Adventurer 02-06 by Haynes (98_3466)
$39.95 |
46-58 Sunbeam motorcycle Shop Service Repair Manual S7 & S8 twin 110 pages authored by Munro & originaly published by Pearson (52_SUN46_58S7S)
$32.95 |
1962-74 Turf Trucksters & Haulsters Models 880710 -881867 Parts Book by Cushman 88 pgs (68_8807_PL)
$16.95 |
93-2005 R850 R1100 R1150 R1200C BMW motorcycle shop Service Repair & Maintenance Manual by Clymer including R850R R850C R850GS R1100GS R1100R R1100RS R1100RT R1100S R1150GS R1150R Rockster R1150RS R1150RT R1200C and more... (95_M503_3)
$49.95 |
2002-13 Harley VSRC V-Rod Series Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer, over 650 pages (B04_M426)
$45.95 |
37-50 150 250 500 OHV 350 500 600 Side Valve SinglesMaintenance & Repair Manual by A. St. J. Masters 200 pgs (44_TRMasters_MM)
$29.95 |
46 - 59 Twin vertical A Service maintenance manual by CJ Pearson 184 pgs (52_VerttwinA_SM)
$24.95 |
57-70 The Second Book of the Lambretta Shop service repair Manual by RH Warring & Clymer Li TV GT200 200SX GP Special Starstream 125 150 175 200 and more in 120 pages (669781588501707)
$29.95 |
69-82 How to Restore Honda CB Fours 176 pgs 682 photos by R. Burns for CB350 CB400 CB500 CB550 CB650 CB750 (76_Honda_Four)
$59.95 |
83-96 K-models 750 & 1000 BMW Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes covers 83-92 K100 85-96 K75 (89_1373)
$59.95 |
91-2004 Triumph Triples & Fours carburetor engines shop service Repair Manual by Haynes 750 900 1000 1200cc (93_2162)
$49.95 |
1990 - 2003 Harley Davidson Sportster & Big Twin Bolt-on Performance by Jerry Smith & SA Design 128 Pages (96_SA88_HP)
$18.95 |
05-18 Piaggio Vespa Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes covers GTS125 GGTS250 GTS300ie GTV250 GTV300ie LX LXV125 150ie S125 150ie and more (B075_4898)
$89.95 |
48-62 BSA 500 A7 650 A10 Twins Shop Service Repair Manual The Book of the BSA Twins A practical guide for owners 133 pages by WC Haycraft (60_BSA500650TWS)
$47.95 |
Cobra 125 cc & Cobra Scrambler Shop Service Repair Manual by Cosmopolitan Motors (72_Cbr125_Svc)
$14.95 |
72-86 Original Supersport & Sport: Restorer's guide to Ducati Originality by Ian Fallon; including the 750 Sport, 750SS, 900SS, 900 Darmah SS, Mike Hailwood Replica and the 1000 S2: 128 hardbound pages (79_133383AP)
$249.95 |