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78-88 Laverda Performance Portfolio compilation of articles in 140 page book form about Laverda including Formula Mirage TS, Jota 1200, America 1000/20, RGA, Motodd, RGS 1000 & Corsa, SFC 750 & 1000, 1200 and Anniversary Special. 31 articles in all (83_A_LV8BPP)
$29.95 |
1969-80 750 Fours Shop Service Repair Manual by Chilton's for Honda Motorcycle (74_750Chilton)
$49.95 |
50 cc Dynamo Compact Parts Catalog Manual & Price List by Cosmopolitan Motors (73_50_ccParts)
$14.95 |
Parts Manual for 65cc Benelli Buzzer, Buzzer Jr. & Hornet by Cosmopolitan Motors (73_Buzz_Parts)
$39.95 |
69-82 How to Restore Honda CB Fours 176 pgs 682 photos by R. Burns for CB350 CB400 CB500 CB550 CB650 CB750 (76_Honda_Four)
$59.95 |
Cobra 125 cc & Cobra Scrambler Shop Service Repair Manual by Cosmopolitan Motors (72_Cbr125_Svc)
$14.95 |
72-86 Original Supersport & Sport: Restorer's guide to Ducati Originality by Ian Fallon; including the 750 Sport, 750SS, 900SS, 900 Darmah SS, Mike Hailwood Replica and the 1000 S2: 128 hardbound pages (79_133383AP)
$249.95 |
Hodaka the complete story of America's favorite trail bike by K. Smith COLLECTORS EDITION numbered limited edition of 250 with Red leather cover with silver foil design inspired by the rare Hodaka Workshop Manual Gorgeous black cloth box with original Hodaka engineering drawing design, cutout, and color graphic on back of the box Four fantastic Hodaka stickers 24x36 poster of original Hodaka art (67_Hodaka_Colec)
$159.95 |
74-92 Yamaha RS RXS 100 125 Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (83_331)
$34.95 |
59-78 Vespa 100 125 150 185 & 200 Scooters Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (69_126)
$34.95 |
69-79 Vintage Japanese street bike Clymer Shop Manual Kawasaki 250-750cc triples H KH S 59-69 Honda 250 & 305 twins incl CL72 CL77 CB72 CB77 CS72 CS77 CA71 Dream CE71 CA72 Hawk Scrambler C76 CA76 Touring CS76 CSA76 C77 CA77 Super CSA77 Sport 73-78 Kawasaki 900 1000 fours incl Z-1 KZ900 KZ1000 Z1-R (70_M305)
$34.95 |
63-83 Triumph 650 & 750 Unit Twins 2 valve Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes covers Thunderbird Trophy Tiger Bonneville Trail Special Electro & Executive (73_122)
$36.95 |
King Scorpion 250 Automix Owners Book includes maintenance, wiring diagrams and parts book by Montesa 8x11 (70_MontesaScorp - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
El Tigre MX Owners Manual by Penneys (80_ElTigreMX_OM - Not a shop manual)
$24.95 |
75-95 GoldWing The First 20 years Twentieth Anniversary book 118 pages many photos by Honda telling the story including 1000 1100 1200 1500/6, Interstate (80_Goldwing)
$49.95 |
75-95 GoldWing Gold Portfolio compilation of articles in 172 page book form about Honda including 1000 1100 1200 1500/6, Interstate, SE, 36 articles in all (85_A_HNWBGP)
$39.95 |
1963-1986 How to Restore Classic Small Frame Vespa Scooters Restoration Manual by M Paxton with 688 color photos in 120 pages (75_210756AE)
$69.95 |
Haynes owners workshop manual for P200E & P125X (62_HMBR)
$36.95 |
History of Bimota; 25 years of excellence 240 hardbound pages by G. Sarti in English complete covering 90 different models up thrpugh 1999 (89_Bimota_Hist)
$449.95 |
70-99 Harley Davidson Shovelhead and Evolution Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes Covers FL FLH FLHS from 70-80 FX FXE FXS FXEF from 70-80 FLT FLTC/U FLH FLHF FLHR FLHS FLHT FLHTC/U from 78-99 FXR FXRS FXRS-SP FXRS-CONV FXLR FXRD FXRT from 82-99 FXB FXD FXE FXDG FXDL FXDWG FXDS-CONV FXEF FXS FXSB FXWG FXST FXSTC FXSTS FLST FLST-SP FLSTC FLSTF FLSTN from 79-99 Dyna FXD FXDB FXDC FXDL FXDS-CONV FXDWG from 91-98 (85_2536)
$39.95 |
Roma Scooter RS Shop Manual by Raleigh (65_RALRSS)
$24.95 |
55-85 BMW Twins Restoration by M. Walker for all flat twin models including R50 R60 R69 R50/2 R50S R60/2 R69S R80 G/S R100RS R60/5 R90S R100RS R100RT R75/5 R65LS R100CS R90/6 R80/7 R80RT and more (70_Flat_Twin_Re)
$69.95 |
Peugeot Scooter Manual by Haynes for repair and service of Peugeot Scooters (75_3920PeuScoot)
$34.95 |
100cc KS100 Scrambler Motorcycle Owners Manual by Zundapp (65_100cc_OM - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
RD60 Owners manual by Yamaha for RD 60 Motorcycle (65_RD60_OM - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
Goldwing: the complete story of the Honda Goldwing 176 hardcover pages by P. West (875_136600AE)
$34.95 |
Commando Ultimate Portfolio compilation of articles in 208 page book form including Commando S, SS, Production Racer, Roadster, Fastback, Dunstall 810, 850, Interstate Mk.2A, John Player Special and Mk.3 by Brooklands about Norton superbike (70_A_N68BUP)
$44.95 |
58-90 Classic Honda Motorcycles Identification Guide 224 pgs by B Silver evaluating of ea. model incl XL250 XL350 CT70 B77 Hawk CB92 Benly Dream CB750 CB400F CB1100F VF750F Interceptors & many more (74_ClassHondaMo)
$44.95 |
1987 Honda CH80 Elite 80 Scooter Owners Manual by Honda Motorcycles (87_31GE1620 - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
1987 Honda CH250 Elite Scooter Owners Manual by Honda Motorcycles (87_31KM1620 - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
1987 Honda CH150 Elite Scooter Owners Manual by Honda Motorcycles (87_31KV7600 - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
How to Build Harley Davidson Horsepower Book by Tom Murphy 160 pages (87_HarleyHorseP)
$34.95 |
Save the Triumph Bonneville the inside story of the Meriden Workers Co-op by J. Rosamond & T. Benn 448 pages hardcover the real inside story told by the actual participants and leader (70_150118)
$24.95 |
Moto Guzzi Big Twins history of the famed twins covers V700 V7 Sport Le Mans V10 Centauro V11 EV and more 128 pgs with 140 ill by G Field (86_127141AP)
$44.95 |
Scooter Lifestyle by Ian 'Iggy' Grainger 128 pages about scooters & the culture that surrounds them, complete with interviews & over 150 color photographs (B08_ScooterLife)
$24.95 |
Choppers Heavy Metal Art book covers the many styles of customized choppers and bobbers and the builders behind them by M. Lichter & M. Seate 240 hardbound pages (60_139378AP)
$29.95 |
Enduro 360 H Owners Manual includes maintenance instructions & parts catalog by Montesa (60_Enduro360HOM - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
Suzuki Motorcycle History Book Contents: History to 1977, Road-going Lightweights, Road-going Bigger Bikes & Superbikes, Sporting Bikes, Junior Bikes, Star Riders 63 pages with lots of color photos by Geoff Aspel (70_SuzukiAspel)
$19.95 |
59-2000 Motorcycle Identification Guide by Honda covers all models ATV, Scooters, Motorcycles with VIN #, photos, color info 524 pages (90_2GMAS00AH)
$129.95 |
Triumph Motorcycles Illustrated Buyers Guide by Roy Bacon 160 pages all models 1945-1988 (65_124676AP)
$24.95 |
Honda the UK Story by E. Dymock history of Honda in England both cars and motorcycles through 1995 hardcover 112 page (94_ChryLabor)
$24.95 |
750 owners manual & spare parts catalog for 750GT & Sport; 160 pages in English, Italian, and French. (75_Ducati750Ric - Not a shop manual)
$59.95 |
36-84 Classic Harley Davidson Big Twins Knuckleheads Panheads & Shovelheads by M Marselli published by Motorbooks International history book with numerous color photographs (60_HarleyTwins)
$19.95 |
1959-2008 How to Restore Classic Large Frame Vespa Scooters Restoration Manual by M Paxton (75_largevespa)
$69.95 |
Pursuit of Dreams the First 50 Years of Honda 213 page hard cover history (73_PursuitHonda)
$129.95 |
Moto Guzzi Buyers Guide, by Mick Walker, 2nd edition 1946-95 (73_121459AP)
$34.95 |
Chopped Harleys 50 Years of Rebellious Motorcycles by J Carroll 128 page hard cover history detailing the rise of Harley chopper culture (70_ChopHarley)
$19.95 |
Italian Custom Motorcycles by U Cloesen - The Italian Chop - Choppers Cruisers Bobbers Trikes & Quads with 260 coolor photos in 128 hardcover pages (90_200078AE)
$39.95 |
Motorcycle Handbook, covers everything you need to select and maintain motorcycles, riding gear & Accessories by Kevin Maher and Ben Greisler by Chilton (9099)
$24.95 |
Motorcycle Handbook covers everything you need to select and maintain motorcycles, riding gear & accessories by Kevin Maher and Ben Greisler by Chilton (9099_Handbook)
$34.95 |